Rambo Year One Vol.4: Take me to the Devil by Wallace Lee - HTML preview

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To my readers,


What I’m about to tell you is one of those things that readers usually get wrong about writers and one that I’d like to clear up, or what I mean is, be as clear as possible about how it pertains to me. It's popular belief that a writer always enjoys writing something as much as the reader enjoyed reading it. In reality, that's not generally true however.

Well, not at all, actually.

In fact, it isn’t only the contrary but the polar-opposite.


Writing that book hurt like hell, almost physical. The kind of pain that makes you lose your appetite during the day and keeps you awake at night.

But why?

Why did I feel the need to go as far as that?Probably since in the end, it didn't really matter how far I went because it was never far enough. 

No matter how much pain I searched for from within, it couldn’t suffice. Nothing seemed to do it justice and words alone, no matter how extreme, didn't proportionally demonstrate even a fraction of what that war had really been.

I really couldn't portray what was in my thoughts. There wasn’t any way to render it in its entirety. This was therefore, the primary reason I never stopped. When someone comes to pass on the page of a book, you,  I mean the author of course, have to die together with him, in a literary sense. Why? Well, that's how it works and that's the way it should work. When it doesn't, the story you’re trying to tell just turns into a pile of shit. Shit over which you may be able to ponder a bit maybe, but it will never be authentic, or portray the kind of emotion that can reach out from your heart and get inside someone else's. As a result, I had no other choice when I began this journey writing this saga.


There’s something I need to tell you, despite being at a loss and unable to explain the reason why. Writing “TAKE ME TO THE DEVIL” was, I have to admit, one of the most painful books I’ve ever written.


I said it.

Now I don't want to talk about me any longer.

Nor about you neither.


No I would like to be clear about something else, but this time I want to come clear with the veterans in case of any of them will ever read a Rambo-prequel work. Whether any of them will ever actually do or not, it doesn't really matter.

I want to clarify this thing anyway.