Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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tension between them.

"If she was, she wouldn't have made it to the roof top. I doubt she would've even lasted up North." The seriousness in Jordi's voice sent shivers down Essay's spine, he was only trying not to add to the tension he was already bringing with his concern of personal affairs.

"Well, I'll be sure to remain in your good books then," he said jokingly. She let a slight sound that suggested she was pleased with his joke but he wasn't sure whether to label it as a laugh or a giggle. He just took it as what it was and continued to drink from his energy drink.

"You know, if you've got something to do or someone to meet, it's alright to go." She was beggining to sense that he was trying hard to not let his worry become a barrier between them. He was right to sense that because she really idolized Essay and a lot of his lyrics were more than just a mere performance to her (it just didn't click to him how much of an impact he had on her life).

"Well, I know. I'm just waiting for the right time." He