Spy Squad by The_B00kw0rm_ - HTML preview

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Chapter 16: Mission Impossible 



Okay, I'm going to be honest, Jenna leaving the Academy is the worst thing to ever happen. Even the Preston situation wasn't as bad as this. Even though it was only Zach, Jenna, and me, we at least solved that problem relatively easy; even if the end was a bit... frosty. At least Jenna recovered from Preston, but that was almost a year ago; a broken heart takes a long time to heal. It doesn't just scab over and then magically disappear one day; its constantly bleeding, reopening, and being stitched up again.  

I sat in my room, which was dirty as usual. We have maid services but the young Russian lady who used to serve me, Maria, had mysteriously disappeared. One day she just stopped coming; maybe she just gave up cleaning the room that was dirty the second you left it. Come to think of it, I haven't seen many staff members recently. Maybe they went on vacation? Do spies have vacation days? I'll put that on my list of things to ask Headmistress about. A soft tick of a clock came from above my head. 11:30, ten minutes until Games. Seeking Saturdays are never fun, let’s get that straight right now. Astrid memorizes the entire field, Richie knows exactly what play everyone is likely to make, and Zach loves setting up traps. Luckily, I'll be seeking this time. A few well-placed grenades and everyone scatters; easy pickings. It's just not the same without Jenna though. Her incredible smile after beating a practice dummy to a pulp, the way she is always so energized, her amazing tough girl attitude, I really hope she comes back as soon as she said. Tick tick 11:40. I grabbed my bag and my bat off my bed. I'll clean this place up after Games, maybe. I made my way through the clothes, empty pizza boxes, and baseball cards clustered in piles across the floor until I finally made it to the door. I grabbed the handle and swung the door open to find Astrid staring at me, shocked.  

"I was just about to knock!" she said, flustered from my sudden appearance. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"Richie, Zach, and I were going down to the cafeteria before the games. You want to come?" 

"I think I'll go to batting cages for a few minutes before games. I may as well practice my aim if I'm seeker." 

I began to walk away from Astrid. Quite honestly, I needed some time to mourn Jenna. Her being gone was even worse than her being dead. At least when a person is dead you know they aren't coming back, but there's the small voice in the back of my head going insane just waiting for Jenna's return. I reached the end of the hallway and went to push open the big metal doors to the gym but something made me turn around.  

"Astrid wait!" 

She turned on her heels, a smile across her face. 

"What’s up Mitchell?" 

"What are we having for lunch?" I said, smiling back. 

"I'm so glad you asked." 

We walked into the elevator. 

"So, I've memorized the next few months of lunch plans. What is it you want to eat?" 

"I'm really in the mood for Italian food. Maybe pizza?" 

"Well, Pizza Hut is open downstairs or Headmistress might allow us to order something." 

I pressed the glowing button the read Cafe across the top. The elevator lurched and began to descend. 

"We may as well order something." I said. "I'll call Linguini's. Do you want anything?" 

"We should just get a pizza for everyone. Actually, get 2. Richie and Zach will probably stuff one down themselves." 

I couldn't help but smile. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket. Linguini's was already a saved contact. What can I say? I like Italian food. 

"Hey, Antonio its Mitchell. Yep just getting my regular order. Also, 2 cheese pizzas. Yes sir, the same address. 30 minutes is perfect. Thanks dude." 

Ding. Floor Level Cafe 

"And here's our stop." Astrid said. 

We walked into the big white room, pretty much an exact replica of the Pink Flamingo Mall's food court. Chick-fil-a, Subway, Little Tokyo, pretty much heaven to me.  

We walked out of the elevator, making our way through the tables until we reached where Richie, Zach, and Grease were already sitting. Richie smiled when he saw us walk over. 

"Hey guys! Grab a seat." He said, waving us over. 

The cafe was surprisingly empty. Normally, there's a ton of staff on their breaks. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen very many staff members recently. 

Anyways, Astrid and I grabbed 2 chairs from the next next to us and pulled them over next to Zach and Grease. 

"So, what are you guys getting for lunch? I ordered some pizza if you guys want that." 

"Mitchell, that sounds awesome. Thanks." Grease said 

An awkward silence settled over us. Without Jenna, the table was remarkably quiet. Even if she did threaten people, it was nice to have a laugh and some noise than awkward silence. 

"So, anyone want to go to the Dojo and practice a bit after this?" Richie asked. 

"Sure, but you're going to get your butt beat again." I said. 

For some odd reason, Zach and Richie looked at each other and smiled. 

"Are you sure Mitch? We have a few new tricks up our sleeves." Zach said with a strange condescending smile. 

"Good" I said. "I need a challenge." 

With Jenna gone, someone needs to keep up the smack talk. Sadly, it’s not really my strong point. At the Academy, we learned drills, not how to drill. 

Saving us from the awkward silence, the emergency bell rang. It's loud sound and flashing lights filled the cafeteria. All students report to the briefing room.  

"Time to go to work ladies and gentlemen!" Richie said as we ran out of the cafeteria to the briefing room. 

Normally, briefing is everyone sitting down at a table of holograms and computers while Headmistress gives us the low down on what's going on. Nope! This we got a folder! Not even a hologram! A plain folder with some papers in it and an empty room. The life of a spy. 

"Some briefing." I said as Richie flipped through the folder. Every now and then, he hmmed or sighed. 

"So, what are we dealing with?" Astrid asked. 

He passed the folder to Zach who was practically leaning over his shoulder. Zach opened the folder and scanned through the papers. 

