Stan by Kevin Patel - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

 “MUM…MUM!” Emily’s throat scorched as she screamed at the top of her voice. She struggled to breathe as she sobbed, running from one side of her bedroom to the other.  Her usually neat room was now a mess. 

After returning home from their day at the park, Emily had taken the necklace she had made for Molly into her room. It was beautiful; made out of small daises. The yellow and white flowers tied together by the stems formed a tiny circle. Now the necklace lay broken on the floor next to her pillow as she thrashed through her bed covers.

“Emily, if you need something, you should ask politely, not scream from…”


“Are you sure you didn’t just leave her somewhere?” Her mother asked, picking up the pillow.

Yes! I’m sure!  I left her here in the morning and now she’s gone.”

Tears flooded Emily’s eyes as she checked under the bed.  It was the last place she could think of where Molly might be hiding.

Moments later, her father and Tom came in. As soon as Emily saw him, she remembered … TOM! “Where is she?”  Tom looked confused at first but then his face hardened. “Who? I don’t even know what you’re talking about!”

“Yes you do… Mum! He was in my room when I went for my bath and now Molly’s gone!

“I didn’t take your dumb doll.”

Where is she, Tom! You said that you would get me back because you thought I broke your stupid toy.”

“Is that true, Tom?” Her father asked him.

Tom looked up with pleading eyes.  “Yes, but I didn’t do anything!”

“Were you in Emily’s room while she was taking her bath?”

Tom didn’t reply, he looked away from his father, his face bright red.

“Tom, I asked you a question.  Were you in Emily’s room?”

“Yes,” he murmured.

“What were you doing in Emily’s room?”

Tom didn’t say anything, his head stayed low as his father asked again.

“Well, you can go to your room and think about what you’ve done.  If Emily’s doll isn’t back in her room by tomorrow, you’ll be grounded.”

“But, DAD! The games this Saturday and you promised that we could go watch.”

“It doesn’t matter what I said. Until Molly is returned, you won’t be going anywhere.”

Letting out a loud sob, Tom threw the soccer ball at Emily. “I HATE YOU!” He screamed at the top of his voice before running out of her room crying.

The ball struck Emily on the arm but she didn’t care, she just wanted Molly back.

“Don’t worry sweetheart, if Tom took your doll, he’ll give it back.  He’s just mad about his broken toy.”  Her father said.

Sniffing, Emily looked around and realised Stan was missing too. She was about to start crying again but then remembered where she had left him.

Quickly running from her room, she heard her mother’s distant voice calling her name but Emily didn’t stop.  Racing through the kitchen, she pulled open the back door and ran into the silent night.  The security light flooded the backyard with an eerie yellowish glow as it sensed her presence.  The clothesline propelled as the wind pushed against it but Stan wasn’t there. 

Emily snapped her head from one side to the other. She would have usually been too scared to look around in the dark, but that didn’t stop her this time. 

“I already brought him inside, sweetheart.” 

Emily spun around and saw her mother smile at her, a fluffy plump Stan sat in her arms.  Running to him, she wrapped her small arms around the soft brown bear and squeezed him tight.  The sweet scent of bubble-gum filled her nose as she took in a deep breath.

As her mother closed the door behind her, a loud chime echoed throughout the house.

Who could that be? Her mother said as she went to the front door.

Emily followed behind her and saw Mrs Stewart from next door standing at door.

She looked very sad and her eyes were all red.

Hi, there Carol, sorry to bother you so late, but have you by any chance seen Busta? He seems to have gotten out somehow and we can’t find him anywhere.”

“We just got home, but why don’t you come in,” her mother said.

She then caressed the back of Emily’s head. “It’s bedtime now darling, I’ll be in soon to tuck you in.”

Without saying a word, Emily took Stan to her room.

Picking up his clothes from the floor, she slipped the green vest through his tiny arms, pulled up his black shorts and placed the sailor’s hat back onto his head. Once he was dressed, she looked at him with pouting lips. “Tom took Molly and now he won’t give her back.”

Tears filled her eyes. She wiped them away with the back of her hand and took Stan by the arm, climbing into bed.

Tucking him in until only his head was visible, she snuggled up next to him.  Tears streamed down her face as she thought about the last time she had seen Molly. She wondered where she was right now. Was she safe? Did Tom hurt her and would she see her again?

Emily was still thinking about Molly as she drifted off to sleep.


Emily felt something press against her stomach the next morning.  Quickly sitting up, she saw Stan looking down at her. A big smile was plastered across his face.

She smiled back and gave him a hug. Then she felt sad, Molly.

