Rebirth of Ahimsika by T. K. Raghunathan - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

He sat there under a large leafy peepul tree

that was throwing broad circular shade

all round the tree.People sat all round

him ,looking at His face with adoration

and devotion. His face was radiant and

so majestic to look at. The large bright

eyes under bushy eye brows were calm

and clear. His very presence electrified

the atmosphere around filling every one

with a sense of awe and respect. He sat

cross legged on a woollen blanket. His

right hand was raised , palm turned out

wards indicating to every one that all

was well. The Ivory skin was glowing in

good health. He was preparing to give his

evening sermon.

In low tones people were talking about

Him ”here is the saint who had conquered

Mara . the devilish aspect of all that is

bad in human mindset. A saint who could

subdue a rogue elephant out to destroy

him, single handedly with out any weapon

but his sheer magnetic personality. The

sakhya Muni who proved to the world

that attachment and obsession were root

cause for all human misery. The God who

walked on earth and showed the middle

path in life.

He was about to begin his sermon when a

new group of travellers walked in to pay

their respects to him.One by one they

came close to him, and with joined palms

bowed to Him. He noticed that in some

of them , thumb was missing. He was

curious. He was wondering if a new cult

of cut thumbs had taken root among the

gullible people.

He asked one man with a missing thumb

”How is that some of you have cut your


The man became pale and a sudden fear

leapt into those tired eyes as the innocent

question triggered the memory of brutal

maiming and mutilation .

He whisphered’Angulimal’, dropping his

hands to the sides and acting as though

mere mention of that dreaded word would

damn his soul to depths of hell.

‘Is that name of a person?’the saint


‘Yes,’said the man timidly.I was a bandit

once .He caught me and punished me

for attacking a convoy of traders. He cut

off my thumb by way of punishment. He

walks around with a garland of thumbs

around his neck. He says the memory of

that garland would keep us away from

criminal way of life and on a straight


The saint sucked air with a whoop’.’’Must

be a very cruel man. Why does he do


‘He says it is a deterrant against crime ”

Who gave him authority to judge and


“He is a law unto himself. Do not judge

him too harshly ,Sir. He is also extremely


The saint smiled, ”Did you say he was

gentle too. How?”

‘He could have very easily killed us that

day. After cutting our thumb , he dressed

the wound and helped us back to our

place. He said he had a role to play in life

and he would do it perfectly’

“Is that what he said? I must meet up

with him soon.”

All thoughts of sermon drained away

from the saint’s mind as a new subject

called Angulimal engaged his attention.

He wanted to know more about him.

What sort of man would inflict such a

bizarre punishment. How can the same

man be also gentle? While the victims

still remember the incident with fear ,

they were not hating him. It appeared

that they all respected him , not out of

fear but some thing different that he had

inculcated in their mind. The terrible fear

overwhelmed by extra ordinary kindness

and help. They seem to have reformed

after the punishment. So after all , he

is serving a social purpose. Though

the methods adapted appear to be too

dramatic. A mixed up soul, ready for


enlightenment, the saint thought. His face

broke into a big smile that lit up all space

around. The monks near him looked up at

his face in wonder.what was going on in

the mind of the master?, they wondered


“I must meet up with him before he

makes it a big virtue of a bad habit” the

saint decided.

He made enquiries to find his whereabouts,

his name and his habits.’would he come

, if He called him over? Or should he

send an emissary. The saint was not able

to decide. Then one morning the Saint

called one of the elderly monks to his

side and explained what he wanted him

to do.The monk should go deep into the

jungle and meet Angulimal and invite

him to visit our hermitage.The name of

Budhdha should not be mentioned during

conversation. Just bring him over, that is

all to be done. Another thing, do not give

any sermon. Make sure you come back

with your thumb still in place.

The monk listened with rapt attention, his

face throwing up a spectrum of violent

emotions, shock, bewilderment, sorrow,


hatred and resignation.Then he smiled

‘Yes, I will go immediately. It seems to

me that Iam going to learn a great deal

about human mind in the next few days.

Iwill keep my thumbs crossed , he said


The monk bowed to the saint and took

his leave. His shaven head, the ochre

colour robe, a beggar’s bowl and a long

sturdy stick all made for a dignified look.

His calm eyes, sharp features indicated

a maturity that comes after great deal

of study and penance.He knew exactly

what he was expected to accomplish

on this mission. He knew he would fail

even before he started. Even the master

would be hard pressed to deal with this

man , was the thought going through the

emissary monk.