"It’s the Jester isn't it." I asked. 

Richie looked me square in the eye. " Yes, it is, Mitchell." 

"Perfect." Astrid said as Zach passed her the folder. 

"Astrid, make sure you memorize those files." Richie said. 

"Already did." 

She passed me the folder. I flipped through the papers. It was pretty much nothing: a paper from 2 years earlier and very little data on the Jester herself. I don't know about Zach or Jenna, but I will never forget her insane laugh, the disturbing look in her eyes. Poor Jenna had the toughest job of all, killing her boyfriend who was actually a traitor, and I watched the whole thing unfold: the fight, the takedown, and the execution. Zach and I had to fight the Jester while Jenna fought Preston in the prison.  

"According to the file, the Jester was recently seen in Kansas, but you guys will never guess where." Richie said. 

"An abandoned amusement park! Seriously? This is a really stupid joke guys." I said. Like honestly, I'm waiting for the punch line. 

"We aren't joking Mitchell. It's in the file. Go to the last page." Astrid said. 

I flipped through the papers until I got to the last page. 

The Jester, an unknown villain who previously attacked the Academy with Preston, her accomplice, was recently seen in Wichita, Kansas. Kansas PD believes she is hiding in the abandoned amusement park Joyland. 

"An amusement park sounds fun." Zach said. 

"Except for the fact its abandoned." Astrid responded. 

"Well, let's go catch her. We already know where she is." I said. 

"It’s not that easy Mitchell. We still need to wait for Headmistress too." Astrid said. 

"I'll give her 15 minutes otherwise, we are leaving." I said as I sat in one of the large chairs around the table. 

Everyone grabbed a seat around the table. Richie and Zach were discussing something, most likely a plan because they were having quite the quiet debate. Meanwhile, Astrid was flipping through magazine, occasionally shaking her head either in approval or disappointment. I whipped out my phone and began playing Home Hitter 2. Just a little something to pass time every once in a while.  

Those 15 minutes felt more like 30! I kept checking the time on my phone and whenever it seemed like 15 minutes had passed, only 2 minutes had gone by! Maybe I can get Grease to make something to control time.... 

"OK! It's been 15 minutes and Headmistress still isn't here, so I'll see you guys in Kansas one way or another." 

Astrid stood up. "And how exactly are you going to get to Kansas on a moment’s notice?" 

"Duh, the Squadjet!" 

"You don't have the keys!" Zach said jumping out of his seat. 

I pulled the keys out of my back pocket and waved them in front of Zach face. Richie raised his eyebrow in surprise 

"Never mind" He said, sitting back down. 

"So, we have a plan, we have the keys, but there's no pilots here to fly us" Richie said. 

"Sure, there is!" I said smiling. 

"Uh, no there isn't Mitchell. No one is here except us. Headmistress is gone, Coach and Ms. Tick are gone, and all the staff are gone." Astrid said, closing her magazine. 

"Guys, I've been flying jets since I was 10!" I said. 

"Seriously?" Astrid asked. 

"What did you expect me to do in military school? Push-ups?" 

"Well, yes." Zach said. 

I turned and glared at Zach. He smiled and tried his hardest to not laugh.  

"Well quit staring and let’s go!" 


We all sprinted to the top of the Academy building to the hangar. Zach basically gave us a lecture on the mechanics of a jet. Astrid practically recited the entire history of flying machines from Archimedes to the Wright Brothers. 

Richie suddenly appeared next to me. "With Astrid's memory of the file, Zach understanding of the jet, and your knowledge of flying it, this mission should be easy." 

I really didn't feel like talking right now, I just want to finish the mission. "Yep, let's get this done and over with." 

The hangar was not pretty, at least not today. Normally, it gorgeous with pristine white walls that are lined with helicopters, jet, and airplanes. Now, it was completely scorched, all of the planes were destroyed. We were all in shock and I think I saw Zach cry but I'll leave that to himself.  

"Perfect!" I screamed. "Because why the hell not!" 

"Mitchell, calm down." Richie said. 

I paced back and forth. "Let's just throw a bomb into the cafeteria too! Let's have a party! Everything seems so damn destructible lately! Let's just blow up the Academy while we are at it!" 

"Mitchell, you need to calm down!" 

"Calm down? I need to calm down? What I need is for something beneficial to happen for once! That's what I need." 

"Hey guys?" Zach called. 

"Not now Zach!" I screamed. "I'm so tired of making a plan and it getting crushed the second after!" 

"Well maybe if you stopped crying about it we could fix it!" 

"Look, we all need to calm down" Astrid said, slowly moving in between us. 

"Guys you should see this." Zach said again. 

"Not now Zach!" we all turned and screamed. 

"After this I am leaving. I'm joining the military! Maybe I'll go back to the army or I'll try the navy! I just need to get away from you people." 

"Are you guys done?" Zach said from across the hangar. He was leaning out the door of a partially destroyed jet. We all stared at him. "While you guys have been fighting like kindergarteners, I've fixed this jet enough that we can fly it to Kansas." 

"Nice job Zach!" Astrid screamed and jumped through the door. "Hurry up guys! We have some butt to kick!" 

Richie and I looked at each other. I sighed as Richie shrugged. 

"Let's get to work" he said as we walked to the jet. 

I got into the cockpit, looked over the controls, and started up the jet. 

"Awesome!" Zach whispered. He was so jittery, I almost thought he was getting a spaz attack. Let me tell you, there's nothing better than the feeling of flying a plane to mortal danger, especially when you and your friends are going to kick some serious butt.