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trangely enough, either because I had heard so many things at once or because of some other reason, that morning I had

an unusual dream. It was bright and emotional. The most important thing was that I had never had such a dream before. I felt as though my consciousness floated above the ground, observing from a height everything that occurred in the world. At first, everything was silent and quiet. But then I felt myself somehow uneasy and frightened, as if I expected something. I noticed a bright red star that descended from the tops of high, snow-white mountains in the East. This star began to come nearer and quickly grew in size. A transparent train followed it. The closer it came to me, the more space this train covered, changing the world and making its outlines blurred and translucent. When I looked more closely, I saw that everything that was captured by the train boiled as if nature rose against human civilization, growing in its force. Volcanoes blew up and shook the Earth with their rumble. Enormous waves arose in the middle of oceans, and these waves quickly moved to megacities. Fires stormed there, where there was no water. Winds twisted huge tornados, destroying everything in their path. It was as if nature had brought down to mankind all the negative force that was produced by people during the entirety of civilization. I became frightened and closed my eyes. When I opened them, I saw myself standing in the middle of an amazingly magnificent field with different beautiful flowers. The star was still approaching and changing the space behind itself. I looked back. Behind me were cities full of people who didn’t expect anything. This severe force approached to them.

When the star approached very close, I made out that it was a Horseman. His attire and amour were made of pure gold, which brightly gleamed and shone like red fire. Even his horse was covered with a horse cloth made from fine plates of pure gold. The dazzling clothes completely hid the Horseman, leaving uncovered only his eyes. In his hand he held a spear. At the end of the spear there was a flag with the image of a bud of a lotus inside, in the middle of which was a pyramid, an eye, and also some hieroglyphs and pictures. The Horseman rushed with his horse across a huge field of beautiful flowers.

Suddenly, at full tilt, the Red Horseman sharply pulled the reins to stop the horse. I saw his gaze, which seemed extremely familiar to me. The Horseman’s attention was caught by a modest forget-me-not with five sky-blue petals. He dismounted from the horse and bent over the flower, as if examining and admiring it. As soon as the Horseman dismounted, all the element forces started to cease and calm down. Only an easy echo of this huge force, which moved after the warrior, came to the cities. For me it was a riddle – why was such a mighty Horseman stopped by this ordinary-looking flower? In fact, there was a whole field of the biggest, most beautiful flowers around him. Why did he stop for a long time?

Even when I woke up, the feeling of reality of this dream did not abandon me. These two questions were precisely engraved in my memory. Certainly I had had dreams before, but I had never had a dream so real, so full of sensations and emotions. The most important thing was that in the dream everything was absolutely clear, I had a real sense of all those events, I knew that it was very important. But when I woke up, I could not recall in any way what it meant and how I should understand it. There were only bright emotional impressions left and these two questions, which simply cycled in my memory.

This dream really intrigued me with its singularity. First, I thought that my brain had just shown me yesterday's information in this way. But nobody had mentioned the things in my dream in such detail. It puzzled me a little.

I chose a moment when all the guys ran to swim and came up to Sensei. He was standing in shoal water, gradually getting used to the water temperature. Taking advantage of his solitude, I began to tell him my strange dream, complaining that I could not recall its sense at all. I only remembered that it was very important for me. Contrary to my expectations that he would fully decode this dream from physiological and philosophical points of view, Sensei only smiled and, looking at me somehow mysteriously, said, “The time will come, and you will know everything.”

