Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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exported to other districts. The valley was rich and fertile and many farmers were always looking for a way to invest in the produce. The driver was back on the mic and was informing the passengers about Jaroka and the unique facts of the Jaroka Valley.

"Legend has it that Jaroka was the dwelling place of the first animals to inhabit the colony of Narkal. The soil of Jaroka is by far the most fertile in the colony and arguably the district of Rivine. What is even more staggering is that the mining companies recently discovered that further along the valley the fossils of these animals have ensured an ample amount of oil to be extracted. The valley is also the leading tourist attraction in the district. Gliders fly across the valley air space with the number of flights averaging one thousand a month. In fact, as we continue to go down the valley keep your eyes to the sky and you may see gliders flying above you." The passengers on the coach were very interested with what be had to say. The trip continued to be one of beautiful landscapes and as