Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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confirmed so N.Squad, Hena and Presto you need to find a way to get to the artists as soon as possible whilst keeping track of Irene."

"Got it Adria, thanks for the update." Responded Piettro. His team didn't move an inch.

"Hena, Presto and Paula you are to follow Irene and keep a close watch of the situation at the Haven. Feedback must be relayed to Adria. The rest of us will be on the artists."

"Copy that boss," responded Presto.


The train was at the Valeria station at 12:58pm. "User K.O. has left the train. Confirm that you have a visual," voiced Presto.

"Affirmative, I have a visual." Paula tagged Irene visually but hadn't made any movements.

"We shall converge at the exit of the station." "Copy that Presto."


Irene walked out of the station with her phone to the ear, she was on the phone with Haley.

"Hello Hay," said Irene as she answered the call.