Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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tried his best to sound certain and straight forward but in actual fact he was dead frightened of what he was to do and where he was to go. He wasn't sure if this was the right thing to do or not. All he knew was that it had to be done.

"Seems like a really important meeting Scotty, I hope it's not something that will raffle feathers and cause chaos in the Fasceda house." Jordi's eyes pierced his in search of some information that related to what she was searching for.

"Nah, it's important to me but I doubt it would even register on your Richter scale." He was confident as he spoke but he couldn't allow her to know that he had no clue as to whether it would blow out of proportion or not. Besides, that wasn't his call to make.

"Where is it anyway, I can give you a ride there if you like."

He paused for a moment, knowing well and good that he shouldn't have even entertained the thought of involving her in his business. "Jordi, you really don't need to know." He tried his best to sound