Spy Squad by The_B00kw0rm_ - HTML preview

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Chapter 17: The Lone Wolf 



Leaving was definitely the hardest thing I've done. I would've preferred to fight Preston 20 times before having to do this again, but I need a break. After being stuck in there for 3 years, just training, a girl needs a break. Quite honestly, I had no idea where I was going. It's pretty dark and the closest place is a small outdoor mall a few miles away. I must say, it's nice to walk around outside, feel the cool Florida breeze and smell the salty beach. Walking along the side of the road should probably be terrifying, especially when you're a 16-year-old teenage girl that has no idea where she's going. But the fact that I can basically pulverize someone in a few punches counters all that. You know what? I'm going to use this night to be a normal teenage girl and then go back the next morning. Just a small break you know? I picked up my pace a bit. After all, I have to get to the mall before it closes. That a normal girl problem, right? Shopping and all that? I could see the lights growing closer. It took me nearly 30 minutes to walk about 2 miles? I need to practice sprinting when I get back! Man, I'm getting slow. 

The mall was absolutely packed. Mom's walking with their kids who held ice cream cones bigger than their faces, a big group of girls who walked past laughing about some guy they all liked, and a couple walking into an incredible smelling pizza restaurant. Ahhh food! Don't judge okay? I walked into the restaurant and ordered a pie. A large. Hey! What happened to don't judge?! Well it was delicious, thank you very much. I walked outside with the box in my hand. I strapped my lacrosse stick to my back and pulled out piece by piece until I was about half way done. I walked past Fleek, my favorite store, and a beautiful fountain. There was a loud commotion behind the pillar next to Fleek. Now I'm not the nosy type of person, except the fact I like knowing things, therefore, I am extremely nosy. Behind the pillar was probably the worst thing there could be, a group of friends sitting at the table laughing at their friend who just spilled a drink on herself. It's crazy how similar that is to lunch at the Academy. Astrid always knocking something off the table, Mitchell and I dying laughing, Richie trying his hardest to hold back a smile, and Zach trying to clean it up. Good times, good times. Someone screwing up always makes me laugh. Then I stopped. In contrast, I should've been laughing because I screwed up really badly. I never should've left the Academy. Looks like my vacation is being cut sort because it's not a vacation without my team, even if they are incredibly annoying. I stuffed one last piece of pizza down my throat, threw the box in the garbage, and turned around. 

For once, I was actually excited to see my team. I know how terrible that sounds and I'm not a heartless person, you just don't appreciate something you love until it's gone. Wow, that got somber real fast! I could see the tower up ahead! If these empty fields weren't so creepy, this would be like a walk in the park. 

Sadly, hindsight is always 20/20, and in retrospect in may not have been the smartest idea, but hey, I'm a teenager! Three goons in hoodies came out of the tall grass from the sides if the streets. 

"Very funny guys. Mitchell, Astrid, Richie, I thought you guys would come up with something more creative. Where's Zach robots and holograms?" 

"Put your hands behind your back. You're coming with us" Goon 1 said. 

That was definitely not Richie, Mitchell, Astrid, or Zach. 

"Yeah okay just don't hurt me please!" 

Now don't freak out on me. There's no way I'm going with these guys. Maybe if I wasn't such a complete badass, I could be an actor. I'm just kidding. No one this cool could be an actor. Well, except maybe Jennifer Lawrence but she probably doesn't know have to disarm a guy with just her thumbs. Not disarm as in take away a weapon either. Disarm as in dis arm. Let's just say there's a reason why we got training robots instead of the teachers we used to have. I know you can't tell but I'm smiling right now. 

I put my hands behind me back as one of them stepped forward. He took out a pair of handcuffs and tried to put them around my wrist. I already planned out my attack, the punches, the kicks, maybe a few slaps just for good measure. Psh, and you thought Mitchell was the only one with tactics. 

When the goon bent down to handcuff me, I socked him straight in the face. The two other goons stepped back in surprise. The other laid on the ground, groaning with two hands covering his nose. One down two more to go. 

"So, who next?" I said, smiling. 

