Phantomaniacs: World of Shadows by Theodora Oniceanu - HTML preview

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Miranda was killing demons with the thirst of a victim that’s been offered the chance for revenge. Possessed by the spirit of a great warrior, she engaged into demon’s fights the moment a sword was handed to her. In her human life she had never touched a sword unless it was a wooden toy to handle against the enemy squad on the playground. But that was years ago and things were as different now as legends told and written, and theories on the creation of Earth can differ.

- She’s been keeping it like this ever since she got here! Auria, the queen over the World of Shadows said. She’s been indefatigably fighting against ghouls and demons without a word spoken to any of us. It’s been more than twelve human hours, now, she should have felt tired yet she never showed any trace of fatigue.

- Who took her here and why? Amitiel asked.

- Under my command, Aife brought her here and Ulfred handed her the sword, Auria admitted. After that there was nothing more to do. It was as if she already knew. It was my request to gather our forces and unite as a team against the demons coming from the dark, attacking the poor lost souls that are peacefully trying to survive out here. Still, I didn’t expect her to know what to do without a proper training, given the fact that she is just a human being who also lived in times of peace...

- So, you’re innocent, Amitiel asked doubtfully.

- Innocent? Auria burst into a mocking laughter. Around here, nobody is innocent. You should know better!

- Do you suspect that something went wrong during the escort? A demonic intervention, perhaps? Amitiel asked.

- It’s something in between, Auria said. You see, I suspect a strong spirit got to her first. There is a rumour circulating for a while around here, saying that deep down into the Underworld, the soul of a warrior who was trapped and tormented by demons grew stronger, turning into a demon himself and killed his guardian then fought against as many demons as he met, killing each and every one of them. But an army of other demons formed to stop and trap him again. When they managed to corner him, he commited suicide, knowing that becoming a prisoner again was not an option thus liberating himself from the heavy chains of perdition. His soul vowed, though, revenge – before his departure he promised he would return under a different identity and punish all those responsible for the suffering he endured. It is known that he fears death not and that he already possessed a couple of souls to his mission leading them to the relentless sort of fights Miranda is engaged into just now. For a second, Amitiel seemed to have mused.

- Then you suspect this warrior got to her first, he resumed, before you took her down here.

- It is one possible explanation for her impressive skills and relentless dedication to the fight. Albeit, killing demons seems to give her the sense of control, more and more power rushing through her veins, she seems to enjoy these fights, a thing that is both good and dangerous. Warriors like this have their victims fight until exhaustion. Then they go for the next body to possess for their relentless fights.

- Don’t you think that this is a bit unprincipled to use her like that, for your purposes? Amy asked.

- Well, it is either this or the free-way down to the Underworld, Auria said raising a sardonic eyebrow.

- You mean hell? Dean said putting up a flinty expression.

- Yes, you call it hell, Auria grinned, which can be that a place, if you want.

- To us, Amitiel followed, hell is nothing but a state of mind. In the world of humans all the individuals go through stages of heaven as well as hell and take them as they can, fighting for what they believe in. It is the case with every soul, be it in that place named heaven or down in hell as long as they are feeling good with themselves and what they do, it doesn’t really matter where they are. It starts to matter when there is discontent, discomfort or even rage. And that, my friends can happen anywhere. Just name your injustice and see who reacts well and what does well mean. Take demons for example: when they make somebody else suffer they enjoy it so much that it doesn’t matter if they were hurt at their turn it’s heaven for them, they enjoy it. Sometimes they even look for ways for themselves to get hurt knowing that this will bring more sorrow and pain to another being. It is only when they know they had failed completely that they become upset and truly suffer.

- Amitiel, dear, Auria pursued after a short pause, I suspect you came here to save your human-friend Miranda and not this World of Shadows, confronting with distress nowadays.

- I am ready to take her place and help you thrust demons. I’d be more than glad to send them back to where they belong, Amitiel answered. But don’t expect me to help you with your greedy mission of conquering this place.

- I advise you took your friends to see Triton and Torsten, she followed. They will provide each with the proper sword and the proper training. You will also need Varian and Trina as guides to their dwellings and back. They both live in perfect isolation, Triton and Torsten, protected by their druid friend Menw who will show you what the power of a magic sword can do on these lands.

- I will protect them, Auria.

- No offense to you and your powers, Amitiel. I know that you have been invested with great traits and an unmatched force but your friends haven’t and they can become a burden to you at any time here. It is better to have them trained and protected. Don’t worry, their souls will be set free once you completed the task.

