Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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polite and inoffensive.

"Alright" she said annoyingly, "but don't you think that if you're gonna do some under the table business in my Father's turf you at least have his daughter on your side?" She was really trying hard to get information out of Essay. He didn't respond or react to her question, he just sat there and ignored.

"Look Scotty, right now I'm on your side. I honestly want to help you do what you gotta do but you need to give me some form of Intel. Besides, I could probably direct you where you need to go, or at least where you should go." Her face seemed more attractive to look at as she showed an expression of concern on her face. Her facial expression intensified with Essay's lack of one on his.

"Well, if you're gonna be a dumb ass at least entertain me until you gotta go." She was irritated and didn't feel she needed to beg him for information that could help him. He smiled as he seemed to snap out of his trance like state.

"Well, if you're so interested then let's go."