Phantomaniacs: World of Shadows by Theodora Oniceanu - HTML preview

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During the night Amy was plagued with dreams that were mostly bad, bringing up unpleasant feelings of fear and helplessness. She kept seeing herself abandoned by Amitiel and forced into labouring on a field that was mined and where grey men were paid by demons to shut their mouths and allow them torture their workers for any reason, be it only their pleasure of harming a human being. She also dreamed Maeve in her times of glory when she was young a girl who had no clue that her knowledge of plants and potions would bring her so much pain. She wished to help her, be able to rescue her, instead, her feet were taking her farther away from the girl she wanted to save, no matter how hard she fought to pace fast forward. She yelled and cried, then a void under her feet allowed its darkness to swallow her the slumber was deep and the silence brought her on realms where she could realise how much of a torment her nightmares were. She woke-up soaked in sweat before sunrise. She couldn’t sleep anymore so she headed to the kitchen where she made herself a cup of tea to wake her up completely from the thoughts on the plaguing nightmares. She remembered Miranda and the ludicrous jealousy she felt when this perfect girl was chosen by Conall to become his warrior puppet. She shuddered at the thought. God! How stupid of me! I wonder what the others do? She walked out the kitchen rounding up the room they were welcomed in the evening before, taking long sips of hot tea to calm her spirit. When she passed the window heading to the courtyard she glanced out and saw Torsten and Triton stretching and cleaning the place quietly. Feeling the chilly air of the morning breath on her skin, she decided to go back to the kitchen where she had left her cardigan. The walk seemed to talk to her with every step made forward, remembering that they completely forgot to check on their friends back home before they went to sleep. Maybe Amitiel checked on them before he went to bed. It wasn’t bad an idea to double-check though, so, she reached to her cardigan and pulled out of its left pocket the old-fashioned compass-watch she had received from Amitiel. She slid the tap open then looked into the mirror. Come on! Tell me how they’re doing? How does this thing work? In about a minute she figured that if she turned the clock-ticks to the position of the Earth she’d be able to establish a connection. She did that hoping she got it right, watching three other blue planets engraved with curiosity and doubt. I hope I got it right! In the following second she was shown into the little mirror hidden inside the compasss-watch the image of the team members lying scattered in the living-room. Most of them were sleeping or trying to, Troy was awake, reading something with obvious interest; Laura was watching out the window. They were all there, apparently safe from any danger. It appeared to be night there. Time works differently here! she remembered.

- What are you doing up so early, Maeve’s voice caused Amy a startle. She slid shut the compass-watch and put it back in her pocket.

- I... I couldn’t sleep... It’s... she stuttered. I hope it’s alright that I made tea!

- Tea couldn’t be more welcome after a night of nightmares! Maeve said.

- You... you.. Amy stammered.

- I could hear you mumbling and screaming through your sleep!

- I was screaming? Amy’s eyes widened. I am sorry. I didn’t mean to...

- Don’t worry. I used to have nightmares as well, especially when I first got here. This place gets out of you all your fears and absurdities and makes something else of them. It is the price to pay for a little bit of tasty food and sunlight faked with such artistry! She sighed indicating the outside world surrounding the magical building then closed with a smile. At least when you’ll be out of here and up in your world you’ll still be able to taste the food and smell the smells of nature like a human being and not as a shadow.

- Do you think Carrden will ever recover?

- No, he’s too old. Poor thing. He didn’t know what was going to happen to him when he broke the code. He thought he’ll be able to feel just like before.

- Like a human being, Amy completed then sighed. Poor Carrden, Amy wailed finding a little compassion in her soul for the old man.

- This is the price one must pay for being greedy and not knowing their place. He had a plentiful life. Long one too. He just wanted much more than he deserved, and for that he did a couple of unforgivable mistakes.

- But he did good things for other people in his life!

- He did a couple of bad things too, killing when he could have avoided that, but nobody wants to talk about those things. He also changed once he found himself down here, bound to help a helpless world like this!

- So, if anyone gets sentenced to live in the World of Shadows forever, there is no escape? No way for them to return in ..., she paused then breathed in to finish the sentence, ...proper conditions?

- The proper condition for Carrden is the Shadow condition; this is what he deserved but tried to escape it. One must admire his determination, though. It took him a lot but he didn’t give up. And to think for what! Now he must spend a few years up there to the service of a family that can offer him nothing else but money he cannot spend on anything to please him and food he cannot taste. Except for fruit such as apples and peaches every Sunday morning. You should see the desperation with which he goes for them early in the morning, worried not to have awakened too late! she chuckled. It’s priceless. Amy smiled mildly with a hollow smile, taking a sip of the green liquor shining in her cup.

- Here, Maeve said. Let me help you with a drink that will revigourate your body and make you feel much better. She rummaged into a satchel from which she pulled out a little bag of herbs. The water was boiling on the stove when Amitiel joined them for coffee.

- So, you couldn’t sleep well? he asked.

- You heard too? Amy flushed.

- It’s alright, don’t be embarrassed. It’s normal around here, Amitiel reassured.

- Do you happen to have nightmares too? she innocently asked.

- No, Amitiel simply answered with a mild smile.

Their training was programmed before breakfast.  One should never go for physi cal training with a stomach full. It might get them sick, Amy remembered the advice reaceived in gym classes. She had some tea though, and a bit of chocolate as energy supply.

Torsten was a fair hair, white skin, well built muscle-man reminding of Greek gods’ statues Amy had seen in the studio of her drawing classes. The perfection of male body was sitting alive in front of her. His male traits were intimidating but his voice was calm and gentle so Amy could easily follow his instructions. Triton, on the other hand, was at the other pole of the same boat. He was tall and dark, his light grey luminous eyes favoured by a dark olive skin, the expression on his face stern with a voice that sounded harsh, at times terrifying. To say that he was to be feared was an understatement. Dean felt terror for the first time in his entire life. Ghosts didn’t scare him, the World of Shadows with its grey cities meant nothing to him, the portals with their shadows wouldn’t give him the fright but this man’s voice and his tough ways of training made him see his faults and weaknesses as a male, a thing that was felt as uncomfortable as being tethered too tight when young and wild a character.

- This was only to show you how to fight against enemy bodies sentenced to live in the World of Shadows, Torsten explained at the end of the five hours long lesson. Too little time to help them perfect any skill but useful information exchanged to help them know at least what they should move like and how to treat their sword. Maeve will be helping you with the other needs you have, he continued, for the battle that you’ve engaged yourselves into.

- Thank you, Torsten, Amy said feeling all of a sudden excited about what was going on.

- You’re a good learner, he simply acknowledged. If you happen to need more training in the future I’d be happy to teach you some more!

Amy flushed with excitement but immediately after she met the eyes of her friend Amitiel, she lost the colour. Amitiel smiled benevolently, his eyes saying to her that it was alright to feel happy to learn how to fight against demons.

- It is time, Maeve announced. Come. She took them to the back of her dwelling where a tunnel made of trees, similar to the one taking them here, was revealed.