- I’d be more than honoured to receive training and guidance from your world, Dean said with reverence.

- I guess it would be nice to be able to defend ourselves, Amy said shifting glances from Dean to Amitiel to Auria and round again.

- What kind of a bargain was that? Trading your services for Miranda’s and trying to put us...? Dean started but was cut short.

- I wasn’t trading anything, Amitiel interjected. You don’t understand how dangerous a connection with this world is for you, that’s all. I am here to protect your freedom, Dean, your human freedom, but if you want to trade it for super-powers around here, be my guest! Amitiel cut Dean’s words harshly, an action not expected.

- Couldn’t you purify us, after all this is done? Amy asked. Amitiel glowed in surprise. He didn’t expect Amy to have such great faith in him.

- You’re right, Amy. I might be able to help you with that after all this is over, he smiled.

- Good then, that’s settled! We’ll do everything we have to do to reestablish order around here then we’ll get back to our world! Her voice sounded so innocently hopeful that Amitiel couldn’t confine the warm wish to protect this child invading his being.

- It’s going to be fine! he said.

- I am a little puzzled. Auria didn’t seem to be a friend of yours!

- She isn’t, Amitiel answered tersely.

- What’s in for her? Why would she help us? Amy asked with mistrust in the tone of her voice.

- As long as someone fights demons sending them back to the Underworld or killing them, she is more than satisfied. She’d help anyone who would help her regain her full domination over the World of Shadows. Unfortunately she made a few mistakes out of greed and now she’s losing grounds.

- How can a creature feel happy when they’re hurt? Amy dazzled.

- They have a purpose, a reason to exist and their reason is chaos and destruction. Their purpose is to bring desperation and sorrow to every single creature they can get their hands on, their blood on their hands, a bond sometimes created to haunt and cause nightmares and sorrow.

- That is horrible, Amy concluded.


Varian was not in the mood for conversation. He was faithfully following Auria’s instructions, quietly showing them the way, giving notice on possible dangers every now and then. For a considerable part of their trek, they walked in a heavy silence broken only by muffled squeals every now and then. A few shadows were agitating outside the building, on the streets and in the derelict parks of Alba1, where the many entities present there were simply shifting through walls and trees avoiding to hit anything in their way.

- Are they all body-less? I mean, these shadows! Amy muttered.

- They are new around here. They haven’t got time to get used with their situation, Amitiel said in a low voice to Amy and Dean as he read a certain amount of confusion on their faces.

- They sometimes seem to behave like human bodies, she went on with her observations, other times they’re simply passing over like... well... normal shadows.

- Those who are new in this form of existence usually keep their hopes-up, trying to think of a way back into the human world, Amitiel explained. You sometimes see them walk their chins dipped to their chests, determined to help themselves out of here.

- Is there any way out? Dean asked.

- They often receive a body in exchange for their services down here but most of them end-up being disappointed, like our friend Carrden, up there, Amitiel clarified.

- You mean the old man is a shadow? Dean shuddered.

- Yes, if we speak of the same Carrden I used to know! He spent quite a while as a shadow here. We could say that he is still nothing but the shadow of the ancient Celt he was. Rumours has it that in Medieval times he used to live in the Blackstone Fortress of Abbadon, a territory he deserted in the quest for a better life out on the surface where the light of day could become his greatest companion. He lived alone for a while, in a dwelling created with his bare hands in the proximity of the Evergreen Forest. He engaged into hunting and saving the lost in the woods. One day, after helping the son of a noble man, he was invited to The Castle and offered a job as a personal guard of the twelve years old prince who needed guidance and training. Soon he proved himself much more useful to the king than anyone expected him to be and worthy he was of the titles he was invested with. He received a land of his own when he saved the young king’s life in a battle with a wild beast, a bear he killed to offer the head and fur as trophies to his royal highness. But, with great possessions and noble titles came great trouble, jealousy nesting in some noble’s souls eating them alive so, many tried to set him traps and make him fall into disgrace. Nevertheless, he remained the same loyal servant and couldn’t be eliminated from the court provided lying and trickery used. After eventually losing his lands and titles to old tricks and traps, he returned to his humble dwelling where he found an old enemy from the Blackstone Fortress waiting for him. They fought and he won the fight, killing his enemy which brought thus more enemies to his way. One day, found on his way to visit an old friend and noble whose son’s life he had rescued once, he was trapped by a little army and murdered.

- ‘The hell was he sent to do in our world? Dean affected.

- Well, that is as much of a mystery to me as it is to you.