One guy charged me. Just sprinting straight at me. I grabbed his arm and flipped him over my back. He landed on the ground with a satisfying thud. I turned around to face the last guy. He was slightly smarter than the other two because he backed up a little bit. I was about to leave him, but he must've lost a few brain cells within the span of seconds because he took a gun out of his pocket. He lifted it pointing it at my chest. 

"Down on the ground now!" 

Why do criminals never learn? Oh well, it's him who's suffering the consequences. I popped a piece of gum in my mouth, blew a large bubble, and said "Come at me". 

He fired off a few shots but I dodged them easily. I grabbed my bag off my back and threw it at him, hitting him square it the chest. He backed up, off balance, and dropped his gun. I ripped the lacrosse stick off my back and jabbed it at his stomach. He doubled over. I looked over the buttons on the lacrosse stick. I really needed to get Monique to label these things. I pressed a small green button on the head and he lace in the head of the sick began to glow. 

"Oooo! Pretty!" I said. I stuck the lace over the goon's head and he shook violently. "Grease's tech is pretty shocking, isn't it?" The man groaned a turned over. "Wow, tough crowd." 

I pressed the small red button in the center and the stick broke into two pieces. "It's detachable too! Very nice." The man was on his knees now. There was one last small black button at the bottom of the shaft. 

"Aw! A button to match my soul. How thoughtful." 

When I pressed the button, a small, sharp point jutted from the butt of the shaft. 


I spartan kicked the guy to the ground and put one foot on his chest for good measure. 

"So, who do you work for?" I asked. 

"I'll never tell you!" the goon shouted back. 

"I figured you'd say that." 

I jabbed the point just above his kneecap. He yelled out in pain. 

"Let's try this again. Who do you work for?" 

"Do you really not know?!" he said sarcastically. 

"I really don't take kindly to sarcasm." I said as I leaned hard on the stick. He screamed louder as the stick dug further into his knee. "So, you can tell me and I'll let you go or you can make this difficult and a very bad night for both of us." 

"Fine! I'll tell you what you want!" he yelled. 

"Good. So, let's do this one more time. Who do you work for?" 

"The Jester of course" he answered back. I had to admire the guy, even in mortal danger he kept his humor. 

"Next question. How did you find me?" 

"You're outside your home. Where did you think, we'd go?" 

I pushed hard on the stick. He screamed again. 

"Not the answer I was looking for." I said shaking my head. Man, I love interrogations! 

"Sorry! Just being realistic!" 

"I can respect that. Thanks for the info." I said waving goodbye. 

"So, I can go free?" he asked, obviously excited. 

"Well, I'm not an animal! Of course!" 

I bent the stick back hard, and heard a nice, loud pop. The man stopped screaming and stared shocked and his knee which was now an odd shaped lump. He must've begun to feel the pain again because he screamed even louder. 


"Well I said I'd let you go, I didn't say in what condition. Now I hope you and your friends will have enough sense to stay away." 

"You-you little..." his eyes rolled back and he went limp on the ground. 

He totally passed out. I'm not heartless, I don't kill people, even if they attack me. I jogged the rest of the way to the Academy. The tall building rose in the distance, some lights still ablaze. Strangely, none of the room lights were on. Curfew is at 10 PM but Astrid always stays up to at least midnight reading a book. It was only 9:30. Zach should be in his room tinkering with something, Richie playing video games or reading a book, Astrid studying the newest magazines, or Mitchell practicing batting with my lacrosse balls. Nothing. Only the lounge's light was on with the TV playing something I couldn't yet see. 

I swear, after this, I'm getting this field made into a track or something because it's so bleak, barren and ugly. Luckily, it was a quick jog so I didn't have to kill myself before the something else kills me. I finally made it to the door. The TV was on South Beach Tow so I knew Grease was the one watching it. 

I pounded on the door. "Grease! Let me in!" 

She didn't even budge. She must've been messing with something and had her headphones in or whatever. Normally, I could've easily broken down the glass, but the door is made from reinforced glass, like the type you see on armored cars. I swear, if I had on of Mitchell's EMP grenades right now, I'd knock the power out. That'll get her attention. I had a better idea, and just for your information, most of my ideas include destruction. 

