Stan by Kevin Patel - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

A white car was parked in the driveway when Emily and her father returned home.  Blue stickers covered its body with lights on the roof. She heard an Oh my god from her father before he quickly threw open the door. Unbuckling her seatbelt, Emily got out and ran after him to the open front door.

Inside, her mother stood in the hallway in tears talking to a man in uniform. The last time Emily saw her mother like that was when Grandma went to heaven. 

“Greg!” her mother said before running into arms. “It’s Tom, he’s gone, I can’t find him anywhere, and… and the police found Busta’s collar…it was under Tom’s bed…it was covered in blood.”

“Why are you crying, mummy?” Emily asked, starting to feel sad herself.

Wiping tears from her eyes, her mother bent down and gave her a warm hug then looked into her eyes.

“Emily did Tom say anything about going to a friend’s house, or maybe going to the park?” Confused, Emily shook her head wondering why her mother was asking her those questions. 

“Are you sure sweetie? 

“I’m sure,” she replied.

Her mother took a deep breath in then nodded her head. 

“Emily sweetheart, can you please go to your room. Your Mum and I have to talk to the nice policeman.” Her father said, his voice sounding shaky.

“Okay,” she replied. 

Stepping past her mother, she looked up at the big man in the uniform. 

He smiled as her.

Emily smiled back then quickly ran down the hallway to her room. 

As she opened her door, Emily wondered what happened. 

Why was mum asking me about Tom?  He hates me, he wouldn’t tell me anything.

Inside her bedroom, a cool breeze from the open window made the curtains gently flutter. A small blue and white hat lay on the ground in the centre of the room, the name Johnny printed across it in yellow writing.  Looking up, Emily saw something sitting on her bedside table, its back turned to her, facing the window.

Stan? No, it can’t be, she thought as she stared at the big ball of fur with frizzy hair spiralling from the top of its head. I’m going to tell if Tom’s playing a trick on me.

Slowly walking towards it, she stared at the back of its vest. The purple badge with a robot bird could clearly be seen through the green velvet material. 

With trembling fingers, Emily clutched the furry arm and slowly pulled.  It barely moved.  Pulling harder, Emily managed to get it half turned before she suddenly let go. 

For a split second she stared wide-eyed at a plump Stan with Molly’s bright pink hair dangling down to its shoulder and a piece of blue denim material hanging from its mouth; then out poured a high-pitch shriek. 

Within seconds, her parents and the policeman burst through the door. She turned her head to speak to them but nothing would come out.

Pointing to show them what she had just seen, Emily turned to face Stan again but only deep claw marks remained on the white bedside table.

Stan was gone.