One Year of Life by K J Tesar - HTML preview

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5. The flux of life



Vicky’s day, as usual, started early. She was always the first to get up. In all honesty, if she didn’t she was pretty sure that everyone else would just stay in bed all day. Sometimes she was tempted to put that idea to the test. She would pretend she overslept, and watch the catastrophic results. Maybe then people would realise just how important she was to the punctual running of the household, instead of just taking her for granted. Maybe then they would realise that breakfast didn’t just materialise on the kitchen table, and the day’s clothes didn’t jump out of the cupboard all by themselves, and conveniently lay down on the bed, ready to be worn. With a sigh, she slipped out from under the sheets. That would be for another time. That day would have to wait. She had a really busy day ahead of her, and couldn’t afford to get behind schedule, before even starting. Apart from getting Mike up and out to work, she had to get the kids, Terrence and Abigail, ready for school. Then she would have to fly off to do a four hour shift at the supermarket, on the till. She already had a headache just thinking about that. Rows of faceless, rude people all with something to complain about. Did they really think that she, on the cash register, was responsible for the correct labeling of the products? Could she really know if next week the bananas would be on special offer, because someone had read on the internet that there was a worldwide glut of bananas? How in God’s name would she be able to tell if a watermelon was ripe, or not? Years of studying at university to end up doing a job that an 18 year old junky could easily perform. Actually the effects of the drugs would probably make the day pass easier. Just what did you answer to some idiot knocking on a watermelon, asking you:

‘Do you think this sounds like a good one?’

Sometimes she would fantasise that a voice from inside the watermelon would answer:

‘Hey, you wanna stop knocking already, you’re giving me a headache.’

Who would have thought that such an easy job could be such hard work? Anyway, now that thankfully Abigail had started school things seemed to be improving, slowly. She didn’t need to ask her mother to look after Abigail so often. For some reason that always seemed to end in an argument. Weren’t grandparents supposed to dote on their grandchildren? Wasn’t it supposed to be a great pleasure for them to see their grandkids as much as possible? That certainly didn’t seem to be the case with Vicky’s mum. It always seemed to be more of an intrusion, than anything else. In any case Abigail was now in school, and so she had a bit more free time. Maybe, just maybe, she could start to think about the possibility of looking for a better job. At least that thought made it easier for her as she prepared the day for everyone. She wanted to have everything ready for them all before waking them from their slumbers, and ruining their pleasant dreams with the reality of just another day to get through. First on the list was always Mike. She gently shook him awake.

‘Up you get, Mike. You don’t want to be late.’

‘What? Already? I’ve only just gone to bed. Are you sure it’s not Sunday today?’

‘Come on, move it!’

‘Hey, come here, you.’

He would always give her a little cuddle in the morning, before ignoring her completely. Mike, as usual, was the easiest one of all. He was Mr. Last Minute Man. He would fly through eating some toast with marmalade, drink his coffee, and do his bathroom routine all in a flash. Before you knew it he would be dressed, and out the door, off for another day in the office, where he worked as an accountant. The same could definitely not be said for the kids. Each morning was almost like a rerun of the second world war, except with the commanding officer, Mike, absent. It was left to the lower ranks, those with far less authority, to sort out all the battle plans, and try and coerce the troops into position. Vicky had worked out a routine of promises, threats, and lies, all played when, and where, necessary. Anything to get through the difficult morning skirmishes. It brought her almost a sense of victory when she would have finally dropped the two of them off at their schools, even though really, that was only the start of her day. Sometimes she wondered where she got the energy from, and for how long she would be able to maintain that high level of stamina. For how many more years would her life be so thankless? Mind you, she thought, slowly slowly change was happening. Now that Abigail was going to school it meant that she had less fights with her mother about looking after her, while she worked. Still she quite often needed to ask her to pick up Abigail from school in the afternoon, which, rather than a fight, was now really only a minor argument, so maybe in a few decades she would actually have a life of her own? Probably not, but at least it was a thought that brought her comfort in the middle of her chaotic, tempestuous life. She looked at her watch. Right on schedule. She loved that. Vicky was sure she deserved an award for being able to pull off all the minor miracles that she managed to achieve, although, in reality, a little thank you probably wouldn’t go astray every now and then. She parked the car outside the coffee shop where she had arranged to meet Dave. She really wanted to sort out things for Lucy, and felt that it would be better to talk to Dave in person. The two of them had exchanged messages, but they were so limiting, and impersonal. Lucy had quite obviously fallen in love with James, who was anything but ready for something like that, after all that he had been through. Vicky hoped that Dave and her would be able to guide the two of them through the difficult passages ahead. As she entered the coffee shop she saw Dave already sitting at a table, waiting for her. She gave him a wave, as she walked over to the table. In reply Dave looked her up and down, starting from her legs, and stopping briefly at her breasts, before looking at her face. With a slight sense of embarrassment Vicky felt her nipples harden. My God, she thought, how long has it been since anyone had shown sexual interest in me?

