Raulf, an Adventure of Sorts by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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Morton Manor’s honey coloured Cotswold stone was bathed in the mid September sun, it had taken on a light beige glow. Mrs.Mac had prepared for their arrival and chicken soup with home-made bread was on the table to be followed by a cheese platter. Raulf had rung her from the airport advising her he would be bringing two guests home. Also they were quite full up already and a light meal would be fine.

“So we are all back now safely, what with Miss Carol and yourselves, I can at last relax so sit you all down and I will serve.”

“Oh good Carol has got away at last from her Uncle, I bet Tinkers glad to get her home, are they still staying in the manor as Sir Hubert asked?”

“Bless me no, when Miss Carol came back two…or maybe it was three days ago they both moved back to the Gate House. She seemed in such high spirits to be taking Tinker home again; anyhow Tinker said he could come up later after you’ve had your meal. He would have heard you come thought the gate.”

“Vincent had me stop, and he popped in to see Carol, he wants us all back in the Manor, Mrs.Mac, for the next few nights.”

“Oh my, I will have to re-organise the bedrooms, I will go to Mrs.Drury in the village and Misha can have my room.”

Vincent shook head whilst he drank his soup, he cleared his mouth, “I’m sorry but all of you must stay in the Manor.”

“Oh, then we will have to put the folding camp bed from the attic into your room Raulf.”

“I’m sure that will be fine for a few days. I think we will need to change the upstairs layout later and make the sewing room into another bedroom, if you could arrange that with Matt the carpenter please Mrs Mac.”

“Once this business is finished please Mrs Mac.” Vincent quietly interrupted.

They finished their meal Raulf and Misha went upstairs to help Mrs Mac carry the bed down from the attic. Vincent went to telephone Sir Hubert, and shortly after he yelled up the staircase, ‘and Sir Hubert and his wife are coming.’

“Sir Hubert and his wife in number one spare bedroom, Carol and Tinker number two spare bedroom, Vincent, Misha and me in mine. It seems to me we have very large attics up there which could be developed into more useful abodes, well at least one of them.”

“I’ll ask Matt to look at the attics as well. In the meantime you’ll need another camp bed down. Your grandfather had six made, loved his open air camping trips.”

“Didn’t I remember you had a small round garden house here somewhere, a gazebo?’

“Yes Vincent, it’s still here, its down by the stream, Tinker and I used to use it as our fishing lodge.”

“It might be an idea if I slept down there, you have sleeping bags Mrs Mac?”

“Indeed we have six to go with the beds Mr. Vinchenzo.”

“Its Bechella now, but Mrs. Mac please call me Vincent. And its not because you snore Raulf so don’t look offended”

“Of course, but why.”

“I think Sir Hubert will explain when he gets here sometime tonight, I understand he will be visiting someone else so he could be a little late. He asked me to stay up for him and we all meet at breakfast for a planning session.

“Sounds very formal to me, are you going to be alright in the Gazebo by yourself?”

“There may be visitors later in the day, I’m afraid we won’t be sure whether they be friend or foe, we play it by ear. Do you remember those two anti-terrorists at the airport who rescued you? “


“They are not employed by your friend David, that’s just cover, apparently they are from Stirling Lines, a two man team take a months duty on, at both Heathrow and Gatwick. Sir Hubert knows the Brigadier in Hereford and we’ll need two more sleeping bags for them.”

“The Brigadier?”

“The two from Heathrow they just finished their duty term, so Sir Hubert’s grabbed them, they’ll just be a bit late getting back to barracks. We’ve got them for three days, including all their equipment. Mrs Mac may have to get more stores in from the village tomorrow, if so I’d rather Carol drive her, until the two SAS men arrive you and Misha should stay out of sight.”

“So we are the targets yet again, when is this all going to stop Vincent.”

“No Raulf, these are precautions, we prepare for the worst, we presume whatever clout the Russian Mafia has in this country is similar to elsewhere.”

“I’d like to take Misha around the estate, it still light outside. Perhaps walk along to the Gate House and meet up with Tinker.”

“They’ve beaten you to it here’s the Land Rover, take Carol with you as well as Tinker and be back before dusk.”

“Yes Sir, you remind me of an old schoolmaster Vincent!”

