Pure Perception (Web of Deception #2) by Michelle Watson - HTML preview

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Chance stirs his fruit punch in his glass with his straw. He wanted to meet at Roxy’s Diner. So I’m here. We’re at a table in the far back where no one can hear us. But that doesn’t stop people’s curious glances and low murmurs as they all look my way. I see their unvoiced question in their eyes.


Why did he do it?

Why did he murder her?

“I saw her,” he says almost too low to hear.

I drag my eyes from the groups of people that seem eager to grab their pitchforks and torches, ready to burn me for any indication of my true nature. They all feel it. They all know it. There’s a monster amongst the crowd…a dragon of sorts.

Can they smell it on me?

“Seen who?”

His brown eyes stay on mine as he sips at his drink. “Her.”

The way he stares into my eyes I know he’s referring to Isabel. “When?”

“When you had Her.”

I hold his steady gaze a moment longer, and I know he’s not bullshitting. “Is that so?”

He nods. “She’s alive.” He keeps his voice extremely soft and leaves out Isabel’s name. I imagine it’s so no one can detect it, or record our conversation and use it against us.

“How do you know?” I mumble into my glass of grape juice, speaking as low as he is.

“Simple: You wouldn’t harm Her. You love Her.”

“Is that what you wanted to tell me?” I ask, unsure of his motive for helping me. Is Sally part of this?

Chance gives his head a slight shake and pulls at his leather jacket. “No. I’m here to warn you. Sally’s plotting.”

“She’s always plotting.”

He gives his head another shake. “No. It’s far worse. She’s using her cousin, Detective Steve, to put you under this time. Both detectives came by and they took her statement.” He pauses and holds my eyes. “It was on hell of a statement.”

“She has no proof of anything,” I counter.

“You being you and Sally being Sally, do you really think she needs proof? She has everyone wrapped around her manipulative fingers.”

“Except for you. Why are you helping me?” I ask, warily of his intentions. “You’re Sally’s muse. She holds you above everyone else and you betray her so easily? What am I missing?”

“You’re missing the part where I told you I saw Her. I talked to Her, and She changed the way I see everything. I looked in the mirror and hated what I saw that stared back at me. I don’t know if you have ever experienced self-hate, but it’s powerful enough to make you want to change what you are, to rise above whatever lows you’re in. That’s what She did for me.”

My brows lift in surprise, but I completely understand where he’s coming from. “How many times did you talk to Her?”

“Once. But it was enough. I didn’t report it back. I didn’t want Sally to know where She was. There’s something you should know, though. It might change the way you look at Sally. You may even hate her less.”

I laugh and crunch on some ice cubes from my drink. “I highly doubt that.”

“Lend me your ears. That’s all I ask,” he murmurs firmly.

Taking in his solemn expression, I nod, releasing a sigh. “Okay. Shoot.”

“The pregnancies…she didn’t abort them. She miscarried. Three times.”

It’s liked I’ve been kicked in my chest by a horse. I have to swallow a few times because I can no longer find my voice. “What?”

“I was there when all three happened. She called me. We were nothing more than friends then. She blamed herself and cursed you for some reason. Sally wanted you to be hurt like she was, I guess. I don’t know why she detests you so much.”

I stare at the three platinum rings on my left thumb and they get blurry. “She didn’t abort my babies?”

“No. She just has this twisted view of reality. We all have a twisted view of perception, really. She isn’t as heartless as you believe.”

A bubble of elation and relief erupts in my chest. I close my eyes for a moment, the weight if the world lifting from shoulders. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry first. “She didn’t abort my babies.”

“Hunter,” Chance cautions in an alert tone. “Max just walked in, and I think he has a…son.”

My eyes snap open at that to see Max and Lily and a young kid that clings onto both of them. They are seated in a booth near the front of the diner. When did Lily get back in town? She looks good with her hair tied up in a high knot and a violet sundress that matches Max and the kid’s eyes. Max hooks a hand around her neck and pulls her in close to kiss her forehead. He whispers something in her ear and she laughs earnestly, leaning more into his side. The boy points at the shake flyers, indicating which one he wants. They both nod. Max rises and strolls to the bathrooms.

