Rambo Year One Vol.4: Take me to the Devil by Wallace Lee - HTML preview

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To Vietnam's veterans,


I hope you understood that this was a sincere tribute coming from the best intentions, and nothing else than that.

I don't envy for what you have suffered, don't misunderstand me for God's sake... I envy you for what you are now.

Because inside your books, websites and forums...  

In every place where you gather and talk about yourself, I always found values so strong to be almost overwhelming in their mighty: solidarity, loyalty and that very strong sense of family that overcomes everything, always and no matter what. 

Even when you never met in person you consider yourselves brothers to each other anyway, because you went through something terrible and it's something you can talk honestly about only to each other’s and with nobody else because nobody else in the world can understand it, not even after all of those years. Not even the streams of books that have been written about of films shots.

Because it' not just something impossible to tell, but it's impossible to understand too.


I know a song that tells about feelings like those ones and I would like to dedicate it to you as and ending signature song of this novel.

It's called 'Nothing Else Matters', and even if it wasn't write and doesn't talk about the veterans, it's perfect anyway both in terms of texts and music, so let me dedicate it to you veterans as if it was some kind of signature song at the end of this Take me to the devil novel of mine. 

If you have it in a drawer, this is the right moment to pull this song out or searching it on YouTube as 'nothing else matters', which is a very fast way to listen to it now, if you have an internet connection. Let's play is now, in some kind of salute to each others from this novel. 

Thank you all for staying here with me for all of those years, all of you, whoever you are.

Thanks again.

Thanks from the heart.




Wallace Lee, 17-7-2019