After a punishing walk through the forest

lands he reached the water front.He

stopped to rest and leaned forward to

gather some water in his hands to wash

his tired face. THERE HE SAW JAGAN



with the thumbs was bobbing up and

down as he swam hard .The wet hair

was neatly plastered against his broad

face. The eyes were blazing like powerful

gems. The monk always thought eyes

would reveal the deepest secret. But in

those bright eyes of Jagan , the monk

could only see the depth. He was nervous

now. With great effort, he waved to the

swimmer and called out to him to come


Jagan had seen the monk from his

position in water. He had seen several

like this one on his long travels. He never

stopped to talk to them. He had heard

people talk about them and had formed

his own opinion about their lot. Fools

trying to make people passive instead

of encouraging vigorous action , these

lot talked about passive resistance.They

talked about new philosophies of life

which did not appeal to him even though

he comprehended them. He tried to

recall what he knew about their leader,

the sakhya muni, the saint that talked

about eightfold path of life. The saint

who ridiculed rituals , the god who said

there was no god. Jagan was amused “is

the great Budhdha trying to reach me?

He asked himself.He saw his own pride

peaking , so put it down viciously.

He swam towards the shore with quick

powerful strokes.The monk marvelled at

the show of energy .

He climbed out of water dressed only in a

broad cloth wrapped around his waist. He

stod tall and erect a beautiful specimen

of manhood in all his grandeur. The

steely arms dangling easily at the sides

, massive neck and broad shoulders.

Rounded buttocks and long sinewy legs

with muscular calf muscle and broad

shapely thighs. Every girls dream man.

The man turned slowly allowing the

monk to study the face strong , un

lined forehead broad, long eye brows,

shapely nose and a firm mouth. No sign

of weakness of any sort.Jagan rubbed his

head shaking his long hair and throwing

water in all direction. Then the monk saw

the freshly washed garland of thumbs,

a strong foul smell slowly filling the air.

The monks nose protested and his face

contorted with un familiar smell ’oh, what

a stink’ he observed, Jagan heard those

unsaid words and was stung to the quick.

The retort came like a rush of a powerful

arrow leaving the bow,

“ Only foul minds smell foul things. The

stink you perceive is the odour of vile

things you wish to avoid. If your life is set

on cleaning things, you should learn to

bear up with stink. You can not run away

from that. I wear it around me to remind

me that I have a great deal of work to


The monk was a mature man. He knew

it was the controlled outburst of a hurt

man. He was sorry that he had started this

mission all wrong. He tried differently

“why are you showing it off?

“How does it matter to you?”An angry

man trying to keep his end up.

‘It matters a great deal to us. That is why

I have come here with a message from

my master. He would like to meet with


“I do not see any reason for his wanting

to meet with me. He has his work and I

have mine. There is no overlap in our area

of work .so why should we meet when we

have nothing to talk about.”

‘we do wish to talk about the good things

done by you. We would like to build on

that start.’

“Ah I know now. I know what you are

all after. You are all apostles of ahimsa,

beacons of mercy and compassion. You can

not bear to see an animal being killed. You

would like to walk upto the slaughterhouse

and see if you can exchange places with

the poor animals. You think your animals

all come with four legs .Your interest in

me pertains to these wretched thumbs,

I know. Now that I know your intent, I

am least inclined to spend my time of the

day with your kind. Now please be gone”

There was anger now. The air between

them seemed to have become very hot

and un comfortable. The monk shivered.

It was like a king dismissing a menial

potente. There was so much power in

that assertion. The monk had never been

exposed to such energy. The monk was

alone with the lingering smell of decayed

thumbs in the garland. Jagan had left the

scene already.

The monk began his walk towards the

hermitage. His head was down and he

walked in deep thought. He had been

insulted before for many causes. But

today he felt as though his very soul had

been trampled upon by thousand angry

elephants.He was not sure what he was

going to tell the master.

The master heard his narration patiently

with an all knowing smile firmly on his

calm face.



that our mission has been successful. You

thought , you were dismissed fast. You

sure were, you know why? He wanted to

be left alone to think. He could not dismiss

you fast enough.”

Now I will go myself. It would be very

interesting. The saint’s eyes were dancing

in glee at the prospect of meeting with a

personality as powerful as his own.

The monk looked up in sudden alarm. The

saint smiled and a little later was laughing

like a child.

Do not worry. I will come to no harm.

Killing is not his forte, not yet. That is

why we must hurry.