- Perhaps he had paid his services to Auria and now was granted permission to live again for a while as a human being, Amy guessed.

- Aye! Varian interrupted. He was sent ta find the ghosts haunting that pesky village and retrieve them ta the world they belong ta. Carrden’s mission is far from being done! From hereon ye will be guided by Trina. Good-bye. These were the only words Varian spoke for the entire journey taken through the streets of Alba1. The neighbourhood was as grey as it’s people, sometimes even darker than their mud-like skins, it’s shadows being the only thing that couldn’t produce a startle as they were minding their own walks with no power over any object around.


Trina was as silent as her fellow-guide, Varian, if not even more. She carefully paced in front of them without even checking if they could keep-up with her alert fast walk. They were taken down a hill into the crops of a grey old man comfortably minding his work. The dark cinder-shaded buildings of the city of Alba1 were becoming smaller and smaller behind their backs. Without taking a single look behind, they filed up the narrow pathway, a mile and a half later into the wild, the three still feeling watched by dull entities. The trek to Triton and Torsten was steep, uneven and tiring, the dark hills possessed by a silence broken only by the cracking boughs into the woods torn asunder by a force in the wind blowing regularly over the hills, producing goose bumps on Amy’s skin. She looked back at Dean who was silently following her footsteps and saw nothing, not a trace of fright or curiosity. Am I the only cat around here? Amy asked herself. Dean seems not impressed, at all, as if he knew this place forever. I’m the one who’s supposed to know all this from “Shadows of the Damned” or “Sekiro”! Strange how these two books never got to see much of the light of day! I was hoping they were catching the public’s attention the way the games did. The scripts though, were amazing to read!

They were walking for hours now and Amy was starting to ask herself if she should feel hungry or thirsty after all the long hours of walk. She was feeling nothing but goosebumps on her skin every time the cold evening air that was mostly stale, blew, albeit being too warm for most of the time. She kept looking up to the meeting of Amitiel’s eyes for reassurance as she felt insecurity taking over her mind. What if this is a set-up and we get into a trap to force us fight for Auria  down here forever? She didn’t seem to  be a spirit to put one’s trust into, completely. Then again, Amitiel is an angel. He can save us, can’t he? Or maybe he is with her on this? What is wrong with me? Do I hear myself? Amitiel stood up for both Dean and me, offering to fight against demons and send them back to where they belong and here I am accusing him of betraying us, fraternising with... well... I don’t know what to make of her but she didn’t look like a friend of us, humans’. I’m sure that if she’d ever been a human she must have been something else back then too,  this Auria! The hills showed their fierce ominous woods’ perspiration one more time before being invited to pass through an invisible field of energy, imperceptible to the eye until the first touch.

- What is this? Amy distrustfully asked.

- Don’t be scared! It’s a field of protection created by Menw for Torsten and Triton.

- That means their homes must be close...? she surmised.

- Yes, you’re almost there, Trina announced turning torso to glance back at them. From hereon you go without me! A deamon will help you find the right way through the weeds and vines. You will wait for that daemon to come for you. Good-bye. She turned around and disappeared into the fog. They waited for a while near the trunk of a great old tree. A daemon came indeed, under the guise of a tiger.

- Follow me, a voice spoke then the tiger showed them the way through the forest. They walked for half an hour when the daemon changed its shape turning into a swallow. They were helped through a tunnel of trees until they got to a glade down into a valley where they saw three dwellings the size of igloos built around a fountain. The place was luminous and unlikely to be true, giving the late hour in the night. It seemed that time was flowing differently here. Also the space was something else, completely. There was a clear contrast between the dark hills and the cinder-grey city left behind and this site that looked more like one taken from a fairy-tale. The green here was brightly fresh, vividly spreading hope and lust for life. One could feel the smell of life-giving vapours in the air. Amy insatiably sipped each breath, resting her mind upon the salutary oxygen invading her body. All of a sudden the blood in her veins started flowing fast, making her feel alive again. All the fatigue they were supposed to feel, gone.

- This place is truly magical, Amy said evidently amazed.

- An oasis for my lungs, Dean succumbed.

- We need to have some rest, Amitiel said.

- What for? I already feel refreshed, Dean added, taking a deep breath.

- It might not feel so down here and now, but your bodies must be exhausted from the long walk and the lack of food. Your spirits are strong though, which is good.

- You’re right, Amy confirmed. I feel like a new born!

