Rambo Year One Vol. III: Point of No Return by Wallace Lee - HTML preview

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Rambo was lying on the bed.

There was a girl in topless standing right beside him.

Rambo watched her.


Her physique was fragile and perfect like that of a model.

The oriental shape of her eyes was exact and absolute, and the deeper Rambo stared into them, the more he realized that they were so wonderful that it almost hurt.

They were green, crystalline almost, and the jet-black hair which seemed to frame them was so dark it could have been ink, as black as a raven’s wings.

It was perfectly smooth and as shiny as glass.


The light in her eyes was calm, revealing just how comfortable she was with being around him.

The feeling Rambo was getting just fromthe sight of her was a powerful one, almost magnetic and yet sweet.

It unsettled him and gave him inner peace all at the same time.

After walking around his bed, she laid down beside him.

It was then that Rambo became somewhat uncomfortable.

Naked as he was, he almost felt scared.

He felt something stirring in his stomach. It felt a lot like to fear, but it wasn’t exactly that, nor was it as unpleasant.

It was more like sort of awkwardness.

The room was completely pink so it would look covered in silk.

Rambo had even paid a little more than he need have because he was so determined to see her... That wasn’t the only thing though.

It was just that now, he was feeling it too, precisely as Ortega had.

It had only taken a little longer to take effect in Rambo’s head.

He was feeling the weight of what had happened.

Consequently, after what they’d done that night he’d have done anything to a steer clear of the base, the war and maybe even from his teammates until it passed.

Even if it was only temporarily, he wanted to keep his distance from everything. Afterwards, he would have gone back to life as usual.


Rambo pulled her shoulders to his, and the two of them moved closer.


She turned to look at him.

As she caressed his face gently, he looked back at her thoughtfully at her eyes. That stare was begging him for something, and he couldn’t help but lose himself instantly as those green eyes gazed back at him.

It was right then and there that he understood from a feeling within that those eyes were enough.

They lavishly filled him and looking into them sufficed. He wouldn’t need a single thing more.

Her warmth enclosed him.

The two of them remained quite still momentarily observing each other only. For Rambo however it had lasted no less than a lifetime.

She embraced him tenderly and while they held each other tight, something happened inside of him.

The last thing he wanted was for anything to ruin that special moment, but he truly couldn’t control himself.

Rambo went back in his mind and re-lived some memories of not so long ago.


He thought about the argument he’d just had with Ortega over the fact that he would never have talked to Alvarez's wife.

Then Rambo went back even further in his mind, back to when he was doing the SOG selection process.

Rain, hard work, cold temperatures and regular beatings were what his selection had been all about. He’d gone through it all just to get into a unit – the MacVsog – where the personnel had a 100% death or injury rate.

He then went even further back in his mind to his father and how much he used to hit him. He could probably kill him with a single hand if he so wished now.


Rambo felt her squeeze him tighter, almost as though she could read his mind, suddenly bringing him back to reality.

Rambo spoke Vietnamese fluently. He could have talked to her if he’d wanted to, but it would have been like admitting he was in Special Forces, and he couldn't afford it.

He would have given anything to talk to her, but he didn’t all the same.

They stayed in each other’s arms for a time and although she fell asleep, he didn’t.

Hearing her breathe gave him a sense of inner peace which he couldn’t explain.

They’d been two wonderful hours.