Rebirth of Ahimsika by T. K. Raghunathan - HTML preview

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Sitting under a tree, Jagan recalled recent

events involving the horsemen and how

he had handled the situation. After a long

time he could overcome the fear and act

in a decisive manner.There was a warm

glow of pleasure of having won a small

skirmish and made new friends by sharing

food with the strangers with out any show

of animosity. He was thrilled that he had

established his own identity crawling out

of shadow into broad sunlight, made a

bold statement and came on top. His

soul that was submerged in an ocean

of fear and distrust till now , finally saw

the glory of victory. He felt surely that,

he was no more carrying in his mind the

dreadful sense of perpetual threat. He

had discovered that life had a great deal

more to offer when you stand up and

hold a position than when you ran away


fearing failure and pain. He recalled the

words of the dean of the famous TAKSHA

SEELA University , just as he was leaving

its portals hounded by his enemies who

had tracked him to that place and tried

to eliminate him. After a warm embrace

, the dean had said”never allow fear to

conquer your mind. You are destined to

do great things. A thousand good deeds

by you would redeem your glory.”But

Jagan could not conquer the gnawing fear

that tore at his vitals till yesterday .He

looked around him with wide open eyes

with new found confidence. you could

see his strength. In his muscles he could

feel more steel and in his mind there was

clarity in place of confusion.

The days passed by. Winter gave way to

spring and people began to move about

from place to place seeking work or doing

some trade.Jagan felt he too should get

involved in some activity using his extra

ordinary skills and knowledge gained at

the university. He had discovered that

overcoming fear brought a triumph of

achievement and to maintain that high

morale platform he had to be continuously

engaged in some activity. He decided that

helping people would be the best thing

he could do considering the skills and

knowledge he possessed. People trusted

him with information and he gave sound

advise on trade and commerce. People

began to respect him , his assertiveness

and the confidence he inspired. The

traders wanted his opinion about security

of tradesmen who were coming under the

attack of roaming highway robbers. They

felt if the economy was to improve, there

should be free trade and this was not

possible if the robbers were not stopped.

Jagan felt that was one area he could

engage himself. He suggested that the

tradesmen should move in convoys, so

that they could have collective security

and mutual help. The trades men were

not the fighting type , so suffered more

individually, during attack. So the concept

of convoy system and collective security

made more sense to them and they

adapted it wisely and engaged armed

men to travel along with them to offer


The highway robbers , one day , attacked

one such convoy.Apart from looting , this

time they were ruthless as some of their

own men were killed or injured by the

armed men accompanying the convoy. So

in a fit of rage, they killed , maimed and

brutalised the tradesmen, their children

and their womenfolk. The traders were

in total disarray after one such vicious

attack. They asked Jagan to help.Jagan

promised he would help.

Jagan thought, that trade was more

important for society and the robbers

seemed to be having a free run as the

king and his army were far away from

trade routes. If the robbers had to be

stopped , there should be a powerful

deterrant, which can not come from trades

people as they did not possess the skill

to mount a deterrant. Jagan had to do

this himself. He has to fight for the trades

people. But Jagan did not like to kill. If

fear of death was not there how would

it stop the robbers. He knew he had to

do some thing totally different and fearful

that the robbers would think twice before

attacking .He knew he could find a way

to put a fear with out actually taking out

a life. He remembered the conversation

with his friends around a campfire about

transfer of fear to derive pleasure. The

time had come to try that hypothesis.

Jagan smiled.

Then he came to know of another ambush

, more vicious than before.jagan saw for

himself how the people had suffered in

the hands of the robbers. He had to do

some thing. He ascertained where the

robbers had set their camp and decided

to challenge them..He saw a wild horse

roaming about in the forest. He threw a

rope and caught the horse and mounted

it like a trained horsemen. The beast

protested initially but he managed to calm

him down by his soft touch and steadying

words. Then the horse began to obey his

commands and he allowed him to pick up

speed. Jagan was not armed except for

the hunting knife that he always carried.

He would have loved a long sword today.

The horse brought him to the edge of the

forest where the robbers had camped.

The bandits had lit a great fire to celebrate

their victory and sacking of the traders

convoy. The bandits had seen him long

before he reached the campfire. They did

not know him and had no idea of what he

wanted and how to deal with him. They

saw the magnificent horse and knew that

such horses could be mounted only by

extra ordinary men

Jagan pulled his horse to a stop and he was

immediately surrounded by the bandits.

Jagan was not scared. He looked around

and shouted “where is your leader?”

There was authority in that voice.There

was menace in the way he shouted.There

was a hint of impatience too. Jagan was

sure he was not going to waste his time

engaging with underlings of the bandit

tribe. He wanted to deal with the leader.