- A shortcut, she explained. They walked for three hours, the tunnel taking them directly to a deserted little house in Alba3. This used to be my hideaway, Maeve said, in times of riots and wars around here. Now it is nothing but a place to keep me connected to the World of Shadows I was not allowed to desert.

- It is due to your revengeful acts, right? Amy asked.

- Yes, that and my early decisions to stay and protect souls that eventually deserted the place or turned into shadows when they should have followed another path.

- Is it that easy to lose your soul?

- If greedy or revengeful, yes! I almost lost mine. If I hadn’t realised that the revenge I was seeking had been already taken on the ones who had wronged me, I would have wasted a lot of time.

- I always thought that there is a little bit of a shadow and a little bit of a real star in everyone! Amy confessed, needing to have a little conversation, the silence in the tunnel falling too hard on her. Didn’t you say that the white shadows were tormented by feelings once had by humans down... well... no, up to the portals... Amy stuttered not knowing how to clearly express her thoughts. I believed they were split into millions of shades of their feelings and thoughts, she followed, I mean the passed souls. But then, what is that remains of a soul after a split?

- Not bad, not bad at all! Maeve observed appearing to be impressed. Where did you find this girl, Amitiel?

- In a library, studying books about Middle Ages, he recalled with a smile.

- I see. Well, you’re pretty close, Maeve proclaimed smiling wittily.

- So..., what does a soul remains with? What is it made of and with what is it left after this... purification or split? Amy insisted in knowing.

- As I previously said, the white ghastly creatures you saw in the portal are nothing but shadows, the memories of their lives and their ancestors’ lives. Those shadows are a representation of what a soul used to be. The actual soul is something else. It can be seen as the substance that keeps together all these concepts, containing emotions, feelings and intricate thoughts and makes use of the body and the external world to express them. The soul is the keeper of all sentiment and the one that releases feelings once known as uneccessary, unwanted or dangerous. It’s for each soul to decide for itself, though. There is reason in every soul, sometimes a reason we cannot comprehend.

- Right! And to think that I read about these things and still don’t know anything! Amy said thinking of Plato and the notion of Truth.

- You’d better occupy your mind with the situation we’re in now, Dean scorned. Focus on the job we have to do.

- Job? Maeve raised an eyebrow. Dean gulped hard, feeling his mouth dry all of a sudden. He didn’t feel comfortable around this woman, Maeve. No matter what he said or did she always found a way to make him feel uneasy and small. She and Triton shared this same power over him and, as much as he tried, he could not rid himself of the feeling of being useless or ridiculous around them.

- Are you ready, Maeve asked, her senses alert, the grip on her swords’ hilt tightened, the other hand on the latch. She squeezed the latch and pulled the door open. A stormy wind brought in and up all the dust and ashes on the street, a heavy smell of carbonized flora persisting. Out in the wind-storm, Amy, Dean and Amitiel could barely see anything, holding their breaths, their left arms bent to cover their mouths and noses, not ready for anything that was to come. They advanced in small steps, always paying attention to their backs. Maeve proposed they worked in cross formation. Whirlwinds were bringing up dead leafs along with dust, making it more and more difficult to see what was going on. Suddenly they heard a deep growl coming from a whirl. Amy screamed with horror, Amitiel sliced the creature that fell down at their feet, twitching.

- What was that thing? she shrieked.

- A ghoul! Amitiel explained. They aren’t supposed to be here either. Whoever did this has something against Auria and this place.

- Perhaps she just used too much of their powers, said Maeve with reference to demons, a group of them actually taking notice of their presence there. Dean, mouth in agape, felt his knees letting him down. He kept telling himself that he was a man and that he should regroup, recompose and fight, but he also had to be honest with himself and admit that he was as frightened as Amy. He shook his head to ward off any thought that might stay in the way of his recovery of presence, craving for lucidity like never before.

- Weren’t those herbs you made us swallow supposed to make us act better? He launched a reproach to Maeve.

- They did their best, she smugly smiled back. They can’t help scary little cats and spoiled brats too proud of being total ignorants! Dean flushed visibly for the first time in his entire existence.

The ghouls kept grumbling and rumbling; a demon detached from his group and attacked. Although Dean and Amy knew nothing about fighting demons and ghouls, they recomposed fast and started working in cross formation pretty well, putting down many of the ghouls that were trying to get to them.

- Do not let them touch you! Maeve yelled through the turmoil created by the ghouls as she took three down in a swing. They were gnawing at living creatures, terrifying them with their snarls and growls. In the beginning Dean and Amy felt terrified but eventually things started going better and better, the formation they worked in favouring them. With the help of their angels and their example taken, the two novices managed to focus and fight. Once they faced their first ghoul, putting it down and leaving it behind a lifeless body benighted, forlorn, wanted only by the dirt it was becoming food for now, watering it with its dark tar-like blood the rest became nothing but training material. Thrusting demons, though, was a job left exclusively to Maeve and Amitiel. Although demons kept trying to get their hands on Amy and Dean they couldn’t make that move. The capacity of the two angels to thrust demons was greater than they thought, a fact that caused obvious irritation to these creatures.

Demons attacks were always accompanied by jeering scathing remarks and were anything but easy to deal with. Manipulating a sword against them wasn’t easy at all, especially because one was confronting with creatures that enjoyed everything in these fights, including getting hurt. They were laughing and scoffing enjoying their wounds but the two novices did a pretty good job in spotting the enemy in time and moving accordingly. The fight went on for an hour and a half.

- So, you are an angel, after all! Amy observed. Maeve replied with a smile pushing her pert nose up against the winds. She had all the reasons to be proud. She was beautiful, she was strong and intelligent, and well trained; and, above all, she was an angel able to thrust demons. A powerful angel Amy admired greately.

- Okay, Maeve said when the winds settled all dust and ashes down. It seems that this fight is over. Indeed, all demons left and the ghouls were now swallowed by the famished grounds they fought to meet. Let’s go and pay a visit to Menw. He might know the exact location of your friend, Miranda, Maeve motioned. They all moved carefully, their senses alert, expecting another fight at any time.

The surroundings of Alba3 were looking even more eerie than the ones of Alba1. Charred pieces of pillars and trees were replacing anything that might have been a source of vital inspiration and light. A past filled with beauty against all this scenery one could imagine goaded by a lust for life taken to the extremes. If this place were complete with its details, offered the light of the sun and reshaped to the forms it suggested it once had, one might be able to call it a little corner of a paradise a paradise lost for fires and wars. As they passed the dark ghastly buildings on tar-like streets illuminated only by the light of angels, Amy imagined how things would have looked in a normal world. The mirror of that world was showing her the potential beauty of this place that had a post-apocalyptic touch. Will this happen to our world, eventually? she asked herself then shuddered at the very thought. No, it couldn’t... It shouldn’t. For this feel of helplesness and shivery fright this place must have been created, this World of Shadows... was meant to punish a soul, if punisment was the idea, furthermore Hell, there was Hell or the underworld for that... Hell... if the World of Shadows is this eerie I don’t want to know what real Hell or the Underworld, must be like!


Shadows of people she used to know were passing by, ignoring their existence. Amy didn’t know what to make of it. Were all these people dead? She couldn’t tell.

