Rambo Year One Vol. III: Point of No Return by Wallace Lee - HTML preview

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Coletta popped out from the vegetation shouldering his M14 but not uttering a word.

Rambo came abruptly to a halt.

Something was wrong.

The two of them stood motionless and silently stared into the dark jungle, until Rambo took a few steps forward, right up to Ortega.


“Can you hear it?” said Coletta.


“The silence”


Rambo kept quiet.

Coletta stared downwards.


“They found us,” he said.

Rambo tried to swallow, but couldn’t.

“You sure?”

“I am positive. They have found us and they are close too”

Rambo kept quiet for a second time, and looked at his friend with a puzzled expression. He didn’t understand how Coletta could be so sure.

“Come on Raven. Let's get back to the others”


They moved backwards without turning around.


“You’re absolutely sure, Sniper?”

“Yeah. Before any contact, there's always that 'moment of silence'. Let's get back to the others. Now”