Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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podium's landing spot, dreading the thought of going back up on stage.


"Don't tell me this is when you're getting cold feet. Like seriously, we're just about to go on stage dude. Grow a pair." Brianna, always seemed harsh but the truth is that all she wanted was the best for both Scotty and the crew. As the podium landed, the female voice was giving a brief account of the crew that just left the stage. She was buying time for the instruments to be cleared off the stage.


There was a few seconds of silence and then;

"It comes as no surprise that the only rappers to grace the stage tonight are a group of people born and bred right here in Triccoli. You've seen them on the streets, you've heard them on the radio, you've seen them on your screens but tonight you get to experience them in the Blue Sax as they perform for you, live! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls they are the inventors of lyricology. Please give a warm welcome for Triccoli's own, The Pharoahtics!" An