‘Hi Dave, I’m glad you could make it. Can I get you a coffee?’

‘Hey, you sit down. I’ll get them in.’

Vicky sat down, and watched Dave as he went to the serving area to order the coffees. He really was a good looking man. It was nice to meet someone new. Plus, with their shared interest in the Lucy/James affair they had plenty to talk about. Not that she thought for a moment that Dave would ever be stuck for words. He was a real chatterbox. Plus his stories were always really funny. He told them well. He had perfected the art of the expert raconteur. Dave returned with their coffees.

‘Here you are. You know what Vicky, that dress really suits you. It shows of your body perfectly. You really do have great taste in clothes.’

‘Thanks for noticing! It’s not new but I really do like the fit.’

In the car she had the smock she would have to change into for her supermarket duty. Thank goodness she hadn’t worn that! Mind you, with the many hats she wore through her day, she was used to quick changes from one outfit to another as the various phases of her day demanded. Vicky felt good. The mood was pleasant.

‘How nice to start the day with a relaxing coffee. You know, I couldn’t tell you the last time I did that. Definitely a couple of kids ago!’

‘Yeah, Vicky, I know what you mean there. Having kids really changes everything, doesn’t it? It’s like your own life gets put on hold, and their lives take over everything. It’s almost like we get cryogenically frozen, only to be thawed out when they are grown up, and out on their own.’

Vicky laughed in delight.

‘Yes, that’s exactly right! Well, I suppose in a way it’s our fault really for letting that happen. We should still be able to carve out a little time for ourselves. Like this, this is nice.’

Dave gave her the sweetest of smiles.

‘Yes, it is nice.’


The streets were crowded with people out doing some shopping, or, like James and Lucy, sightseeing. On such a beautifully sunny spring morning no one wanted to stay inside. The old town was looking splendid in the morning sun. The cobbled streets invoking thoughts of times gone by, people, long since gone, who had once walked these very same streets. Lucy smiled at her James.

‘I love hearing your inside knowledge on the construction of these marvelous places. I’ve always loved looking at old buildings like churches, castles, and just old houses like these ones, but I’ve never really thought about the people who designed them, and built them. If you had been around a couple of hundred years ago that would have been your job.’

‘Actually when I look at them, that’s really the main thing that I focus on. The way they were designed, and the techniques used in the construction process. Quite often, in my mind, I try and imagine the step by step process. It must have been a lot harder back then, drawing out all the plans by hand, I’m pretty glad I wasn’t working as an architect in those days.’

Lucy gently squeezed his hand.

‘I’m glad you weren’t too, or you would be long dead by now.’

James laughed along with Lucy, he enjoyed her company a lot. They had a lot of fun together. He was really pleased about how she never put pressure on him to push things along. Obviously she was just taking it easy too, to see how it would all go. They had been out together a few times, and, apart from a little kiss on the cheek when they would part at the end of the evening, there hadn’t been any move towards taking the relationship to the next level. He liked that about her. They both seemed to have the same feeling about that. Take it easy, and see what, if anything, develops. The were almost like the best of friends. No insistence, no pressure. Just good company.

‘The one big advantage, back then, was the abundance of cheap labour. A lot of cathedrals were actually built in stages, over a hundred years, or even more. Quite often generations of the same family would work on them as stonemasons, or carpenters. These days, with labour costs, that would be just out of the question.’

‘How strange, to spend your whole life working on a building that you never saw completed.’

Lucy always followed his conversation with interest. When it came to architecture he could talk all day. Not many people were really interested in the nuts and bolts of the building process, they were usually just happy to look at the completed article. James had a real passion for the little details, the minutiae of construction, and design.