“Be right back,” I say to Chance. I walk over to Lily’s table and smile at her and her son. “When did you get back?”

Her eyes expand and she jumps from the booth, throwing her arms around my neck. “Hunter Knight. It’s been forever.” She holds me at arm’s length and smiles hugely at me. “My God look at you. Wow. You’re so handsome. It’s ridiculous.”

“No. Look at you. You’re beautiful…and a mother?”

She flushes and nods, glancing at her son. “This is Maxwell. Maxwell this is Mommy’s high school friend, Hunter Knight.”

He makes a face. “Are you a real knight?”

I make the same face and he laughs. “Not really. Can you keep a secret?”

He nods vigorously.

“I don’t know,” I tease, playfully.

“I can. Tell me.”

“I’m not a knight. I’m a dragon.”

He gasps, his eyes growing wider. “Cool. Can you breathe fire and do you have wings? Are they big?”

“I breathe fire that’s hotter than lava and my wings are enormous,” I say, expanding my arms out to my sides to emphasize how huge they are and his mouth drops open. “They’re so big they drag behind me when I walk.”

He seems stunned.

Lily giggles and hugs her son.

“Can I see you change into a dragon?”

“Unfortunately, I can’t transform until my princess needs me.”

His curly head slants to the side, a curious expression on his face. “Where’s your princess?”

I feel that familiar pinch in my heart again. “She’s missing.”

“Where is—”

“That’s enough,” Lily chides, smiling down at him and stroking his hair. “Go finish you milkshake, Maxwell.”

“OK, Mommy.”

We watch him as he spoons the whipped cream from his strawberry milkshake and then she looks back at me. “Hunter, I don’t know what’s going on…but I know you didn’t murder Isabel. I always thought you two would have a family of your own by this time. Everyone knows you guys are meant to be.”

That pinch in my chest intensifies. I take a deep breath but it does nothing to help the insufferable pain. “Thanks, Lily. She’s missing, but I have a strong feeling she’ll come back. We just have to be patient.”

“Hunter,” Max greets snappily. He gives me a hard look and sweeps Lily’s body behind his with a push of his hand, completely shielding her from me. It’s a protective move and one I have respect for.

“Max,” Lily says, trying to side step him, but he doesn’t allow it.

“No, Lily,” he says in voice that demands absolute obedience. “Sit back down with Maxwell.” She gives me a sympathetic look and does as he says.

“I didn’t mean any harm, Max. I just wanted to drop by and say hello. Congratulations on fatherhood. We should all be so lucky.”

His expression is severe but he smiles and it does not reach his harden eyes. “Let me walk you to your truck, Hunter.”

I glance back at our table and it’s already cleaned off. Chance is gone like he was never there, the tab paid. “Sure.”

We walk to the parking lot side by side and only when we’re outside does Max begin to talk. “What did you do to Isabel, Hunter?”

Taking out my keys, I sigh disappointedly. “I didn’t do anything, Max. She left. That’s all. She’ll come back whenever she wants. As hurtful as it is, Isabel left us both, Max. You should accept that.”

His jaw muscles tighten and he seems like he wants bash my head in right now. “What did you do with her body, Hunter?”

“When we were together, everything you could imagine.”

His fists ball, ready to strike and I can’t be happier. I need a fight to shed this frustration I can’t get rid of. If Max throws the first punch, then it won’t look so bad if I retaliate.

“Max,” Lily whispers.

He glances back at her, the tension instantly leeching from his tense body. It’s amazing how love can do that and make you feel alright when the world around you is up in flames and at war. “Yes, babe?”

“Maxwell wants you back inside, and so do I. Come on, honey.”

He smiles at her, his eyes shimmering with a wide variety of things I once felt. “Okay, give me a minute, then I’m yours.”

I unlock my door and glide into the driver’s seat. By the time Max turns back around to face me, I have my truck cranked and ready to go. “I didn’t do anything to Isabel, Max. I love her. I want the best for her. That’s that.”

He studies me for long moment and shakes his head, scowling at me. “If she’s hurt, Hunter, I’m going to make you pay like never before.”

I grit my teeth and nod, but in the back of my mind, I’m glad Max cares about Isabel almost as much as I do. “Get back to your son and Lily.”

Max gives me another hard look before walking away.