- Why do I feel that every shadow that passes by is someone I know, someone from our world? Amy asked Amitiel.

- Try not to connect with them at all. It may be dangerous, Amitiel said.

- Don’t built bridges in your mind to connect your world with this world. It’s a trap created by some demons who want to get into your mind and take over, Maeve clarified.

- Some shadows are harmless but most of these shadows you claim a recognition into your human world are under demonic control, Amitiel added.

- So, basically they are only images of the people up there! Dean concluded.

- Yes.

Amy closed her eyes wishing to be able to ward off any bad thought, yearning for the capacity of thrusting demons or kill them just as she discovered she could do with ghouls. For this, though, she needed to be an angel and she knew that she wasn’t that. How could anyone become an angel? Is it even possible for a human being to turn into one, wake-up one day, after doing a lot of good things,... right things...?

- I’m curious, she started. Is there any way for a human being to become an angel? The other ones raised their heads in surprise.

- You are pretty close to that, Maeve said sternly.

- What do you mean? I never sacrificed for any idea, I didn’t fight demons like you do! I never helped anyone in their times of sorrow and pain... Even Dean is more of an angel than I am!

- Hey! Dean vexed.

- It’s the truth! Don’t be that vexed! she scolded, you’re always mean to Amitiel and other people! she said with brutal honesty. Dean turned his look away obviously disturbed by the mordant words spoken aloud. He didn’t expect an attack of the kind given their situation. He was also not prepared to be against Maeve knowing that if the two coalesced against him, Amitiel would jump in to calm the spirits which would have him put behind the leader of his group again. He couldn’t allow himself to feel that inferior so he kept silence.

The dwelling housing Menw was close when Amy decided to look into the eyes of a man she couldn’t say if the shadow of a body sentenced to a senseless existence or a real body drained of its life. The two protruding eyes were glistening, making her feel small and weak. Her consciousness soon fell into a slumber, her body, sleep-walking, not knowing if she was wandering the streets in the World of Shadows or the ones back home. The connection was weird, shifting images from one world to another. Dazzled and a bit frightened she woke-up in Amitiel’s arms, a shocking hit in the chest produced by Maeve’s sword’s hilt of light.

- Are you alright? she heard Amitiel’s voice.

- Yes... I think so. I’m sorry, I tried not to look deep into his eyes! she apologized. I really tried but he...

- It’s okay, Maeve reassured. You will be alright. Luckily Menw has promised to keep my herbs safe just in case I came back here for any reason at all. And what other good reason than helping another angel with his mission of saving his good humans, Maeve said smiling benevolently. Besides, I have this, she said showing her sword of light. It helps healing too, in some cases.

Dean huffed and puffed, his sighs throwing his hands disapprovingly in the air but said no word. He wasn’t anyone’s human pet. He was master of his own self, a self-sufficient man not a puppet. His pride wouldn’t allow him to consider himself under anyone’s command. Nevertheless, he had to accept that what he was dealing with was beyond his human powers and felt forced to acknowledge his limitations. Not willing to fully accept this situation in which he was too little compared to Amitiel, he took distance, heading to the house in which Menw was supposed to be waiting for them.

- You might want to show a little wisdom and not break the group formation, Maeve warned. Those demons are after you too, you know? she thundered. But Dean didn’t care about any demons, now. He was too upset with the feeling grumbling inside. Why was he such a loser, all of a sudden? The jeering of a demon soon arose.

- You could be so much more if you were on the right side, the demon sneeringly implied addressing Dean. The power, the wisdom, all the knowledge you’d have. Imagine: All the world at your feet! But you chose to fight on their side, he sarcastically grinned.

- Dean, look out! Amitiel jumped and cut in uneven halves three ghouls thrusting the demon with his Light Sword. Never lose the team like this again! he thundered then collected the young man who had fallen on the ground, pushing him inside the house. Maeve and Amy were already inside.

- How... how did they get in so fast? Dean stuttered.

- I used a trick of mine for Amy whilst Amitiel used his for saving you! Maeve elucidated. You can be such a prick, really! she said, a strange light flickering in her eyes. If I were to choose I’d let you be haunted by demons for a while just for you to learn a good lesson! she harshly spoke.

- As if this weren’t haunting and terrifying enough! Dean scuffed.

- Watch it! You have no idea what you’re talking about, boy! she retorted in a menacing way.

- If you want to survive this mission you put your pride aside, Amitiel sternly demanded, fury dancing all over his face. You put this team in danger one more time and you’re out for good. I can leave you here, you know? An easy prey for ghouls and demons you’d be. Don’t think that just because we’re angels we’re forced to help little bastards like you, no matter what they did and how they behaved!

It was the first time Dean had seen Amitiel so angry and stern. The young man was always calm and benevolent, his presence always conciliatory bringing peace whenever he gave a helping hand or spoke a word, always kind and generous. This time he was quite the opposite, looking tremendously frightful, a terrible flicker in his otherwise luminous eyes.

- I understand, Dean said. I will behave. The light in his eyes betrayed his hidden feeling of spite.

- Make sure you will, Maeve launched her spearing lightening looks on him.


The hall of the large entry-room was not sufficient a space for Amy and Dean not to hear Maeve and Amitiel talk in the kitchen. Menw, a two thousand one hundred and fifty-six years old druid, was busy with a storage room he wanted to organise so, he let Dean and Amy alone, in the living-room, in wait for a few promised biscuits.

- He just let the demons know that he’s all against us! He isn’t to be trusted! Maeve chided.

- I know, Maeve but I can’t let him fall prey to ghouls and demons!

- Why not? I would!

- He proved himself very strong and useful in the first fight!

- Yes, but he is ready to attack any of us and break the formation for his stupid human pride! For goodness sake, how stupid can he be!? He is only a human! He should know his place and...

- He should have learned better, I agree, Amitiel interrupted, but we can’t just leave him here!

- I’d be more comfortable if he didn’t come with us for the rescue of this girl, Miranda. Who knows what other ideas he’ll have!?

- We’ll talk about it later, right now they both need to recompose and gain their forces back.

- Do you really think that Amy could help?

- I don’t know! There seems to be a strange connection between her and Miranda ever since the portal opened. And we both heard her yell her name out through those nightmares last night!

That was odd! Amy didn’t remember any of her dreams relating to Miranda. Maeve and Amitiel, yes, but Miranda? Of course, she was worried for this girl in a very peculiar, unusual way, having such special connection with her that she was wondering if it was admiration or jealousy that led her to this. She couldn’t imagine the bond in any other terms. They were like opposites of halfway the same kind, if both treated as simple humans. They were both women and young and they both seemed to be well intended but Miranda was looking more like Maeve, a soul connected with the perfect body, with skills that proved the ones of a warrior, ready to attach to her being the super-powers of the great and fight in the name of Justice. Amy couldn’t completely agree with Maeve. She was more of a thinker, a meditative spirit seeking for answers to questions like why and how to, taking time to read all the answers, missing thus the chances to action. This was the first time she reacted promptly and fought without over-thinking.