- Well, this is the trick. Out there, in the World of Shadows, almost everything is stale, so, bodies and shadows when not offered fresh food feed upon their own thoughts and memories reproducing and reinventing themselves as much as they can until there’s no more flavour and no freshness in what they had to offer. They recycle their feelings and the times they can remember well and work to make their existence as shadows there more bearable.

- Some humans do that too! Dean mumbled.

- All that until they’re granted permission to live as humans among humans again, right? Amy surmised.

- Yes, but, by the time they get there, they turn small and skinny, like Carrden did, sometimes even weak, dull and sad, not having appetite for anything the world might have to offer. Weaned off their sense of taste, they tend to carry with them the inability to feel the real joy of life for a while.

- Wow! That sounds like hell to me, Dean concluded.

- Yes, for some this is hell, that is why most of the lost souls are sent to shadows land to recover their senses of true value and see the perspective they made others see things from during the life-time spent up into the world of humans, Amitiel explained.

As they arrived to the dwellings in the clearing, Amitiel stopped to have a look around and check if there was anybody home.

- Well, here we are! Dean said taking a deep insatiable breath in. The smell of pine invaded his lungs. He immediately felt revigourated by it.

- Lets ring the little bell by the fountain and see if there’s anybody home, Amitiel uttered.

Not long after the bell rang, the door of a dwelling slid open and a young woman greeted them. She asked them to follow her into the dwelling she came out from. As they looked behind they could see the tunnel of trees disappear under a cover of maple leaf vines. The door slid open showing them into a simple room with nothing inside but the basic furniture of peasants in the beginnings of the Middle-Ages. At the other end of this room there was a door taking to another room which, for their surprise, took them to another tunnel. Amy felt a chilly thrill down her spine, the thought they were going to experience something awful haunting her. She shuddered at the idea of becoming a prisoner there, in the Under-ground. A second later she started warding off the ghastly thoughts inspiring fear. At the end of the tunnel another door was waiting. The woman slid it open a sumptuous place revealed to their eyes, a palace room, large and flooded with light, a place which’s richness in simplicity surpassed anything they might have imagined. It looked like a palace of light. Surrounded by gardens they could admire through large windows, an immense stained-glass spiralling up into the ceiling, allowing coloured light to pervade spaces that appeared to be the balconies of opera-houses and theatres they felt they had stepped into a secret world from above. The young woman led them to a chamber where she left them alone. They believed they would meet here with Torsten or Triton first, or maybe both of them but they were welcomed by another woman, one whose appearance was describing her as a noble leader.

- Welcome to my hideaway, a deep but soft at the same time, melodic voice greeted. What can I do for you? the beautiful dark haired with two large red strands woman asked.

- Maeve! Amitiel gushed out.


Maeve was watching them with emerald saint-like eyes shining from below two perfectly elegant eyebrows arched in a baroque-stern expression. From where they were looking at her she appeared majestic. There was a proud byzantine allure attached to her guise which was imposing great respect, even a bit of fear.

- So, we meet again, dear Amitiel! she started. To what do I owe this pleasure?

- We were actually looking for Torsten and Triton, Amitiel followed.

- They are not here, at the moment. They’re into the woods, hunting. I see you brought friends with you, this time. They seem to be tired and a little confused.

- They wanted to help.

- Help? And with what might they be able to help down here, in the heart of the World of Shadows?

- A friend of ours got possessed by the spirit of a mighty warrior and was dragged into his fights for revenge.

- Against demons?

- Yes.

- That spirit can be only Conall! she said with clear certainty.

- We came here because my two friends need their swords to make it in Alba3, where there was a riot and also a demon invasion, Amitiel explained.

- Yes, Torsten will be soon here and able to help. Meanwhile let me offer you something to eat. You must be famished, you poor things!

- We’re alright! Amitiel stated.

- You still don’t trust me, Amitiel!?

- There’s nobody and nothing to trust around here, you should know better.

- My fights were never against the angels, you should know that as well, Maeve started rather harshly. I will not offer you poison. This place is my humble retreat. I never welcome anyone here for a kill.

- Humble, Dean puffed.

- Your arrogant friend here needs to understand the true value of his condition, Maeve observed with flickering light in her eyes. Dean felt his blood freeze in his veins. There was something frightening about this woman, something that imposed humility and respect.

- He had never met an angel or a Shadow before, Amitiel stood up for his friend.

- What’s with you and these humans? Maeve asked with a touch of contempt in her reproachful following sentence, glancing back at Dean intently. You always seem so caring towards them!

- I can see that you and Auria share the same opinion on humans!