‘Well, not really, it wasn’t really like that. They would usually complete a part of a cathedral, which would be then used. Then they would add a wing, after which they would build the wing on the other side. Then they would work on the side altars. Quite often the actual main altar area would be the last part built. So actually each generation of workers would see their part of it completed, and put into use, although definitely at a slow pace. The original designers would never see it completed. Hey, what can I tell you, it’s a hard life being an architect! People don’t realise the cross we have to carry! We sacrifice our lives in the creation of beauty for future generations.’

The laughter flowed freely, as it always did between the two of them.

‘It really is fascinating to think about that side of these old buildings. It really is incredible to think how much of a long term plan they would follow.’

‘That has definitely changed. These days most modern skyscrapers really only have a commercial lifespan of at most 30 years. We have gone from one extreme to the other.’

‘True enough! Well, James, sorry to break the mood, but I’m starting to get hungry. Where do you want to have lunch? There are some lovely restaurants tucked away along these old streets.’

‘It’s too nice a day to have lunch inside some dark, dank building, built by people long since dead.’

They both laughed. The mood was good.

‘I think we should just let their ghosts rest in peace.’

‘Well then James, what do you propose?’

‘Why don’t we pick up some stuff from a supermarket, and have a picnic out at the beach?’

‘Fantastic! Oh, what a lovely idea. Actually, there was a little minimarket back near where you parked your car. They probably have most of what we need. What do you say to some bread, ham, cheese, olives, things like that?’

‘I say let’s do it.’

As they walked back towards the shop, James was tempted to hold Lucy’s hand. He resisted the temptation, but it felt to him like he could develop something with Lucy. Something casual. It felt right. Also, with her relaxed attitude, he was sure that it would all go nice and slowly. Just an easy-going relationship. She seemed to be on the same page as him as far as that went.

As Lucy had predicted, they found just what they were looking for at the minimarket, and left for the beach. James knew just the right spot. He would take Lucy to his bench, at a fairly isolated beach where he loved going. It was the place he would always go to think things through, and let his mind relax, and just drift where it wanted. It was a lovely spot, surrounded by lush green vegetation. All you could see around you was the sea, and the surrounding woods, with not a house, new or old, in sight. There were benches placed here and there along the beachfront on lush green, well maintained grass. He was sure she would love it. Lost in their friendly chatter, it didn’t take them long to drive there.

‘Here you go, look, you can see the ocean just around this corner.’

‘Oh, how lovely. I haven’t been out here for years. It’s such a lovely spot. Is this were you come for your famous runs along the beach?’

‘One of the places, yes. I spread myself around. There are too many nice places to just limit yourself to one. This is where I come to have a swim.’

After parking the car they set themselves up on a bench, James’s favourite bench.

‘I can’t believe you have already been in for a swim. The water must be so cold. I can barely get in in the middle of summer.’

‘What can I tell you, it’s good for the circulation!’

‘You’re crazy!’

They spread out their bounty, and started eating. The food was nice, the surroundings were fantastic, and the company was good. James looked at Lucy, as she ate. She looked so delicate. So beautiful. In that moment the thought came to him that he was ready to make love with her. It was time for life to continue, even in that department. He couldn’t put his life on hold permanently, just because things hadn’t worked out in the past. Dave was right, not that he would ever admit that to him. The thought of his crowing would never let James do that, but, really, it was true. Life had to go on. He couldn’t remain blocked by things out of his control. He knew that Lucy liked him, and that she was definitely a nice person. What more could he look for? There would never be any guarantees, with anyone. He certainly didn’t fancy the idea of being forever single. So maybe it was time? Maybe with Lucy he could get back out there, get his feet wet again. In any case, if it didn’t work out, he could call it quits. If he realised that it wasn’t going the way he wanted, he could just end things. Nicely. Without having to hurt anyone. Plus, she seemed to be looking for something casual, as well. With the two of them looking for the same easy thing it could all work out quite well. Lost in his thoughts, and in Lucy’s lovely company, he hadn’t noticed the change in the weather. Dark clouds had rolled in, the day had changed. The mood was good, but the day had turned sombre. All of a sudden a massive downpour rained down upon them, out of nowhere.

‘Come on Lucy, run for the car!’

‘Wait, we can’t just leave our rubbish here.’