Menw came back with the promised cookies and a tonic to help them get back in shape and ready for the next round. From the kitchen, the voices of Amitiel could be heard murmuring. They seemed to have lowered their voices a little so Amy could not understand what they were going on about anymore. Besides, the old druid was keeping them company now, telling them a little story about their friend, Miranda, they could not miss. Apparently the young lady was already a legend among the people living in the World of Shadows. After the story-tell, though, Amy excused herself and headed to the private room. Down the hall and to the right she stopped at the first door in her way: the kitchen.

- Maybe we should allow them some rest and go for Miranda now, Maeve proposed.

There’s not much time left!

- You’re right, Amitiel answered, but I cannot ignore the fact that in order to break the spell we need either to make a connection or use one, and up there, when they were looking into the portal, a spirit connected with both of them, Amy and Miranda, only Amy was strong enough not to let herself submissed and rendered herself free in a blink of an eye. She didn’t even realise what she did, our Amy!

- She is really strong a girl, brave too but she doesn’t know her own power which can be useful some times but troubling in other.

Amy flushed not thinking of herself in these terms before. Brave and powerful were not the words she would use when describing herself. She tried, of course, to keep her lucidity and awareness alert, encouraging herself to be courageous, but never felt that she attained that. Perhaps they couldn’t see into her as far and deep as she thought.

- She is strong, alright, Amitiel said, but also very terrified of becoming food for ghouls and a distraction for demons. I could feel how angry at herself she was when she connected with that shadow-man.

- You bonded with her so soon?! that is impressive, Maeve amazed.

- Amy is a miracle, a very powerful soul, he simply acknowledged.


There was night and only night in the World of Shadows and it was darker than it used to be ever since the escape of demons out of the Underworld. The eerie landscapes of the World of Shadows and the terrifying sounds wouldn’t allow a good sleep to any of the souls residing there. Alba3 was said to be the worst. The roars and whirls wouldn’t stop and when complete silence was there to cover the grounds, the sentiment of horror was even greater. It was an ominous silence pervading their senses, giving the chills and raising the hairs to the expectation of the worst. Nobody could expect anything good to come out of it. The five souls hidden in Menw’s house couldn’t know what was waiting for them outside but they could feel that there was nothing good. The dreadful silence permeated their beings and they knew, they could tell that another fight was going to happen soon.

Where can we find this girl, Miranda? Maeve asked Menw.

- Oh, I believe that you won’t have to look for her anymore since she was brought to you, he said with a smile.

- Brought to us? Amitiel asked. Do you mean she is also here?

- Not just yet, the old man answered, but she will be here soon.

- What do you know about all this situation and this girl, Miranda, Menw?

- Only what you were told. I have never seen her before and never met her in person, but I can tell when time arrives for me to meet somebody. He smiled appearing to know though more than he was admitting to his guests. I have been trying to push my luck and stretched my powers a little to make something eatable out of the mess this woman used to live in, he addressed them joking about Maeve’s ways.

- You didn’t seem to have any problem with my ways of keeping things around when you chose to come and live here, she said wrapping her arms over her chest.

- I was a fool, the man joshed, easing the spirits a little. They allowed themselves a sweet treat and a couple of laughs before a fierce knock at the door made them startle.

- Open the door! they heard. Help, help! the yell at the other end of the wood kept going. Amitiel approached the window and made a sign of his hand. It was okay to open the door. Maeve slowly slid the door open.

- Beware! They are coming, a woman’s face warned. A roar followed, then a crack in the black asphalt. The scent of brimstone, unbearably hot, pervaded their senses. Amitiel dragged the woman inside getting out on the threshold. Ghosts and ghouls united to dismay. A horrifying sound coming from the depths of chaos brought a few demons out to the surface. Amitiel jumped into the fight and thrust his sword at the demons killing ghouls and scattering the shadows coming with them. Against ghosts and shadows fought many souls trapped down there. In the middle of a group of warriors they could spot Miranda. She was relentlessly fighting, using her entire potential, all her energy resources invested into her fight. She seemed blind though blind with fury and spite.

- Miranda! Dean yelled throwing himself at the window. Stay inside, Dean, Maeve warned before exiting the place. You too, Amy!

- But, but... we came here to help, Amy stuttered. Menw put a hand on her shoulder:

- Let them do their duty. You can help from inside, he reassured. Just concentrate on your connection with Miranda.

- My connection with her? she dazzled.

- You don’t know yet but there is a strong connection you have with her, the old druid explained. That is why, despite your jealousy, you were ready to come here and save her. Amy flushed with embarrassment. She couldn’t deny she felt a little jealous but she wasn’t ready to embrace this truth either.

- So, you know... It seems to me that everybody knows, she wailed.

- Not everybody in the whole world! Menw stated. Only everybody here. They all can guess this truth.

- You know, I am a little embarrassed for feeling this way but then again, I can’t help it. I also want to save her. I don’t want her to die but what can I do?

- Close your eyes and try to calm your spirit then focus on her moves and try to enter her mind. From there you will be able to access her consciousness. When you get there you will be able to help her gather forces to wake-up from the spell. You might also have to fight something inside her... a bad spirit and, perhaps, a will of hers to punish and conquer. I cannot tell with precision what got her hooked but you’ll have to break that connection with the warrior’s spirit in order to help her out of here. She cannot get back home like this it will drag her back here anyway if she does not lose this connection.

Amy tried to force herself into establishing a connection with Miranda but the girl was opposing a strong resistance. From what Amy could see she was enjoying the fight and the feeling of power rushing thorugh her veins. There was no sign of her being tired at all which, according to Maeve and Menw, was a bad sign. She could risk sudden death like other souls happened to experience in the past. Amy thrust herself aside when the first thought of becoming like Miranda jumped in.

- No! This must be a demon luring me into thinking like this and have her killed, she said aloud. I won’t do it! I won’t allow her to be killed!

The trance was allowing Amy to connect with Miranda and her ghosts; it could have helped her connect to other minds as well, if she knew how to handle this situation. Her first attempt of bringing Miranda back to herself failed but Amy managed to eliminate a demon. Once the demon cast off Miranda, a tremble shrouded the grounds of Alba3. Amy swooned and was taken down. Dean grabbed her quickly before she hit the ground. Menw brought herbs and spices to help her recompose. Still dazzled by the experience Amy spoke as if she were into Miranda’s head.

- Please, Miranda, you have to wake up! Please! They will kill you! I know that you are angry but please, listen to me! WAKE-UP! she yelled then fainted. Menw brought a pot filled with water in which some herbs floated.

- She is delirious! Dean said.

- I wouldn’t be so sure of this. Maybe she’s trying to reconnect.

- How come she is the one connected to Miranda ...

- ...And not you? Menw asked smiling wittily.

- You... Dean gasped obviously annoyed. You stop reading my mind this instant! We have to focus on more important things.

- There’s nothing to read, boy! Menw followed. I knew it before you came here. Besides, what other real reason to adventure yourself like this? For what if not ... well, love!

- I beg your pardon! She is just a friend!