- Yes and yet no... you see, I don’t summon human beings for missions that involve fighting demons.

- Oh, I see. He paused for a short while then continued: Could you tell us more about what happened?

- With your friend? she lifted and eyebrow. No. I’m afraid that I am as surprised as everyone else here. She fights relentlessly which should worry you. If she keeps it like that, in three days she’ll be food for rats and their shadows.

- What’s with the portals? Why do they open up there, into the world of humans?

- That is a question to ask Auria, not me. I can tell you more though about Conall and his covenant.

- She was as secretive as you are, Amitiel said. You mentioned Conall... the warrior? he surmised.

- Yes, she confirmed.

- What covenant?

- He took an oath to wipe off the face of this world and the world above any demon that might haunt us or the humans.

- So, he is with you!

- Yes, but you see? Maeve followed. Us, as much as some humans still do, appeal to good old magic tricks. We have used some demons for our purposes in the past, though, and now they’re claiming their share of the big pie.

- I see... Did Auria recently...? Amitiel started but was firmly interrupted.

- That is none of my concern. I have retired, dear Amitiel. I do not wish to fight anymore. My spirit got broken in the last battle for justice for all our worlds and now I wish for nothing else but peace. Even if acquired with trickery and magic down here. Hm, the irony, she soliloquized.

- Why did you leave, Maeve? Do you remember? Amitiel asked gently.

- I left the upper world because I had to, because I was against us leaving good souls at the mercy of the thirsty for terror and humiliation. I left because it seemed unfair to offer no revenge to the innocent who suffered great pains caused by cruel acts of mindless revenge. I left so I could fight injustice but it was more injustice that I found instead. She turned away; her eyes pooled with tears.

- They got to you, didn’t they?

- Who? The demons? Maeve raised eyebrows in cold surprise.

- What did they do to you?

- Nothing! she thundered, her eyes turning back on him to spit their frightful ominous flickering. She soon calmed and whispered wooly: They did nothing to me... A tear trickled down her left cheek. Meeting Amitiel’s firm but kind inner light, knowing that he had nothing to do with all the terrifying situations she went through, she calmed her spirit, cleared her throat and pursued: I started killing those who abused or tried to abuse the weak and defenseless. In the beginning it felt like an unpleasant thing to do but soon I started to enjoy the killing. What is even worse is that soon enough killing them was insufficient a punishment I craved for more. I wanted real revenge, real pain and suffering to cause to those who had caused me pain. Devona helped. We fought together until she decided it was time for her to go back where she belonged. I could have done the same, instead I kept fighting my restless fights in vain all fights with shadows of the pasts that tormented me for ages!

- You were burned alive by the Catholics in your life as a human. What did you do? Did you punish them all?

- Oh, I did more than that. My initial revenge was nothing compared to what they did so, I used the power of some demons to mince them alive and grind each and every piece of their spirit reducing them to nothing but dust and ashes... and ghouls.

- I don’t see any other better way to establish some order and put some sense of respect into anyone! Dean tried to catch the fancy of Maeve.

- That doesn’t work with me, young man, she said rather harshly. Dean shrinked, feeling helpless and ridiculous.

- And how do you feel now, after punishing so many? Amitiel asked a bitter smile lining his lips thin.

- It is never enough, no matter how much you make them suffer, regardless how much pain you induce to them... You’ll still feel the thirst for blood or the bitterness of your defeat. You realise that your work was nothing but creation of more ugliness and pain, troubles nobody needs. I used to believe that I was serving a divine mission, that I was doing good until I woke-up one day realising that I was becoming a monster, the dreadful, hateful kind they once were back then when they decided to burn me alive for saving lives with my ... hm... “magic potions”! Pff! She huffed and puffed with contempt. To see now that they had no clue about the real magic happening right under their noses! And the irony to see myself here today, guilty, at last, of practicing real magic, she said in a fearsome tone.

- You think...? Amitiel started but couldn’t finish his sentence.

- I know. My torturers had no idea of what was really going on when they did that to me. They were horribly manipulated and they manipulated others at their turn, unfortunately ending in loving to produce terror among us. I knew what was wrong and made sure they learned about horror on their own, ensuring they got tortured by guilt and fear for the entirety of their existence as humans then shadows down here. Also helped and added to their tortures on their reincarnated beings, if they happened to get a second life. I wanted them to suffer all the pains they had others endure, be it as humans or shadows, or below the surface of the World of Shadows. You cannot imagine the pleasure with which they tortured me! And I cannot believe how much I enjoyed watching them go through the same ordeal!

