Rambo Year One Vol. III: Point of No Return by Wallace Lee - HTML preview

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The team suddenly stopped and gathered.

Lowell saw the scouts coming back as the soldiers stood talking to each other.

Even if he couldn't hear what they were saying, it wasn’t good news for sure.

In fact, almost immediately after he’d sighted them, Raven and Sniper moved towards him quite quickly.


All right, this is it – he said to himself. 

Now they’re gonna kill me. 


Lowell felt his legs give way under him.


Your injury is slowing the group down too much.

Rob’s death was my fault, so now they are gonna kill me.


Even if he was limping as he approached him, Raven was still as scary as hell.

Lowell tried to take a few steps back, but he knew there was no way out.


Raven grabbed his hands immobilizing them.

Lowell looked around desperately, and realized that they were gathering the other three hostages too. The other squad explorers – Tiger and Snake – had returned too.

Even though they were rounding up the entire group, he couldn’t understand why Raven had tied his hands behind his back.


“Why did you tie me up Raven?” asked Lowell.


Raven didn’t answer but made him sit on the ground. His face was stone-cold. Lowell had no way of knowing, but Rambo's mind was miles away.


Why? - Lowell thought to himself. 

Ok, I’m wounded, but I am haven’t stopped marching.

Was it because of Robertson?

That wasn’t my fault.

Robertson didn’t die because of me.


Scorpio and Raven stayed with the prisoners while the rest of the team hurriedly dispersed into the jungle.

Only then did Lowell realize that Raven was tying the other three prisoners as well.

Before going on to speak his mind, Scorpio took a deep breath and suddenly seemed a lot older.


“They’re surrounding us,” he said.

“I don't know if it’s intentional, but the fact is, they are moving around us and we can’t face them. We have to let them get by. 


The prisoners looked at each other in bewilderment.


“There's no plausible way out of this kind of tactical situation, but fear will make you believe otherwise. That's the reason we’ve tied you. Both the gags and having your hands and feet tied up are for your own safety. They will keep you from screaming and running away.

If one of us gets found, we’ll let them take us prisoner.

Come out of your hiding spot with your arms up and tell them that you were left behind for misbehaving. Tell them we’re mercenaries, not from the US SF. Is that clear?” 


The prisoners nodded.


“Do I have to tell you why?”

“No” replied Johnson, speaking on behalf of all of the POWs.

“Fine. I know this may look desperate, but in all actually it isn’t, and you can make it. We can all make it. They don’t know how many of us there are exactly, and don’t know our exact whereabouts either. Moreover, there haven’t got any k9s with them. That's precisely why we are going to make it.

You only have to keep quiet and not move regardless of how scared shitless you are, and that's it. We’ll take care of everything else the same way we have until now”


Ortega paused to reflect further.

He then went on to say:


“Keep your eyes shut. If you don't see them go past, you’re less likely to do something stupid”


He kneeled down next to the prisoners.


“It's all a question of nerves. If you get too scared, just close your eyes like you did when you were kids. Just close them. We don't have to blindfold you as well, or do we?”

They all shook their heads from side to side, indicating no.

“Fine. We’ll be here for hours guys, and those hours will drag on, and feel nothing short of weeks.

Keep calm.

Try to not lose sight of reality.

Look at the sun: if it hasn’t moved then that means not a lot of time has actually passed.

If you hear shots, DO NOT come out: we’ll come and get you. The code word is 'Baker', ok?”


Ortega paused yet again, almost to make sure they had enough time to take it all in, but then continued.


“Wait for the word ‘Baker’. Even if an entire night goes by, DO NOT come out no matter what. I know it's hard but you’ve gotten this far, so you can do this too.

You’ve got to” he said in a conclusive manner.

Scorpio had finished saying everything he’d intended to say.


Raven helped Lowell get back up and hopping along keeping his wounded foot up, showed him to his hiding place.


Raven slowly walked back and forth, calmly assessing the terrain as he glanced occasionally at the vegetation.

In the end, he brought Lowell to an old, fallen tree that was now completely covered in foliage

Then, he made Lowell lie underneath it while carefully putting the vegetation back in place over him, making him in turn, completely invisible.


“Leave some space so I can see the sun” Lowell said quietly.

“Trust me man, the less you see, the better it is”


Once done, Raven turned back to say:


“Now listen to me carefully. If the VCs find you, they’ll try to make you turn your friends in. If that happens, try leading down there. Do you see that place over there? It isn’t very far”


“Go to the middle of it and then say damn thunder. Ok? You should say it two or three times almost pretending to curse or something. If by chance one of the VCs understands English, you tell him it's only a swearword he doesn’t know. Is that clear?” 

Lowell nodded vigorously.

'Cause if we absolutely have to kill them, then we want them all to be down there when we do it”