- But you still hope for more, the old man ended, helping Amy come back to her senses. Dean tapered his mouth, not a sound coming out of him.

Outside, the roars and grunts of the battle doubled. There were more and more demons to thrust at, ghouls taking advantage of any opportunity of throwing themselves at a defenseless body. Soon there were no more other bodies to attack but those of Miranda, Amitiel and Maeve.

- Oh, this is bad, Menw said. This is so very bad! Conall won’t set the girl free unless he took over another body! Just when he finished the sentence Amy recovered her senses.

- Have I done it? Did I kill the demon, or what?

- You didn’t kill it but made his way out, Menw informed. Still, I am afraid that Conall’s spirit is too powerful to let go.

The fight went on for hours which alarmed the old man and his two young companions locked in the house with him. Amy tried for a second time to connect with Miranda but failed again. Instead, she managed to connect with many of the shadows surrounding her, warding them off, thrusting them back into a great hole opened into the brimstone asphalt. This made the access of the two angels to Miranda easier. Still the girl refused to come back to her senses.

- We don’t have much time left! the three souls in the house heard Maeve warning. She doesn’t look like being tired but her body is exhausted. I don’t know how long until she collapses! She thrust a couple of dark shadows before killing a demon. The following minute brought Dean out of the house. When Menw looked too busy with Amy he rushed out the door yelling:

- Hey! Conall!!! Show yourself! Come out and fight like a man! Take me and set Miranda free!

- Dean! What are you doing!? Maeve yelled! Get back inside!

- Dean! Amy yelled!

- Amitiel was away, close to Miranda who started shivering. His back turned at the house, he couldn’t see what was going on but heard Maeve’s words and immediately turned around!

- Dean, no! He yelled.

It was too late. Conall had already left Miranda’s body collapse over Amitiel’s arms to take over Dean. A cohort of shadows surrounded Dean’s body as he was receiving his new inhabitant, Conall. Dean was petrified with rage and spite willing to embrace the new power. The spirit tried to take possession of Dean’s soul but the boy was stronger and dominated it for a while. Not finding any other way of controlling this body, Conall was ready for a strange deal: A merger happened. The shadows then wrapped around Dean and opened a portal in the air. The young slender man passed through and disappeared. Behind him the portal shrunk fading away.

- Dean!! Amy yelled a second time then lost consciousness.


- We must help him! Amitiel said late into the night.

- I never thought a boy like him would sacrifice himself for another soul. Is there anything going on between Miranda and him? Maeve asked.

- Not that I know of..., Amy said taking the question as addressed to herself.

- You should rest now, Amy, Amitiel advised. Tomorrow we will be back home. Amy fell almost immediately into slumber.

- There is something going on in the boy’s soul, Menw said. The boy likes this girl a lot. How come you couldn’t tell?

- I was busy with other things, Amitiel confessed.

- Were you? the old druid winked. So was your friend here, Amy. She was pretty surprised when the boy barged in and offered himself as a soldier to be possessed.

- Are you sure he wasn’t actually going for power? Maeve said doubtfully.

- You are a real skeptic! Menw said. Why can’t it be love?

- Because this boy doesn’t seem to know anything about love! He’s after power, I tell you, and this time he did the mistake of his life, Maeve abruptly decided.

- I wouldn’t be so rough on Dean and sure of this thought, Maeve, Amitiel followed.

- Maybe he suffered just too much! Menw let a thought out, tilting his head.

- To be honest I did noticed a few of Dean’s glances at Miranda back up there, to the surface; he did seemed to like her... a lot.

- I also suspect that they knew each other before she was introduced to the group but from the fizzy visions I couldn’t tell much, Menw confessed.

- The girl acted as if he was a stranger to her, Amitiel remembered.

- I see. Maeve said taking a sip from the cup of tea hiding her nose. A secret love, perhaps.

- He did a very brave and altruistic gesture out there, Amitiel said musingly. I was the fool, allowing them to come here, with me! I can’t let him down. I’ll take the girls back home and come after him.

- I’ll help you! Maeve offered. They still need protection.

- Thank you.

The rumble outside kept Maeve and Amitiel awake. The two girls were sleeping a profound sleep, no sound disturbing them, whatsoever. Menw took watch of them first. Then it was Amitiel’s turn.

- Go have some rest! he advised Maeve. The world of humans is not much of a resting place either, Amitiel explained, a mild kind smile on his face.

- I cannot sleep, Amitiel. I wasn’t much of a sleeper before all this story started but now... I’m afraid that I will have less sleep than I had in a thousand years spent roaming between the worlds we know and live in.

- I’d love to help you with that but I am not the one knowing everything about herbs! the young angel confessed.

- Perhaps it is not the herbs, the answer to my anguish, she smiled a bitter smile up.

- I am sorry, Amitiel said frowning pensively.



They had less than five hours to take the girls back home, to the world of humans. The journey would have lasted for much longer, hadn’t it been for the skills and knowlege of the two angels and the druid: a short-cut was the answer and they knew just where to find it. Amitiel was even ready to take a risk and open a portal himself. It wasn’t the case though, since Menw had an idea to work for them with the least of energy spent.

Exhausted from the fights, Amy was happy to have another revigourating potion offered to her. They took their time as Miranda recovered her senses much later than Amy. Menw used some of Maeve’s herbs to help the girl break the connection with Conall but there was still something left inside, something that wouldn’t walk out. Still very tired and confused, Miranda fell into a profound slumber immediately after regaining her pulse.

- I’m afraid you’ll have to take her up there right now. This place is putting her through a lot. She might look better but she’s doing well only with the help of our potions. Besides, Conall wouldn’t hesitate to take her possession once more. In fact, I believe that this situation suits him very well.

- Do you think that Dean also must be saved in about three days from now on? Amy asked pensively.

- I don’t know. He might be a little stronger and more determined to defeat anyone might stand in his way. He appeared to be a very ambitious young man, but... Menw put up a face that showed regret. Unfortunately it is not that easy!

- I can’t take Miranda back there the same way we came! Amitiel said. It takes longer and the path should also be cluttered with demons and ghouls.

- The rage has started, once again, Menw sighed.

- What can we do? Maeve asked.

- The journey can be shortened! I know a way, Menw advised, but you will have to tie her well and be careful. Also keep her under Maeve’s watchful eye. She knows these herbs, he said fluttering a herbs-bag above the table, and the way they work best! Even better than I do, he winked back at Maeve with a witty smile.

- I had a good teacher, Maeve humbly acknowledged.

- Well, it’s good to know that nature hadn’t failed you! Menw chuckled.

- Nature did anything but fail me, Menw, and for this I am grateful! Maeve praised. Menw added to the praise nodding with a smile.

- Blessed be nature for the miracles it always offered to us! he said starting rummaging through an old bag until he reached to what he was looking for. A golden light came out with his gift. Here, take this net, he said, and use it to wrap it around Miranda. It has to behave like a cocoon. It will offer protection and also will ease her transportation. As for our brave girl here, he said addressing to Amy, I’ll give you this amulet, dear. The White Shadows up there tend to become vicious when beings that paid a visit to the World of Shadows go up, to the surface, escaping this gloomy place. In their attempts to communicate their frightful knowledge, some of them even manage to harm their targeted victims! I’m sure you already know this, otherwise you wouldn’t be here, but it never harms to be well advised, even twice: never look into them and never let them attach to your soul! Eyes closed and be ready to cut them with your new sword! he smiled winking witily. This talisman will offer a little protection, so your passage should be eased.