The men shifted their position nervously

, getting ready for a fight that would

break out soon enough.Jagan shouted

again’where is he?’

A man emerged from behind a tree. He was

tall and broad and menacing. He looked at

Jagan with a hint of annoyance and lot of

impatience. He walked casually towards

Jagan , slowly extending his hand towards

him. Jagan noted that his adversary was

very strong and one to one combat was

out of question.He had to overwhelm him

very very fast. He jumped from his horse

and grabbed the bandits extended arm,

pulling him close to his body and twisted

it violently.The man screamed in pain and

even before the scream stopped, jagan

threw him over his legs and took out his

hunting knife from his waist .The huge

man was now lying on his back with his

hand still in Jagan’s fast grip. Jagan was

pressing that hand against a stone and

quickly and deliberately cut the thumb

out of that hand .This brutal and totally

unexpected attack shocked the bandit

and he screamed again as the knife cut

through his flesh.he looked at Jagan with

eyes that rolled in fear.The men around the

bandit stood stupefied. Jagan held up the

bleeding hand and the severed thumb for

every one to see and said”This is my way

of punishing you for your brutal attack

on the traders and their children.”He

made sure that every one watched

what he showed and heard the warning

issued.”Today it is a thumb, next time I

catch you it will be your neck.”He waited

for his words to sink in and then mounted

his horse gracefully and galloped away

leaving a stunned gang and screaming

bandit chief.

His heart was singing .He had done some

thing thrilling today.He didnot remain a

silent helpless witness to an atrocity. He

had acted. Acted to bring about a deterrant

against future attacks on traders and

innocent people., some thing that would

ensure security of people. This is what

a king was expected to do , punish the

criminals and protect the innocent. Even

though he was not a king of any particular

nation, He had answered his calling .He

was proud of what he had done.It did not

matter to him was that what he himself

had done was so bizarre and cruel.For him

it was a matter of judgement passed and

punishment meted out to the culprit.He

had convinced himself that what he did

was just and proper and he should not

indulge in too much of soul searching. He

held up the stump of thumb and admired

it as he would admire any memento.

He decided he would keep it with him.

He found a thorny bush from which he

extracted a long thorn.Using it as a point

he pierced the thumb and passed a thin

rope through the hole and made assort

of garland which he put around his own

neck, with the bloody thumb dangling

obscenely. He centred it and muttered to

himself ‘angulimal’. The thumb had begun

to decay in the heat and a foul smell

soon engulfed him. HE Suppressed a

rising vomit admonishing himself saying,

‘ you can not be squeamish about this

any more. Consider it as a trophy and be

happy you have some thing to showoff, for

the first good deed you did for some one

else’s sake.Angulimala , he said again, a

thousand good deed will restore your old

glory. He tried to imagine how he would

look with a mala of thousand thumbs.

The word spread fast, far and wide.

The bandits went under cover hoping

to rise again after the new menace of

Anguli mal was done away with. Some

adventurous bandits who could not stop

their campaigns because of personal

compulsions soon discovered that Jagan

had an uncanny way of turning up at most

inopportune moment , to thwart their

plans. They ended up losing their thumbs

.The traders rejoiced that some one had

taken on the bandits and taught them a

fitting lesson. The thumbs up sign became

the rage of the land. People moved around

freely with out fear. Trade flourished,

people crisscrossing the forest clearing

increased. Jagan’s garland became

more sinister looking with more thumbs

attached. Jagan ‘s heroics thrilled some

youngsters and they joined JAGAN,who

now became a leader of bandit busters,

who were now encouraged by traders

by sharing a part of their gain in their

increased trade.Thus a new team of

gangbusters started roaming. Jagan

ensured that nobody was killed, so that

people and traders knew that what

Jagan now offered by way of profession

was an insurance against being waylaid

and killed.

You can not expect professional robbers

to stop their actively permanently.

They regrouped and put their heads

together to think of a way to neutralise

the Angulimal effect as they began to

call their problem. They were now more

worried because Jagan was not alone any

more. Their chief said’Let us concentrate

on Angulimal. The others are simply

some hot blooded youngsters out for a

kick.Once Angulimal is out of the scene

they will all disappear like dew in the

morning sun. Another thing we know


about this gent is Jagan likes to operate

alone because he has some scruples. He

does not kill. He can not allow any of the

youngsters plunge a knife in some body’s

back just for fun. He would like to keep

his reputation as a do gooder in tact. So

let us plan an ambush, so that we catch

him alone and kill him.