Sensei’s Aforizms

1. Life is unpredictable, and anything might happen in it, even the most unbelievable, what you yourself can’t imagine.

2. A young body doesn’t mean the age of the soul at all.
3. All great things are ridiculously simple, but it takes a lot of hard work to master them.
4. The human is an intelligent creature. His main force of action lies in his thoughts.
5. It is important to have a great desire, and opportunities will come.
6. For every Vijai there is a Rajah.
7. Fear begotten by imagination sees danger even where there is no danger at all.
8. With healthy thoughts, there will be a sound mind, and with a sound mind, there will be a sound body.
9. Any blow caused by your rage will come back to you in the end.
10. The potential of a human is limited only by his imagination.
11. You should not wish ill for other people, even in your thoughts. With the power of your thought, you are setting a trap for yourself, for your body and mind. The more you think about it, the stronger it keeps you, the tighter its loop becomes.
12. Become a friend to your enemy and forgive his deeds, for you are also imperfect.
13. Life is too short, and you should progress in glorifying your spiritual nature.
14. You should always improve yourself, for each minute of your life is precious. You should use it as a divine gift for perfection of your soul.
15. If you want to make God laugh, tell Him about your plans.
16. There are no accidents. An accident is only a natural consequence of our uncontrollable thoughts. 17. The quality of the instants you live are much more important than senseless years of existence. 18. Wisdom is a virtue of the soul and not of age. 19. Any action is first of all generated by our begotten thought.
20. The force of the word revives the force of thought, and the force of thought generates action. 21. The one who does good deeds with good thoughts has no need to be sad about something missed, for he gets much more force for finding his soul than if he does nothing.
22. Science fiction is only an unrealized reality. 23. True, real belief arises from knowledge, and knowledge comes through a word, through persuasion of your mind in the validity of an occurring phenomenon.
24. It is necessary to respect another person’s aspiration to knowledge instead of attacking him with bayonets of your own egocentrism.
25. To learn everything is impossible, but you should aspire to it.
26. The most valuable way of understanding God with your mind is when true knowledge overcomes the animal nature and opens the gate of the subconscious with the help of the key of love.
27. A fool will be given his due for understandinging; for the clever one, it is silly not to understand. Contents

Sensei of Shambala..............................3


Sensei’s Aforizms..............................388

Sensei Publishing House offers a series of unique books by a popular contemporary writer Anastasia NOVYKH.

Not only do these books fascinate with inimitable content, deep meaning and impressive frank confessions, but also with exceptional combination of simplicity and wisdom in answers to the most principal personal questions of each person. The scope of topics touched amazes with encyclopaedic and analytic extent: from unique ancient knowledge to popular scientific view of the future; from effective ancient spiritual practices (including negative thoughts control) to phenomenal human abilities; from unordinary worldview and interesting parables to sparkling humor; from exciting history of the previous civilizations to profoundly intimate sacramental questions.

Sensei Publishing House was established entirely owing to the books by Anastasia Novykh.

The mission of Sensei Publishing House is to disseminate this unique knowledge all over the world, to translate the books into foreign languages, so that this information is maximum available to everybody.

Sensei Publishing House priority tasks are: enhancing intercultural dialogue, conducting educational activities, promoting spiritual way of life, broadening mental outlook on the world, developing personal spiritual potential.

Sensei Publishing House is the proprietor of SENSEI newspaper.

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Full name, address, phone number, name and quantity of book(s) or newspaper. ‘Sensei-II of Shambala’ by Anastasia Novykh

Fascinating sequel of “Sensei of Shambala”, describing sojourn of youth company of martial-arts group together with Sensei. Plain worldly vanity disappears when you happen to be beside such a unique in terms of deep knowledge and indefatigable humor Person as Sensei. An ordinary rest day turns into event, saturated with information and action: adventures of guys, thrilling world-view of Sensei, his unusual demonstrations of phenomenal abilities.

Two zests of this book – profound in wisdom Bodhisattva parable, which, owing to its underlying message, illustrates everlasting search of a human soul; and the story about a Kievan Rus Saint – AGAPIT the Unmercenary Healer, whose miracleworking relics are still kept in Kiev-Pechersky Monastery.

‘Birds and stone’ by Anastasia Novykh

Three captivating short stories “Night duty”, “Everything is so simple”, and “Birds and stone” anyway are connected with a legendary person of Sensei.

