Purgatory by BG Britton - HTML preview

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LIFE IN 2017


In 2004, I was faced with a dichotomy; live the mediocre life prescribed by the physicians and expire ultimately not really having lived or continue as I had done before the stroke and enjoy each new day as it came, if it came

I naturally gravitated back to Umhlanga Rocks where I had friends and where I had been happiest before. Soon I became re-acquainted with old colleagues, met new ones, enjoyed each day as if it were my last and, as I was not allowed to work, began to reconstruct my life as a disabled person.



I re-ignited my interest in writing. I had previously leaned heavily on researching facts upon which I could rely, verify and publish. I was not yet brave enough to express my own opinions for fear of criticism and so produced books of non-fiction.

The decline of my country, South Africa, from a Western Democracy in 1994 to an African Kleptocracy in 2017 became the background to much of my writing.

As I grew bolder and began to form opinions on issues, I timidly began introducing my own thoughts and opinions into the non-fiction material.

Stepping Stones


A Guide for the Youth on Morality, Ethics and Life. The Sages, Philosophers, Luminaries and Prominent Citizens of History have left a Footprint for living a Moral and Productive Life. Their Wisdom Endures Forever.

Aimed at the youth of South Africa the work of non- fiction attempted to forewarn of an African Kleptocracy wherein an elitist black society would form without regard for education or development of the youthful population.

On April1, 2017 these predictions became reality with the capture of the Treasury and the dismissal of the Minister of Finance Pravin Gordon and his Deputy Minister Jonas Mcebisi.


Stepping Stones has been downloaded 1,450 times from the free e-books site on the internet.

A Bridge Too Far


An autobiography of one South African's experiences growing up in Apartheid riddled South Africa. Between 1948 and 1994 South Africa was abhorred by the world because of its dreadful separate development policies.  Life however had to go on for South Africa's multi cultured citizens. Here is one man's account of those draconian days.

‘A Bridge Too Far’ is the story of my life and was undertaken to test my memory following the stroke. It demonstrated that my long distant recall of events was better than my memory of more recent occurrences.

The book ends two years before my retirement at age sixty-five and the termination of my disability pension on the same date.


A Bridge Too Far, runs to 450 odd pages and has been downloaded some 3,200 times from the free e-books website.

Umhlanga Rocks: Sunny Place for Shady People


Jacques Perot is an ex-executive turned beach bum living in the bohemian sub-tropical paradise known as Umhlanga Rocks. He finds a new zest for life in meeting the lovely Linda, a newcomer to the village. By chance he uncovers a plot that can disturb the frivolity and fun of this unique place on the eastern shores of South Africa. Together with Captain de Villiers he unravels a plot that seems to lead to the Premiers of both South Africa and China. As the clock ticks down to the May 7, 2014 elections in South Africa, the two intrepid investigators with the help of the free press, attempt to bring the magnitude of the kleptocracy and neo-colonialism   being perpetrated to the attention of the South African voters.


This was an initial attempt at fiction. The book is based solidly on current political events at the time and deals extensively with the Nkandla saga and Jacob Zuma’s defiance of the Constitution. The fiction element in the book was still too timid in the story line but does introduce dialogue, characters and occasionally an opinion.

The book has been downloaded some 700 times from the free e-books website.

Last Gasp


The jury is out. The judgement is awaited. The tension is palpable. The journalists wait, pens poised, to see whether African Kleptocracy or Western Democracy will prevail. The importance of the judgement is that it will determine the future of South Africa and its citizens. Over-dramatization? I think not. But while we wait what do the pundits say as the country teeters precariously on the edge of a fiscal cliff that may set it back twenty years... or worse.

Again, a weak story line gives way to powerful political events dragging South Africa towards Kleptocracy.

The book has been downloaded some 300 times from the free e-books website.

 Ambush Alley


We expected too much in 1994. With the collapse of communism, we anticipated that, with the ANC under Mandela, South Africa would subscribe to Western Democracy. For a while under him and later Mbeki, we  did just that. We applied Western Economic Policies and stepped back from the precipice upon which we were finely balanced. Under Zuma that all changed. We are now in bed with Indian Gangsters, Russian Oligarchs, Chinese Colonialists, impoverished Brazilians and anyone else who will pay Zuma and his cronies enough money.

Who stole my country?


Ambush Alley is where the author loiters to meet the locals of the Umhlanga Rocks Village. Besides meeting some of these locals, the  book is a platform for people’s views on current developments in South Africa.

The book has been downloaded some 300 times from the free e-books website.

Critical South African Debates


March 31, 2017 will be forever remembered as the day when Zuma fired Gordhan and his sidekick Jonas. The  two true South Africans who resolutely defended the last bastions of democracy – the Treasury and the Public Investment Corporation. The kleptocrats, looters, thieves and thugs have now assailed the ramparts and are about to rampage through the castle. The soldiers who made the breach possible should however prepare to go back  to their lowly billets. The loot will be shared by a small group of generals who mysteriously appeared,  at  the time of the breach


Published on March 1, 2017 this is likely my last publication. It is a compilation of news reports written by erudite journalists which, when cobbled together as various critical debates occurring in South Africa, present a chronology of South Africa’s decline from Democracy in 1994 to the present  African Kleptocracy in 2017.

The book has been downloaded from the free e-book site 38 times in the last two weeks.