- Thank you, Amy gladly accepted the amulet.

- Be blessed with love, child! Menw said. Amy’s cheeks turned red for a second. She didn’t know what to believe of love and this blessing. You don’t know how important it is until you lose it, Menw smiled wisely.

She didn’t know much about love but she felt that it was more important than she had ever considered. He was certainly not referring to romantic love. It was something else It was probably love for life and the alive, for human soul and what’s to become of it. Perhaps love of the Universe for her, to help her through. It must be of greater importance than people usually think, this blessing. Yes, one needs to be truly loved in order to achieve anything to help them reach real happiness. It is then when you’re truly loved! It is then, when you are helped to your own happiness that you know you are and always were truly loved! Menw was wise an old spirit. He knew what he was talking about and Amy could tell much more now that she learned what real hatred felt like. She knew cruelty and dispair, now. She could tell the difference between being loved and protected and being forsaken and lost, forgotten by the friendly touch of an angel, neglected, ... forlorn, prey to demons and other creatures who’d force you serve their cause against your will, against your own soul.


They left in a hurry after wrapping Miranda in the mystic dance performed by the changing net Menw so generously offered. Amy was attached to Maeve’s body, Miranda carried by Amitiel. Charred logs were left behind with the speed of light. Regarded from this speed, through the cloud of light surrounding them, Alba3 was featuring as a gloomy world of dreams speeding down whilst they were climbing up to a portal opened above this region. Portals were opening and closing at certain times, not many being able to tell when was this planned to happen and where. The two angels carrying two human girls were happy to know and have on their side Menw who knew everything about anything moving in the cities of Alba and beyond.

The protection offered to them helped a lot, their transition eased, no uproar of shadows able to take a chance at any of the travellers up. It took them three hours though to get to the surface, sufficient time for Miranda to open her eyes a couple of times and look through the veil of light, assuming she was either dying or dreaming. Amy noticed her try to awake and spoke a few words of comfort that wouldn’t permeate the beautiful girl’s being. Her eyes in reverie, she was staring despondently into the distance, not making anything of what she could see. A faint engulfed her, then a slumber into the depths of her inner self. Shrouded by light, the four travellers arrived safely on the surface of human world. The portal this time opened near the orphanage, more precisely inside the Lauren’s old house, the teacher’s house, as it was named a decade after Mr. Lauren’s death.

- You stay here with the girls! Amitiel said to Maeve. I go back there for Dean. Amy raised to offer her help but, before Amitiel reacted she realised she was going to be nothing but more trouble to him a burden, not real help. She deflated showing disappointment at herself:

- I’m so sorry, she said through tears!

- Don’t be, he comforted her. One day you’ll be as strong as I am!

- I doubt it, but thanks! she said swallowing her sobs. Suddenly she threw herself at him eyes pooled with tears. I wish I could help you more.

- You can, he answered a warm hand put on her back, the next instant his arms wrapped around her. If you stay here and watch over Miranda, learn from Maeve and try to keep an eye to the other ones, up on the guest-house... Amy was sobbing like a three years old but managed to recompose herself after Amitiel’s warm hug.

- It’s going to be fine, he reassured.

- I’ll do as you advised, she said.

- I must go before this portal closes. Take care!

Amy timidly waved, watching Amitiel disappear into the portal. A couple of minutes later, the portal was also gone leaving the three women alone in complete silence. Maeve carried Miranda on her arms, heading to the bedrooms upstairs.

- He won’t be back soon! She said looking at Amy over her shoulder. And you staring into that floor won’t make any difference. It won’t give him more super-powers than he already has! Amy felt these words mordant. She couldn’t feel but useless, regardless where she was situated here, in the world of humans or down from where they had just come. Here, in human-world she could do nothing but watch and learn, down there, into the Lands of Shadows, she was even less useful, bond to become a burden at any time. She shook her head trying to ward off the feeling of uselessness.

- Well, are you coming? Maeve invited. I could really use some help upstairs. As far as I can see, this place wasn’t quite taken care of since the last invasion.

- Invasion? What invasion, Amy asked.

- Demon’s invasion, of course. What else could produce such damage? Maeve rhetorically asked in a jocular manner. Amy followed Maeve to the bed-rooms. Miranda was still unconscious, babbling in her sleep, this time showing signs of fever.

- It is bad, Maeve declared. I knew that it wasn’t going to be easy but her fever raised quickly. Amy took a glance at Miranda who was shivering soak wet under the coverlet they found in one of the cabinets in the bedroom across the hall. I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to go out for a few more herbs. Do you think you can handle it? The ones from Menw are not enough.

- What kind of herbs?

- Well, for a start I’ll need some ginger and some chamomile to help drop down the temperature and calm her. Some cinnamon rolls would be nice too. Fresh mint leaves and bay leaves to purify the air here. Perhaps some lemons as well, but it is not necessary. All the very needed is in my satchel. She opened a window wide for the fresh air of morning to come in.

The bedroom they had chosen was not the best but the cleanest. Amy helped Maeve choose a proper bed in a next bedroom and move it to Miranda’s. They had also dusted and cleaned the place with pure water taken from the well outside in the garden. There was, though, need for more healing herbs and spices; she remembered reading about ginger somewhere but her memory wouldn’t help her with much detail. Where to get ginger from now? Was the local shop holding any? What about bay? And where exactly in this forgotten village was this shop situated? She hoped for someone to cross their ways with her and help her with guidance. She felt lucky when a woman said Hi and welcomed her to the village. They exchanged a few words then the woman offered directions noticing her that the shop was going to open a couple of hours later. Seeing that the woman had quite an impressive vegetables garden surrounded by herbs and spices, Amy thought to ask if she could buy the herbs she needed from this woman. Luckily the woman sold her everything but the ginger and lemons she was not cultivating. She also offered Amy a cup of coffee, showing very happy to have company that

early in the morning.

- I hope you will find that ginger and that your friend is going to recover soon. Odd a time to catch a cold, it’s pretty hot outside! Then again, you city people are so fragile, so sensitive!

Amy didn’t know what to say. How to answer to this statement? She could not explain to this woman what had actually happened.

- Thank you again for your hospitality and for the good herbs and directions, she said saluting her new friend.

- Your welcome, dear, the woman answered waving widely.