“Night duty” relates an unusual day of major Rebrov, an ordinary man, burdened with everyday concerns, but who always acts with humanity, making a matter of conscience, without stopping to think, risking his life for the sake of coming to help others. During this fateful night duty in the time of mortal danger, suddenly he encountered a phenomenon, unusual to this world, owing to which Rebrov was able not only to save other people’s lives, but also struggle out of this situation alive. Starting from this moment he began to see the world with completely different eyes...

“Everything is so simple” – a story about an old man, fishing at a river-side, when an uncommon young neighbor-fisherman joined him. In their conversation, the old man imparted his uneasy destiny to him, including a striking incident that had happened to him during the war and his postwar life. And since his companion proved to be a good company, the old man shared his thoughts, tormenting him, doubts about himself and the spent life, which arise in any person, living to a great age. To this his chance acquaintance told him a wise ancient eastern parable...
pany, the old man shared his thoughts, tormenting him, doubts about himself and the spent life, which arise in any person, living to an old age. In reply his occasional acquaintance told him a wise ancient eastern parable...

“Birds and stone” is the most vivid and impressive in its information story of this triad. The narration goes about a curious meeting of Sensei with Max, who had once been a long time near Sensei. But now this man appeared before Sensei in a somewhat different look of a... girl, in whose body his soul entered after a car accident. Unusual heart-toheart talk about the past life, values reappraisal of Max due to the past life and the present – the story leaves an indelible impression and enables to look differently at one’s own life and adjust its course. Besides that, the book contains much remarkable knowledge on the human in the light of science and understanding of the ancient of where thoughts are ‘born’ as well as ways of controlling them. There is also information on the ‘Jesus Prayer’, being one of the most sacramental and effective spiritual practices of Christianity, about Saint Agapit, a resounded for ages healer monk of Kiev-Pechersky Monastery, about the present-day spiritual elder Antony. And much more information for those, who follow the spiritual path and who aspire to be Human!

‘Crossroads’ by Anastasia Novykh

A dynamic and fascinating detective story, relating a secret project realization via intelligence service by a clandestine Slavic organization, originating from the legendary secret service officers of the early XXth century, endary secret service officers of the early XXth century, 1995. For the realization of this project, which played a crucial role in subsequent succession of events throughout the Slavic countries, the main character of the book “Sensei of Shambala” is set in motion. Owing to his professionalism and personal world-view, extraordinary powers and talent of a universal analyst – a dangerous threat, supervised by the criminal world, and menacing the project realization, was eliminated.

Along with the exciting dynamic action, the book contains a lot of fascinating information: about secret service work, about the true story of the occurred events, echoing in the present; useful informative facts on human and his phenomenal abilities; mysterious prophecies and unusual vision on problems of the mankind from a completely different universal view. And, of course, the golden thread of Anastasia Novykh works, expressed in words and acts of the central character, Sensei: regardless of the situation first and foremost – be a Human and carry this title across the life with Honor and Virtue.
Dear readers!

Being guided by the spirit of the new times, when there begin to appear such masterpieces as books by Anastasia Novykh, containing a depository of remarkable knowledge, not only supporting and helping people, but also assisting in spreading of harmony and good in the world,

Sensei Publishing House is determined to make its contribution to such a noble cause and grants to all those, who have not yet been able to look through the books by Anastasia Novykh, a free access to fulltext electronic versions of these books

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Sensei Newspaper

The main purpose of Sensei newspaper is
- thorough study of topics, touched upon in the books by Anastasia Novykh,
- dissemination of knowledge on the world and human,
- topical information on self-development, spiritual development,
- entire spectrum of various knowledge on microand macro-world,
- science, culture, history, and literature news,
- positive outlook,
- letters and life stories of Anastasia Novykh books readers.

The newspaper is issued 2 times a month in the Russian language in printed and electronic versions. Area of distribution – CIS and the Russianspeaking abroad.

post office box: 105, Kiev, 04205, Ukraine



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