They planned well. It was diabolical. They

split themselves into two groups and

leaked information to jagan about where

and whom they are going to attack. The

other group went after another caravan

in the opposite direction. Jagan has to

decide one way or other as he can not

be in two places at the same time. The

robbers thought ,‘So far , Jagan has not

found our hide out , so we are more likely

to succeed in trapping him in one of the

two places”. They armed themselves

with bows and arrows and long swords ,

mounted their horses and spread out as

per plan

Jagan did not like the extended period

of lull because his youngsters were

becoming impatient as they all wanted

to go on horseback chasing away scared


bandits wanting to keep their thumbs in

tact. So when he got the message about

a new strike, he found it was a welcome

challenge. He wondered why any one

would give advance notice and he sensed

a trap. As he was not very keen on leading

his youngsters into a trap where things

could get a little tough, he decided to go

alone advising them to ride north where a

new caravan was arriving and they may be

walking un wittingly into an ambush. The

prospect of action spurred the youngsters

.They promised Jagan , they will not be

over zealous and would fight gangsters

only when provoked as they believed that

mere presence of Jagan’s army would

stop all thiefs in their tracks.

Jagan mounted his white horse, armed

with a stick that had a metal rim at one

end. A hard blow by that end would

stop any one cold..His horse sensed his

excitement and ran eagerly to the scene

of action. Jagan stopped his horse near

a clump of trees and looked around..

On the ground he could see marks and

footprints of a dozen horses. He walked

his horse around to see if there are any

horses around. His horse sensed what

he was looking for and led him where a

dozen horses were let loose in the grass.

Jagan knew if the horses were loose, the

riders must be on foot .So jagan decided

that he would not get down from his

horse, as he knew it is difficult for a man

on the ground to attack a mounted man

and the advantage rested with the man

on the horse. This was a comfort. Slowly

he brought the horse to the centre of

clearing among the trees and as expected

the robbers dropped from the trees with

a cry of triumph. They had effectively

surrounded Jagan. All they had to do was

to kill the horse and their man would be

on the ground. They had miscalculated

as they did not know any thing about the

horse.It was a fighting horse with flared

nostrils and powerful legs. The horse

whirled around fast and lashed out with

its hind legs catching two of them as they

tried to close in on jagan from back.The

legs caught them in their chins , lifting

them up in air with necks snapping. The

swords flew up in air and jagan cought

one smartly.H e was now ready.Steel

clashed with steel and very soon the

air was thick with screams of anger and

pain as sword slashed through flesh and

bone. The horse moved expertly creating

space for his master to deal powerful

blows. Jagan handled himself with grace

and finesse and very soon he had all the

robbers lying on the ground. He had not

killed any one.They all had body wound s

and were bleeding. Once Jagan knew that

there was no more fight in them , he dis

mounted and talked to their leader.”You

all know about my warning. You thought

you could eliminate me and resume your

robbing ways. You know how I punish

those, who don’t obey me. I simply take

their thumbs”So saying he leaned and got

hold of one man by his hand”You are the

first and be happy that I am cutting only

one thumb to day, as I am going to allow

the rest of you go home. You all will any

way die due to loss of blood and no body

to dress up your wound”The man whose

hand was being held by Jagan looked at

Jagan pleading ly ,”please ,not my thumb

please I would like to die with my hand

in tact”

Jagan laughed.”Do you think I would allow

you to die. I am taking your thumb and

patch you up so nicely that you would go

around showing your thumbless hands to

all those who advocate armed robbery.

This is what happens when you disregard

Jagan’s words”

Jagan looked at his man’s face, especially

the eyes.They became dark and cloudy as

fear struck their mind. His lips trembled

and hands shook. Words wont come so

easily a feeling of numbness would be

overcoming. Jagan was very familiar

with these feelings He had been going

through similar emotions so many times

in himself To day he saw transfer of fear.

A surge of happiness saw him bring out

a cutting knife. Slowly with out showing

any emotion , he cut the thumb.the man

screamed and sobbed un controllably.

JAGAN SAID’” I will not allow any one to

die if I can help it.” His emotions changed

and he became an angel running from

man to man , attending to the wounds,

cleaning up and bandaging with forest

hemp and greens. The men watched in

awe , wondering how can a brute become

so changed. When he was finished Jagan

stood up and said , “I could have cut so

many thumbs to day. M y mission in life

is to protect, not kill. I am not obsessed.

I give you an option Promise me you will

give up this profession, I will lead you to

your horses and you can go home alive.

If you don’t , then I will carry your horses

and leave you here to fend for yourselves

They all promised they would not rob again

in their life as the fear of loss of thumb

would remain with them for ever. Jagan

felt happy. He added one more thumb to

his garland.He mounted his horse and

raced away from their sight