Luckily Amy found what she was looking for. The shop was keeping the nicest ginger-roots. Amy bought three large rhizomes to make sure they won’t run out of supplies. Besides, she was up for trying some ginger-root tea herself. It was pretty lauded, why not give it a try? Also strengthening her body now seemed to be a very good idea. Who could tell what was coming next? The portals would open unexpectedly and spirits or shadows coming from the Underworld could transit the realms of their skies and get up to the surface. A little concerned with the team fettered up in the guest-house, Amy looked up to the hills. The great shine of the portal trench surrounding the house was enough an answer. What could she do about it? When will it close and how could she get her team-mates out of there were only three of the questions plaguing her. Suddenly she remembered the friendly villager offering her coffee. It was odd that she hadn’t mentioned the strange things happening to the guest-house on the hill. Was it possible for that woman not to have noticed? She kept looking back to the hills trying to understand how was that everybody behaved as if the guest-house never existed. Could it be that they weren’t able to see what she was seeing? Was that possible? Everything is possible, Amy! she said to herself. Especially now!


- What took you so long? Maeve scolded. Did you go up to the guest-house?

- No, Amy simply answered. I needed directions to find the local shop, she explained, then this woman who helped also invited me to have coffee with her. I bought the herbs from her. For the ginger I had to wait for the shop to open. I also bought fresh bread and eggs and some vegetables. Amy’s stomach started rumbling as she uttered the last words. She was very hungry.

- I see. Okay. Can you contact your friends up on the hill?

- I have this, she pulled out her pocket the compass-watch. The phones wouldn’t work but this can show me how they do.

- It can do even more. You can connect with them no matter the world you’re in.

- How does it actually work? I mean, all these planets and inscriptions? Some of them are puzzling!

- Here, let me help you. Maeve showed Amy how to properly use the compass-watch. It wasn’t too hard only different than using a modern mobile device.

- How can we help them get out of there and come here? Amy asked. It seems that the portals are still open.

- Do you think of getting them here? Maeve glanced back with inquisitive eyes.

- I was giving it a thought, yes, Amy confirmed.

- I am afraid that those portals opened for a reason and that reason is Carrden. But I also believe that they found some potential victims that’s why the house is surrounded by that portal!

- You know, it seems to me that the people in the village have no knowledge of the portal. They act as if there was nothing going on up there on the hill.

- That is because they never look up there. It’s a solitary place, a single house in the middle of nature.

- Yes, but one must only take a glance at the hills and they know that something is going on, Amy insisted. It glows, that portal.

- Not everyone has the curiosity to look into these matters. They may think that it’s just some mirrors’ refraction of light or another type of reflection. Besides, the guest house had a reputation that brings the chill down the spine so, whatever might happen there, on the hill, they’d conceal or look the other way. No one in the village ever goes near that place.

- You seem to know a lot about this place! Amy observed.

- Yes, Maeve answered, I used to live here too.

- Here? You mean in this village?

- I mean in this house. I was a teacher, once, she smiled. A break from the World of Shadows with a noble purpose: to save the soul of a child who was cursed to become a haunting ghost here after a horrible accident that happened to her.

- Who would curse a child like that and why?

- The purposes of evil creatures are as noble as the ones of the good! It’s all for the delight in controlling something to the intentions you have. I can’t tell you why demons enjoy so much hurting others and being hurt at their turn but they do. Some of them do.

- What did you teach here?

- Hah! it works, Maeve widened her eyes when she tested the stove for gas. Everything they had to know, the little ones, she answered Amy’s lingering question. Then again, I was specialised in botanic and literature, so I taught mostly that. I thought they had cut the gas but it still works, Maeve soliloquized.

- A strange combination, botanic and literature.

- Yes, well... everybody had two or three specialties. They had to. We were only ten teachers and four care-takers to over a hundred souls. People brought abandoned children from miles only to comfort their consciousness with the idea that they did at least something decent for them, not letting them starve to death or get killed by rats or other animals. Sometimes we could take them in with no problem, other times we cramped to make room for just one more soul.

- It must have been hard! Just when exactly did you live here? Amy asked.

- Well, it hasn’t changed much, Maeve said looking around, ignoring Amy’s question. After a walk around in the living-room she headed to the kitchen. Amy followed her. We must clean this place, Maeve said.

- I’ll do it! Amy offered. I’ll clean the kitchen for you to start preparing those herb teas and tinctures..., and breakfast she wailed when her stomach rumbled again.

- I’ll go check on Miranda. Her fever will drop with this tea, she said, carefully taking the cup of tea she had managed to prepare on the stove.

It took Amy half a day to clean the kitchen, also sweeping and dusting the living-room a little so they could make their stay there more bearable. There was a whiff of burned wood in the air of the house reminding of the fires that took place there. Amy thought she’d faint. Feeling hungry and thirsty, she took a break and had a glass of fresh water taken from the well and two apples from an old tree. I hope the water is good to drink. It looks alright and I have no other source! All windows wide open the place was beginning to look hospitable, flooded with the evening sunlight.

- Two times! Maeve remembered. Two times this place caught fire and once I was here.

- God! I almost forgot, Amy jolted. Do you want something to eat? I didn’t prepare anything but I could make a salad and omelette or..., Amy’s stomach rumbled for the third time that day.

- Don’t worry for me, Maeve answered. I do not have to eat. You, on the other hand... I’m sorry, I should have remembered and help you with the cleaning down here as well. I keep forgetting about human needs. It’s been a while, she smiled apologetically.

- It’s alright. You had to watch Miranda. How is she?

- She opened her eyes a little but was still delirious. The fever dropped but we have to be cautious. She hadn’t eaten nor did she sleep for almost three days. That can be exhausting to a human body not to mention the fights and the struggle she went through! They can eat one alive, those shadows, once under the command of a demon-warrior like Conall.

- So, now she is sleeping?

- I managed to make her drink that tea in which I slipped a little sleeping powder. She’s having some good rest now. I’d say we’d go for some food supplies. Some soup would be nice for when she wakes-up.

- Of course, Amy answered. I’ll have a bite to eat then I’ll go buy some vegetables from a villager.

- I’m curious, Maeve started. Where do you have so much money from?

- It’s pocket money. My mother gives me money all the time to buy myself books or food or whatever I need. I sometimes save the money for more expensive things.

- And do you happen to carry all that money with you, always?

- No... I was just inspired, I guess... When we came here I thought that I’d be needing it. I don’t know why, I just felt I would.

- Your mother must be concerned with you.

- She is fine. Before going down into the World of Shadows I wrote a message to her telling her that we were hosted in the guest-house and that we had to do some research for a couple of days. I don’t know how but the message got to her. It is strange that all my other tries of connecting through the phone with the guys up in the guest house just failed! Maybe it works only with messages sent. I also wrote to my mother today, when the lady I bought the herbs from made coffee. She replied to my messages and sounded okay.

- You’re a good child, Maeve smiled.

- So, for how long do you know Amitiel. How did you two meet?

- The Amitiel you know used to be a simple nice boy a couple of years ago, when he joined Professor Forscher’s programme of buildings and gardens rehabilitation. He was assigned this building last year and quickly discovered the connection it once had with the guest-house. One could say that he appeared to be a ghost hunter, a maniac for paranormal stories and studies. He gathered in a notebook all the information, all the rumours and ghost-stories people told in relationship to this place. He also made-up a few stories of his own he published using a pen-name. I found him through one of those stories written by him as I was assigned the job of ridding a girl off her nightmares.

- And how did you do that? Were you under cover again?

