Stan by Kevin Patel - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Three weeks later…

“Jack! Hey Jack! Look up there.” Andrew pointed high above his head.

Jack swung his head towards the giant Kauri tree, and saw it too. “What is it?” He asked making a face.

“It looks like some kind of teddy bear, but with something coming out of its head. Who do you think it belongs too?”

Jack looked in the direction the bear was facing and saw a small blonde haired girl sitting on a bench with an older man that looked like her grandpa. She looked sad as she sat hunched over eating ice cream while the man spoke to her. “It might belong to that girl over there?” He said pointing.

Andrew looked towards her then shook his head. “Nah, this thing is too ugly for a girl to like, and anyway finders’ keepers, remember.” He then wrapped his legs around the trunk of the tree and quickly begun to climb. When he reached the branch the bear was sitting on, he stretched out his arm and pulled. “Look out,” he yelled as it fell from its perch.

Jack watched as the bear bounced off the ground, flipped a couple of times then landed face down in the grass. As he picked it up, he realised the thing coming out of its head was actually its hair, its pink, frizzy hair.

“This thing is weird” Jack said as Andrew climbed down then joined him by his side. “Pink hair, a green vest with badges and what’s that thing hanging out of its mouth?” He tried to pull at the blue material but it was sewn into the bear.

“Let me have a look.” As Andrew took the bear, he flipped it over and out fell a small red handle with a cross on it. “Whoa, cool!” He said picking it up. “A Swiss army knife! My dad’s got one of these.” He pulled at the corner and drew a sharp metal blade. “Awesome! You can have the bear, I want this!”

Jack thought about complaining but then remembered the finders, keepers rule. Andrew had seen the bear first and also climbed up to get it, so it belonged to him. Instead, he took the bear back and searched through its tiny clothing in case there was something else hidden, but didn’t find anything. Disappointed he let out a sigh. “At least it’s got a cool Decepticons vest. Maybe it’s some kind of limited edition toy. Might be worth heaps of money.”

“Maybe,” Andrew said flicking the blade open then sliding it back. “But let’s get out of here before the owner shows up and we have to give it back.”

Nodding in agreement, Jack took hold of the bear by its leg then followed Andrew as he raced across the park, away from the sad little blonde girl and her grandpa.

It was his bear now.