Despite the warmth of summer well established there, Amy and Dean felt frozen currents pervading the room as waves of fright were blown by the shivering words Maeve was pronouncing pervasively. Amy had read about the Middle Ages and knew about the horrors of those times but, as imaginative as she always was, she could have never envisaged such a character from those times sitting in front of her, confessing in words that clutched the mind so powerfully. What was she up for with this confession? Is she trying to show us how fearless and revengeful a spirit she was? Is she still the same? Does she want us to fear her? Or did Amitiel touch a sensitive chord and now she was up for revealing her past, showing herself as an angel of justice! But then again: was she an angel fighting for justice? Was she an angel at all?

- I will escort you to Alba3, where your friend, Miranda is, she abruptly said after a solemn moment of silence. It is the only right thing to do! Your friends here will be helped with my magic to handle their swords right.

- Oh, no! Amy jolted. You’re not going to have any demon possess me, that is for sure! Amitiel and Maeve burst into a hearty laughter.

- Oh, child, do not worry, Maeve reassured. I am not going to have any spirit possess you, please, do not worry. But I am going to put some great skill into you, she grinned brightly, her eyes flickering with wit.

- I do not trust her, Amitiel! Amy whispered rather loud. As she realised that continuing whispering was ridiculous, she used her voice normally. She confessed it earlier, Amy went on, she uses the power of demons to make things happen around here! I will learn to handle the sword at my own pace. It is the right thing to do!

- Oh, child, Maeve followed. That skill takes years of practice and you have less than three days to learn, go after Miranda and break the chains of the magic spell that unites her with Conall. Amy flushed with embarrassment. Not knowing what to say she fixed her eyes into the floor furtively glancing up at Amitiel for an answer to her doubts, at the same time seeking reassurance.

- It is going to be alright, Amitiel reassured. I will be here with you and will make sure nothing bad happens to you.

- Hm! Dean slipped in a huff. You didn’t trust Auria as you do Maeve! he scorned.

- I haven’t been very fond of Auria’s decisions in the past and have no reason to trust anything she says. As Maeve here already said, this practice of using demons for certain favours may end in tragedy and obviously causes trouble!

- Well, at least now we know who would do just about anything to save a team-member and who wouldn’t, Dean retorted looking rather reproachfully at both Amy and Amitiel.

Amitiel sighed not seeing any point in carrying on with the conversation.

- I’d sacrifice myself for a team member! Dean smugly declared.

- You do as you’re told unless you want to remain here forever, Amitiel sternly ended the conversation heading to the table where supper was to be served. His firm tone and the thunders in his eyes spoke enough to Dean.

- You might want to feed your bodies with some real food, Maeve invited after a pause.

Torsten is already here, she said glancing out a window.

Each window was showing the landscape of some other place. Amy was fascinated by the variety in options. Some windows were even showing the grey cities of the World of Shadows without losing their capacity of letting the magnificent light of the sun flood the rooms. Amitiel raised saying:

- We’ll talk with Torsten first, then we’ll have supper.


Their blades were to be created that very night, the morning to be dedicated to a short training and a skill investment. Amy wouldn’t admit it to her own self but she was experiencing restless butterflies in her stomach. She was excited and a little confused about their mission. Thinking that she knew nothing of swords and demon fights gave her both the chill and the enthusiasm for the training to follow.

Time was flowing differently here. The night was about to fall and she felt more and more energized. The same happened to Dean. Even the maid seemed a little concerned and nervous. Amitiel and Maeve were the only souls in the house who kept themselves calm.

- I thought that this dwelling was the one of the druid protecting this place. I heard Auria say Menw not Maeve! Amy confessed after supper.

- Menw does not live here anymore, Maeve clarified. He traded places with me for a while, taking my place in Alba3 where he hopes to establish some equilibrium.

- So, If that city we left was Alba1 and the next is Alba3 then this must be... the girl started but was interrupted.

- The next ones are actually Alba2 Minor and Alba4, Amitiel corrected.

- Here is actually nowhere, Maeve explained. This place does not exist. As you can see, time flows here differently: we have the light of day and the nights are similar to those on the surface. The World of Shadows has nothing of those only slight darkness and smoke... and the scent of burned life. It’s like hell, sometimes. Se paused for a second then followed: When I traded places with Menw I was more than happy to know that I’d be living in the middle of a world that does not exist for anybody out there! You see, after a while spent on those dry fields out there, one gets utterly tired.