- Quick as always, dear Amy, Maeve teased jocularly. I came back as a locum tenens, a stand-in literature teacher in the school this girl, Sondra, was studying. Two years ago he worked on a very old windmill he wanted saved. So was Sondra. They worked in vain for that project the windmill was demolished and replaced with a new house. But their adventure wasn’t going to end: Professor Forscher had something else in mind for these two: the Lauren’s Mansion.

Getting to know her better I learned that she too was working hard for this project and had spent some time there, Maeve gestured pointing to the hills, in the guest-house. It appears that those nightmares started right after her visit there. She couldn’t sleep, she wouldn’t eat well and her grades were down-rating which was alarming. Instead, she started writing stories like Amitiel did, only hers were terrifying stories about demons and shadows she was seeing in her dreams. Amitiel had no clue, at that time, of the great awakening that was prepared for him. He and I, though, met for the first time when I entered professor Forscher’s programme, looking for a way to help Sondra. You see, I had to know where the nightmares were coming from and so I followed the leads and discovered this place became a problem to many sensitive human-souls.

- How did Amitiel wake-up to learn that he was an angel?

- When an accident happened and Sondra was nearly killed by a demon. It was then

when he showed his real guise to me and Sondra.

- Did then a portal open, like now?

- No. Two years ago portals were opened and closed only by angels and only under the command of their leaders. It was Auria who commanded a great travel, a large portal watch she demanded, one that started all this chaos and it was me the one who lied on behalf of her supposedly good intentions of saving this planet from the invasion of demons and ghouls. But her promises were broken, either by herself or by her allies and so, being one of the angels under her command at that time, I became untrustworthy. I broke the covenant, seeing that instead of helping Sondra and Amitiel I was making them my enemies, turning them into victims of Auria’s growing greed. I showed them the truth about themselves and managed to heal Sondra, rid her off her nightmares. But Amitiel still has reserves in respects to me and my purposes. He doesn’t show it with every occasion but he cannot fully trust me. You see, he was my student too, for the price of ten hours, before I woke him up to the reality of his divine origin.

- How did you wake him? And just how did you know?

- I did some homework before coming here. You see, I always wanted to know things, to be aware and awake. He must have had enough in one of his fights against demons. He sacrificed himself to save a family and was offered a new life with a new mission here, on Earth, among humans, partly as an angel. I was never that willing to sacrifice myself. I preferred eternal life. Never loved the human condition; never treasured it truly. Perhaps they were right, those Catholics, to burn me alive!

- God, no! They weren’t! They were cruel and violent and wrong, Amy defended.

- Thank you, Maeve said, a smile showing bitter sadness, two eyes bringing up glittering fire-tears. She sighed pensively then spoke loud: I was cruel too, you know?

- With a reason, Amy firmly took old Maeve’s side. You were pushed to it, pressed into being so. They’d asked for it! Maeve sighed again.

- How about that soup? she detoured.

- I’ll go get the vegetables! Amy jumped on her feet, joy reinforced by the meal she’d just had. God! she jolted. I almost forgot. I spoke with my mother but completely forgot about the other one’s families!


Up on the hill, in the guest-house, Garry and the other students were waiting impatiently. Helped by Troy and Yuri, the girls made breakfast under Carrden’s strict supervision. They thought of going out in the garden and pick some fresh fruit and vegetables they would use but Carrden had forbidden any move out of the house.

- Those damn portals open everywhere, even in this house they happened twice! Ye’re not going oout ‘ere!

They submissively accepted Carrden’s terms and had a quiet breakfast. After breakfast they gathered in the living-room, some reading, others working on their material for the project assigned to them. Troy and Yuri were sharing the same passion for computers and programming. As Troy didn’t feel much like diving into the ghosts story they were becoming part of, he decided to work on their website. Luckily he took precautions and carried with him a laptop anywhere, just in case they got stuck on matters of no interest to himself. But the portals were jamming the internet connection and he couldn’t do much of what he’d planned. Not being able to test his work, he returned to the good old-fashioned reading, feeling better after discovering a good-read. The girls and Garry launched into preparing lunch and reading. By lunch time the roars inflamed, frightening the group a little. They were waiting for something to happen at any minute but the rest of the day passed without any new event happening, except for an escaped rabbit plunge into the hole in the ground surrounding the house. Laura felt sorry for the poor beast but lost her tears to outrage as soon as Carrden’s ragged voice expressed his regrets on not having the rabbit cooked for dinner.

- Why won’t you go outside and get a chicken or two for us to roast for dinner, Carrden? Garry asked. Please!?

- Aye! Ye’re damn right! I’ll give it a try but ye doona move! If a’ything happens again and you disappear, know ah willna help ye a’ymore!

- Don’t worry, we won’t move, Dinah reassured. We learned our lesson.

- Uh! He’s going to kill those chickens! Laura wailed.

- Believe it or not, the chicken you get from the supermarket was just as alive as the ones in the garden. They all had a life before they got on the shelves, Garry teased.

- I am a vegetarian, Laura retorted.

- Since when? Yuri scorned. Didn’t I see you have some ham yesterday at dinner?

- You’re imagining things, Yuri. That wasn’t me, the girl defended.

- Guys, please, stop, Lisa intervened. Everybody has the right to have their own opinions and choose the diet they want! Let’s stop arguing and see if we can establish a connection with Amitiel or with Amy.

Nobody seemed to want to speak with Dean. Secretly they all either feared or resented his presence. They couldn’t stand his arrogance and condescending behaviour, so, if there was an alternative to addressing him directly they’d take that instead of contacting him.

The evening brought an established connection with Amy through the compass-watch. Garry had managed to initiate a hologram-call. They exchanged news and Garry, despite the animosity between him and Dean, learned with sadness about him being trapped down into the World of Shadows.

- Amy, could you contact Troy’s parents and tell them that he’s doing fine! Can you do that for me, please?

- Well, Amy answered, they kind of alerted the police. I was contacted earlier by professor Forscher. It seems that Troy’s mum was worried sick last night.

- Damn it...

- What about the other one’s parents?

- Most of us are practically adults, living on our own... The only kids around here are you and Troy, he joked.

- Yeah, well, my mother is okay, I had contacted her before the portal surrounded the house, Amy reassured.

- Where exactly are you now? he asked.

- I am in the teacher’s house, down to the orphanage with Miranda. She is sick, tied to the bed with fever. Amitiel went back to save Dean all by himself. I’ll write to Troy’s mum but don’t get your hopes up. She might be very upset now and ask for her son to contact her, not some stranger!

- Yeah, I guess you’re right. Well, another loss on us. I’m sorry, mate! Garry jocularly addressed Troy. You’re going to have to leave our group after this great adventure!

- Great adventure? the other one raised a sarcastic eyebrow. Just tell my mum that I am fine. Write to her these exact words: The cat is dancing on the roof! she’ll calm down. Dinah and Yuri couldn’t restrain their chuckles. Laura smiled widely.

- What is this? Some kind of a code between you and your mom? Garry asked.

- That is so sweet! Lisa squealed.

- Yes, sweet, Troy flushed.