She pulled her covers aside then gently put Stan down before tucking him in. “Maybe if I ask Tom really nicely, he will give her back.”

Yawning as she made her way down the hallway, the door to Tom’s room stood wide open.

Emily was shocked by what she saw inside. 

The room was completely empty except for his bed and a small desk. There were no toys, no posters or books.  Tom sat on the ground wearing his favourite blue denim jacket, playing with his broken toy.  He looked up and stared at her with evil eyes but didn’t say a word. 

Emily continued toward the kitchen. When her mother saw her, she smiled then wrapped her arms around her tiny body. “Good morning sleepyhead. You must have really been tired last night, it’s almost midday.”

“Has Tom told you where Molly is,” she asked looking up at her mother.

“Not yet honey, but sit down. You’re just in time for lunch. It’s burger and fries.” 

Emily rubbed her eyes then sat down at the dining table and watched as her mother pieced together a burger.  Shuffling in a side of fries, she picked up the plate and a glass of orange juice and placed it in front of her. Emily stared at her food to sad to eat. The thought of Molly made her pout. She looked at her father when he came and sat down. 

“Hi angel,” he said curling his lips into a smile. 

“Hi Dad,” she replied in a hushed voice.

He brought his face close to hers, “how about after lunch, we go and get some ice cream then pop into the toy store.

“I don’t want another toy, Dad. I want Molly.”

“I know honey, but until we get Molly back, having another toy won’t hurt, will it?”

Emily nodded her head then stuck her fork into a French fry and shoved it into her mouth.

Chomping it down, she looked at her father again. “What happen to all of Tom’s things?”

“Tom’s been a very naughty boy lately,” her mother interrupted carrying her father’s plate.  “He’s grounded and he will stay grounded until Molly is returned.” Her father said loudly.

“Okay,” Emily replied, her voice as quiet as a mouse.


Finished with lunch Emily ran back into her room to get dressed. She got changed into her baby blue dress then went to her small desk in the corner.  Taking out a plain piece of paper and a black crayon, she quickly made a sign then took some blu-tac and plastered it to her door. 

Closing it behind her, she met her father by the door.

“Should we ask Tom if he wants to come?” She whispered to her father as if sharing a secret. 

“No. Mum said she’s going to stay home with Tom today, so it’s just me and you kiddo.”

Emily smiled. She liked hanging out with her Dad.  Mum was fun too, but Dad always included her even when he played with Tom.  He would always come up with boys versus girls’ games; usually Dad and Tom would win, but sometimes she and Mum would surprise them. 

As she stepped out onto the front porch, Emily heard her father shout through the open doorway. She wasn’t sure who he was talking too but he said, “Ice cream at Movenpick just isn’t the same without everyone there!


Tom sat on the floor listening to his father’s echoing voice before the door slammed shut.  They actually left me, he thought as he flicked the taped up arm of Starscream.  Last night after Mrs Stewart left, his parents not only grounded him but also took away all his toys.  You’ll get them back when you give Emily’s doll back, his father had said. 

I didn’t even take her stupid doll. Why would I?

Tom had gone looking for the bear but couldn’t find it, stupid bear. He was leaving when Emily saw him. I didn’t even touch dumb Molly. 

Slowly moving the parts to transform the robot into a jet plane, he still couldn’t believe he wasn’t allowed to go to the game on Saturday.  Dad knew how much I was looking forward to it, and he just said no.

It just wasn’t fair, and all because of that stupid bear.  Stan ...What kind of name is that for a bear anyway.

When Granddad gave it to her and didn’t give me anything did I complain, No! 

All of a sudden, Tom knew what he had to do. Everything was that stupid bear’s fault. If they think I’m such a bad boy, then that’s what I’ll be! 

Quickly standing up, he ran to his desk and opened the bottom drawer. He searched through the stacks of drawings he had done at school until he found it; the special present his Granddad had given him on his birthday.

It felt heavy in the palm of his hand. There was a white cross in the centre with the word Swiss written underneath.  With his fingers, he carefully pulled at the top corner of the handle and drew down a sharp silver blade. It gleamed in the sunlight as he ran his fingers over the pointy tip.

Gripping it tightly, Tom kept it by his side as he moved towards his bedroom door. He ducked his head out but couldn’t see or hear his mother.  Tiptoeing from his room, he made his way to Emily’s door. It stood closed with a piece of paper stuck in the middle that read KEEP OUT TOM!

He turned the handle and slowly opened the door then grinned when he spotted it.

Glancing over his shoulder one last time, he didn’t see his mother.  He raised his pocket knife high and stepped inside. 

The door creaked as it slowly closed behind him…