Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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the slopes of the valley mountains came into sight, the sheer beauty would almost slap the onlooker in the face.

They soon reached the bottom of the valley and the road flattened out into a comfortable four laned highway. There was a barricade that separated the in coming and out going traffic with breaks every so often to allow for motorists to make a U-turn or a turn of the highway to branching roads.

The closer the coach got to the town that stood out against the backdrop of the valley wall, the heavier traffic got with many trucks entering and exiting the farming capital of Rivine.

Five hours after leaving Triccoli, the coach was now approaching the Jaroka station which was arguably the half way point between the Paridosa-Mobilia border and the Arc Vale-Rivine border.

The sun was shining and every time there was no cloud cover its heat was barging down on the inhabitants of Narkal. The coach pulled up and a few passengers on board had reached their destination. Scotty needed to stretch his legs, he