I was really not in the mood for this BS today. First, I realize I'm an idiot. Second, I get attacked on my way home. Third, I get locked out of my house. What's next? Everyone leaves me for a super awesome mission?! 

I hit the black button and the knife popped out again. I jammed it between the hinges of the door. Now, I know you're like "Jenna wait! You're gonna break it!" but you don't know Grease like I do. She makes these things to survive a nuclear blast, it can survive breaking a door off its hinges. And what do I say! The door popped off with a loud bang and fell to the ground. I stormed in, determined to roast the hell out of everyone, especially Grease, for not opening the damn door. That's how petty I am right now. 

Grease practically fell out of the chair. "I see you figured out the lacrosse stick" she said, trying to play off her scared expression. 

"Where is everyone?! First I have an apology to make and then I'm gonna chew everyone out for leaving me to fend for myself." 

"Isn't that what you wanted?" 

"Yes! Don't change the subject." 

"Fine, Headmistress disappeared and everyone went on a mission because the Jester was spotted in some theme park in Kansas." 

"You have got to be kidding me." 

"You wanna watch South Beach? Linda is about to cut a bitch." 

"I'm going after them! I can't just leave them there! They need me!" 

"Personally, South Beach is better, but okay." 

"I need the keys to the car." 

"Car? You'll never make it in a car." 

"Well how exactly am I supposed to get there in time?" I really don't have time for Monique's beat-around-the-bush talks. I need an answer, pronto. 

"The planes of course!" 

"Yeah! The planes! Oh, I'm so stupid! I can totally get one of the planes that Headmistress cares more about than us and keeps under lock and key!" 

"Jenna, now is really not the time for sass." She said with her hands on her hips. How dare she tell me not be sassy when she's sassing me right now. 

"You know what, forget it I'm getting a plane and getting out of here." 

"Wait!" Grease yelled behind me. I kept walking. I have friends to rescue and, surprisingly, no time for sass. 

Luckily, the hangar was open! Unluckily all the planes were destroyed. Quite honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Mitchell accidentally exploded a grenade in here. 

"Perfect! Now what am I supposed to do?" 

Grease came up the stairwell huffing and puffing. "If- you would've - waited- I would tell you..." she caught her breath. "I'm building an elevator up here! I would've told you I was building a helicopter!" 

"Well, where is it? Let's go!" I began back down the stairs. 

"Down to my warehouse! Quickly!" 


Poor Grease barely made it to the warehouse. She looked like she was gonna pass out. On our way through the door, she picked up a remote and click a button. The ceiling opened and revealed a huge plane slowly being lowered to the ground. The side wall also slide open revealing the plains right outside the Academy. I hopped in the cockpit and began the engine. 

"Be very careful" she warned me, " It's still in testing so don't try anything fancy." 

"You got it. I'll be back before Linda cuts that bitch." 

She smiled. "Awesome. You'll also need these." She handed me a handful of ear pieces. 

"Thanks? I'm pretty sure I won’t be listening to Twenty-One Pilots while I kick the Jester's butt." 

"Jenna- okay never mind. These are headsets. You can load a map and hear one another, just make sure everyone has one and they are turned on!" 

"Thank you, Monique. We will be back before you know it." 

"Whoa wait! One more thing." She pulled a small bag off a table behind her. "You'll need these." 

"What are these?" 

I opened the bag and there were my practice lacrosse balls. 

"Monique, I'm not gonna subdue the Jester by lobbing lacrosse balls at her face." 

She gave me a hard, but friendly stare. 

"You should because we won't have to deal with her anymore. These explode on impact. I figured you need something as powerful as yourself with you." 

I decided to take that as a compliment. 

"To infinity and beyond!" She said and waved her hand goodbye. 

I revved the engine, just for a little aesthetic, and blasted off. Poor Grease must've gotten a mouth full of exhaust, but I have to hurry. I think I know exactly who they're up against and it could cost them their lives. I've learned the hard way, people you're closest to are the most dangerous.