Raulf, an Adventure of Sorts by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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After supper Tinker helped Vincent take the camp bed and two sleeping bags down to the Gazebo. They also took three pillows with them, which Raulf felt was overdoing it a bit.

“Are you sleeping out as well Tinker, or just going poaching?” he asked.

“Neither, but I’ll take the shotgun as Vincent wants to do a reconnoitre around the woods area, close to the road.

“Oh no, you are not Tinker Transom.” Carol came down the staircase, “both of you should know better.”

“We were thinking of inviting you Carol, Raulf can let your Uncle in when he eventually arrives.”

“Right.” Carol strode over to the hangers and took down her coat, “Lets be off then, back in half an hour Raulf, please lock the doors and if you want us quickly there’s a compressed air starting horn on the kitchen table point towards the woodland.”

“You’ll need a following breeze.” Tinker yelled as they went through the front door.

Raulf securely lock and bolted it behind them, then went through to the scullery collecting the horn on the way, and checked the lock and bolts were in place.


He went upstairs to check on Misha who was helping Mrs.Mac make up the camp bed in his room. He showed them the horn and told them to sound it immediately, if there was any suspicion of danger. They then all went downstairs and closed the shutters of each of the ground floor windows. The telephone rang, and Mrs.Mac answered it expecting Sir Hubert. There was a pause.

“Hello, I say Hello can you hear me, Morton Manor?” She put it back in its cradle, a wrong number it seems. “Shall I make some coffee?”

“I think we’ll wait until Tinker and Carol return. Hang on I just heard the Land Rover start I wonder what they are up to?” Raulf opened up one side of the window shutter. He heard Tinker yell out that they were taking the car, and be back in an hour. The vehicle drew away towards the Gatehouse.

An hour later, two vehicles drove up, Raulf switched the outside lamps on and saw both the Land Rover and Sir Hubert’s car park by the stables. He closed the shutter and opened the front door; eventually Carol, Tinker, Sir Hubert and Lady Herbert arrived. Mrs. Mac went away to make coffee and biscuits for them all.

“Tonight we can relax, only one personage has been told the name and the treason behind that name, tomorrow he will release that he had heard a rumour, this will be done at 10:30 am. By that time we shall have our two little helpers alongside, and a Detective Inspector lodging in the village Inn. The Chief Constable was very helpful.” Sir Hubert reached out for a coffee cup. “I do not envisage any problems tonight although Vincent is not taking any chances, he and Tinker I hear have been very busy.”

“That makes two people who now know surely?” Raulf raised his eyebrows.

“No only one, the one rang the C C, and asked for this assistance without giving a reason.”

“What Sir Hubert do you expect to happen eventually?  I’m sorry let me first introduce you to Misha”
Sir Hubert rose and shook hands with the lad.

“The name Misha has supplied, was as you know, a total surprise to us, in this business one name often leads to others. So we will play the waiting game. The Chief of the Combined Services will be asked to carry out a formal inquiry, this of course could take months. What happens when the name and the rumour come out tomorrow, either there will be no reaction, or there will be some? We are in uncharted waters, but if a reaction occurs then Misha’s life will be at risk, for he is the bearer of the evidence.”

“But Misha’s evidence is only hearsay, from his father, surely that’s not allowed in our courts so why should he be in danger?” Raulf looked angrily at Sir Hubert.

“Raulf there would be no such thing as court action. Misha’s testimony would be to a select committee and taken for its full worth, as indeed would your adventures in Russia lately. You had a problem at Heathrow with a certain security man, also a certain Mr.Dobbs kept tabs on you whilst in Moscow. Maybe they are innocent parties, but we have yet to see what dregs come floating up once Sir Duncan Arnas is exposed. Now if Mrs.Mac could show us our bedroom I’ll say goodnight to you all, and we meet here in the lounge room in the morning.”

“ Sir Hubert, doubtless the London connection will already have learnt what occurred in Moscow, and presumably know we have returned here, so maybe Vincent’s caution is warranted.”

“That may be true Raulf but it’s my belief the troubles will start tomorrow, not tonight. No one imagined that Misha had two names to give us. I don’t think Arnas and whomever he is connected with will react until the rumour is spelt out tomorrow. That’s 10:30 plus say 30 minutes to get to a phone after the meeting.”

“So there could be someone in the entourage at the palace, connected with Sir Duncan Arnas.”

“No, not necessarily part of his treason, but connected enough to try to help or warn him or tell someone who knows him. Remember we British have a propensity for shooting ourselves in the foot. Especially over intelligence chiefs, after all look at poor old Hollis. It was thought a rumour mill was the best option, which gives them the chance to contact and organise themselves, and create a hasty plan. If they take no action we haven’t lost a thing, as Arnas will be arrested. Ultimately he will tell all.”

“Like Blunt didn’t.”

“Different context, different times Raulf.”

“Different people?”

“Indeed, now if you will allow Mrs.Mac to show us to our room, we will see you all tomorrow when our two lads arrive.”