Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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"Hey love, you alright?" Asked Haley.

"I'm good, on my way to work. Is everything alright?" "Oh yeah everything is okay. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay."

"I'm okay."

"Good. Have a good day then." "Thanks, you too."

Haley cut the call and Irene called for a cab.

The driver quickly parked in the temporary parking slot.

Soon she was being driven to the Haven in the navy blue cab.

Presto, Hena and Paula were close behind and soon also called for a cab.

"To the Haven, how much?" Asked Hena. "Four Narks." Answered the cabby dryly.

They got in and were on their way to the Haven.






"Okay, before we enter this place are you sure we