Lucy threw all the leftovers into a shopping bag, before running to the car. By the time they got into the car they were both soaking wet, and cold.

‘Where the hell did that come from?’ James asked, still in a bit of a daze.

‘James, head to my place, quick! It’s closer. We’ve got to get out of these wet clothes before we freeze to death!’

James turned the heater up to maximum, and drove as fast as he could. Even he felt really cold, and he knew he was a lot more resistant to the cold than Lucy. It was only about a twenty minute drive, but he could see poor Lucy shivering, beside him.

‘I’m so sorry, Lucy!’

‘What for? Do you control the weather?’

‘I didn’t realise that the weather was changing, I was so distracted by the food, and the lovely spot, and everything.’

‘Hey, me too, James. Don’t worry, we will survive..... maybe. That’s if we don’t get pneumonia, or something, and die choking, and spluttering. Death by picnic.’

Even in this state, they could joke about things, that was one of the aspects of Lucy’s personality that James really liked.

‘I’m glad you can see the lighter side of things. I really feel rather guilty. It was my idea to go there.’

She reached over, and put her hand briefly on his shoulder. Even in his wet, cold state, the feel of her hand felt nice.

‘It was a lovely idea. There was nothing in the weather forecast about rain, I checked this morning. It’s not your fault, God! You aren’t responsible for these things.’

‘Wet, cold, and laughing. Careful, you will make me crash the car!’ In no time at all they arrived at her place. He parked outside Lucy’s house, and they both ran to the door. It was still raining cats and dogs, but by this time it didn’t make much difference. They were already both completely soaking wet.

‘Sorry, James, but I’m having the first shower.’

‘Of course, don’t worry about me. I’ll just wait here dying slowly, freezing to death.’

James was just kidding around. Of course Lucy would have the first shower. He was worried about how cold she was.

‘Very funny. Listen, in the meantime take off your wet clothes, and put on this dressing gown. I know it will be a bit small for you, but it’s all I’ve got.’

Lucy gave him a flannel dressing gown, and disappeared into the bathroom. James took of his soaking clothes, and put on the dressing gown. It was way to small for him, but at least it covered up the necessary parts. It would do. After what seemed like barely a minute Lucy came out of the bathroom, wearing a sort of silky Japanese kimono.

‘That was fast. Are you sure you have warmed up enough?’

‘Of course, silly. Now get in the shower, and warm up. I will put your clothes in the dryer. Move it!’

James didn’t need much prompting. Within seconds he was under a hot spray of water. The hot water cascading over him felt good. Actually Lucy was right. After just a minute, or so, he was back to his normal self. The cold just a memory. He dried himself off with a fresh scented towel, and put on his bathrobe. Lucy’s bathroom was very orderly. She was obviously a very neat and tidy person, not like most women that James had known. Usually a woman’s bathroom was more like a junkyard, with objects strewn everywhere. Half empty little bottles of who knew what would normally be found lying where they had been casually discarded. But that was definitely not the case with Lucy. The two of them had a lot of similarities. Living on your own it could be easy to give in to the temptation to let things go. For James it was important to be clean, and tidy. Orderly was good. He finished drying his hair, and left the bathroom. Lucy was waiting for him in the kitchen. As ever, she had a lovely smile on her face.

‘I’ve put your clothes in the dryer, and put on the kettle. How about a nice cup of tea?’

Seeing her there, dressed just in her skimpy kimono, knowing that she was naked underneath, was just too much for James. He could feel the blood rushing to his penis. The excitement built in him. The moment had come. He wanted her. He wanted to make love with her. He moved towards her, and took her in his arms. She put her arms around him, and they kissed.


The hot shower had felt so good. Lucy really hated the rain, and so, as always, had checked the weather forecast before leaving in the morning, to go sightseeing with James. The forecast had been for no rain, so she had gone out without an umbrella, or raincoat. It was supposed to have been a lovely spring day. Lucy was a bit annoyed with herself for having been so trusting of the weather forecast. She should have been more prepared. The rain had ruined what had been an absolutely marvelous day. Anyway, they had made it home, without too much damage. The next time she would make sure that she was better organised, and maybe a bit less trusting of the weather forecasters. She would start to think of them in the same way as used car salesmen, and keep a wary eye on them. Lucy could have stayed under the cascading hot water for hours, but she felt a bit guilty about James waiting, soaking wet. She knew he would be feeling very cold, and needed to warm up. She quickly finished her shower, dried off, and left the bathroom, but not before tidying up a little. She was a very neat and tidy person, and didn’t want James to see the bathroom in a mess. With few words James headed in for a hot shower, and Lucy set about putting his wet clothes in the dryer. She was absolutely dying for a nice hot cup of tea. She put the kettle on, and prepared a couple of cups. Without a doubt James would love one, too. That was just what you needed after getting caught in a downpour. Before the water had boiled James came into the kitchen. He looked so funny in that tight dressing gown.