“And you remind me of a someone likely to…well be safe, no further than the stream.   Remember your Uncle Todd.”

Raulf went down the stairs to greet Carol and Tinker. He introduced Misha to them and helped them lift their cases inside. They indicated that a stroll was in order and Carol picked her overcoat from the Land Rover's seat and joined them as they sauntered over the lawn towards the Gazebo.

“Miss Carol I have seen before” whispered Misha to Raulf.

“That’s impossible Misha.”

“She look like the lady in the General’s Dacha, she stayed in the house when I was in the barn. She arrived a day before you the day I ran from there she saw me in the yard and winked at me, I’m sure its her.”

“Is that so, perhaps Carol was the parcel the General delivered shortly after our little escapade, Um. Let’s see Misha if I get a reaction.”

Raulf caught up with Tinker and Carol he tapped her on the shoulder.

“Carol, I’ve a complaint.”

“What with a smile as big as a Cheshire cat to go with it.”

“The first shot should have been a warning, my hair was neatly parted.”

“Who told you about a warning, and I suppose Misha has given the game away.”

“Vincent. And yes Misha rather has, not every day does a beautiful lady wink at him.”

She smiled and put her finger to her lips.

Tinker meanwhile had his eyes searching the woods and fields.

“All’s quite here, what are you two babbling about.”

“Nothing Darling, Raulf and Misha just pulled my leg, that’s all.”

“Lucky its not the arm they’ve pulled, otherwise the revolver you got in your pocket will go off. Carol, when this is all over we are having no guns and lots of babies.” Tinker steered them toward the Gazebo.

“By the way Vincent wants to sleep out here tonight.” Raulf indicated the Gazebo.

“ He’ll have to join our Fishing Lodge first Raulf, I trust he’ll be warm and comfy here tonight by himself.”

“Well tomorrow he’ll have two lads from the SAS to keep him company.”

“Are we in a war again?”

“Uncle will explain tomorrow, meantime you two could check the fish for a little grilled supper?”

Carol and Misha sat down in the Gazebo as the men unhooked their rods from the roof.

“Just a few casts you two then its back to the castle.” Carol called out as they marched down to the stream.

“I was not joking about babies, the sooner Carol has a couple to worry over the sooner you and I will be able to fish how and when we please.”

Raulf roared with laughter,

“Tinker the problem is she’s got three of us now to boss around, now I have Misha, he’s to be my long lost cousin. In a way I’m pleased to give him a home, Uncle Todd was fixing up to adopt him, so in a way Morton belongs to him as much as to us.”

“He’ll be a great companion for you, and I guess I’ll have him as an apprentice help manage the farm. With you away most of the time I don’t get too much fishing done.” Tinker cast out and hooked a trout.

“ OK, Misha can have my rod to use so you and he can keep the larders full.” Raulf reeled in and kneeling down by the stream edge he flicked his hand into the water and pulled out a shining fish, “anyhow I don’t know why we bother with the rods.”

“Its good for the shoulders, and more of a challenge you cheat.”

They both roared with laughter and Misha came down to see the fish. Raulf handed him his rod and Misha wiped it on his shirt.

“No Misha it’s yours to have, but it hangs here in the roof next to Tinkers, he or I will show you later how to fly fish.”

“This is not real, no wings.” Misha stroked the hair and feathers.

They walked back to the house together, as a light breeze stirred the trees. Raulf stopped and turned with Misha at his side. They both let their eyes take in the magic of the landscape.

“I like it with your home Raulf, and it is warm and beautiful.”

“It is your home now for always Misha,” Raulf put his arm on his shoulder and they both walked in step with one another, back to the house and supper.

“Raulf, I am afraid I have bought bad luck to the Uncle Todd and yourself, please to forgive me.” Misha bent his head forward. Raulf turned him around and gently lifted his chin up, Mishap’s face was taut, his eyes wet with his tears.

“Listen dear Misha. It is others who caused us trouble, not you, nor your father. He was a brave man, he must have known they were after him, so he told the only person he could trust, and that was you Misha. I have you to care for now, and over the past few days it does seem you have a feeling for me as well. So no more running away, you are home at last.” Raulf took his arm and they sauntered  up the lawn to join the others.