‘I’ve put your clothes in the dryer, and put on the kettle. How about a nice cup of tea?’

Lucy smiled at James. He looked so cute in the dressing gown. Then, with a great surprise, she saw the bulge growing rapidly in the dressing gown. The blood rushed to her head, as she realised that James was getting an erection. The moment she had been waiting for had arrived, but she was so flustered she didn’t know what she should do. She was frozen to the spot. The moment she had been waiting for had come, but she didn’t know how to react to it. James came towards her, took her in his strong arms, and they kissed. It was the most beautiful thing that Lucy had ever experienced in her life. With her arms wrapped around his body she felt so light, and free. The intimacy that she had been waiting for for so long had finally arrived. She could feel his erection pressed up against her body. The thought of being desired by James was almost too much for her emotions to handle. They kissed passionately, but slowly. James was so delicate, so gentle. He took control of the situation. He led her to the bedroom, where they kissed some more. James’s hands explored her body, slipping underneath her kimono. His hands brushed over her back, and down across her buttocks. The feel of his hands was so sensual. So soft. One of his hands slid down her thigh, and turned in, coming to a stop just before reaching her vagina. Lucy was breathless with the pleasure she felt. James untied her kimono, and slid it over her shoulders, onto the floor. Without having noticed it happen, she saw that James was also naked. He bent down and kissed her breasts, delicately pulling at her nipples with his lips. His hand brushed along her inner thigh, and slowly lingered across her vagina. Lucy felt like she was in a dream. She didn’t have much experience at making love, and had never been very forward about it. But that was then, now she was with the love of her life. It felt so natural to her, so easy. She slid her hand down across his stomach, and took his penis in her hand. James gave a little groan of delight as her hand caressed his erection. James moved her onto the bed, and lay down on top of her. Lucy opened her legs for him, and guided him inside her. It all felt so instinctive, as if it was preordained. As his penis entered her Lucy wanted to scream out;

‘James. I love you. I love you so much. You are the love of my life. I will always love you!’

But she didn’t.

Instead she bit into her lip, and said nothing. Lucy could hear the words of advice from her friends ringing in her ears. She knew that they were right. She desperately needed to control herself. She had to pretend to take things slowly. She knew it was far too early in their relationship to say those sort of things. Emma had told her that it would be best to wait until James said that first. She had to keep a calm exterior. In any case, there was no hurry. Time was on her side. She was exactly where she wanted to be, where she had desired to be almost all her life. Her beautiful man was slowly, delicately, making love to her. She wrapped her arms around him, as he repeatedly penetrated her. Lucy knew, in that moment, that her life was just beginning. The man she loved dearly was now her lover, officially. From that point on, they would be a couple. It didn’t matter that she couldn’t tell him how much she loved him. Having him with her, holding him, being with him, that was what mattered. She would love him, she would hold him in her heart, waiting for him to be the one to express their love for the first time. She just absolutely knew that he felt the same way she did. The only difference was that James was more cautious, he wanted to arrive at that point a bit more slowly, but she knew in her heart that they were meant for each other. In all probability he was right. Without a doubt both Emma and Vicky were right. Probably these things were best taken slowly. The important thing was that they were now with each other. Finally, she had found her true love, she wouldn’t ruin things by overreacting, or expressing her love before James was ready for that. She wouldn’t push him too fast. Her heart was so full of love. Her life had become that which she had always dreamed of, even though she had almost totally given up any chance of ever finding it. Together with her one true love, they would build a beautiful life. Lucy finally had it all. The feel of her lover inside her was the most beautiful pleasure she had ever experienced. She would hold her man, she would love her man. James would be her life, her reason for living. She had never known that such happiness was possible. As she buried her head in his strong neck, tears of joy trickled down her face.