The Awakening by Kim Sherwood - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine

Katelynn walked in behind Charles. “I was wondering where you had gone,” Christine said. “I am glad someone thought to go get water early. It was to late last night when I noticed it was low but thought there would be enough until the morning.”

“I went to get a drink when I got up and it was empty. Charles had said he was getting ready to go get some water and asked if I would like to walk with him,” Katelynn said.

As they sat down to eat the morning meal Christine looked at Katelynn and asked, “Do you think Bryon and Eric have made it to the highlands in the north yet where the thistle mint grows?”

Katelynn had not seen the look on Charles‟s face when the question was asked but it had not escaped her father.

“I would think they would be on their way back by now,” said Katelynn. “ They have been gone five days now.”

Richard was paying very close attention to Charles now but could see no other signs of what he may be thinking.

Richard then spoke to Charles, “Do you know Bryon? He is from the village of Dunkeld.

He came through here several days ago and told us of the sickness and the unrest that was in the lands farther to the south. He had said there was a sickness spreading through the land and he had came here to get the root of a plant that only grows in the Highlands north of here. He is also the one who spoke of the man called Lord Drasken. He told us that he had come to his village and had demanded that they give all the land to him. Bryon said that his father had refused and Drasken had said he would plague the lands with a sickness.” Charles had not been prepared for such forwardness he now had to think of something quick.

“Yes, I have heard of him,” he began. “I believe his father‟s name is Stephen. Their village is further north of mine. Most of the people do know each other they are small villages. But I did not know that Bryon had left, and had journeyed into the north.” Richard could not see any changes in the man as he talked.

He then asked Charles, “ Why have you journeyed here?”

Another question thought Drasken did Richard know something he wondered?

“I have come north for trade as I have told you I am a merchant and there is not much trading in the south right now. With this sickness spreading I decided to try my luck further north.”

Just as Richard was about to ask another question there was a knock on the door. It was the two men who had come with Charles. Richard told them to come on in. They looked at Charles and told him they needed to speak to him in private.

They walked outside one of the men said to him, “Sire.” Drasken turned and glared at him he knew he must remind them both about their mission.

“I told you if either of you called me anything but Charles while we were here I would kill you before you could finish saying the name. Now consider yourselves warned the next time I will not be so forgiving.”

Both men looked at him and said, “Yes, Charles.”

“Now what was so important that it could not wait until we were to meet later?” Drasken asked.

“There were three men in the village the day after we got here asking about the us. What our names were, where did we come from and why we were here,” said the guard.

“And why was I not told of this before now?” snarled Charles. This was all he needed now, Richard asking all these strange questions and now these three men asking questions.

The other guard spoke and said, “We ourselves only found out last night. This may be a small village but they still have women who will lay with a man for money and they do like to talk. We found out as much as we could. The three of them have traveled on to the north. They are looking for their friend. We think it is the man hired to guide us here.”

“Well then,” said Charles. “You must have hid his body well for I am sure they searched the forest before they came here. Or they would have said they were looking for the men who killed their friend.”

Charles would not worry with this right now. They were gone and maybe they would not return until after he and his men were gone. He was thankful for the interruption maybe Richard would not have so many questions on his mind now. Katelynn had said that Eric and Bryon had been gone for five days. This gave him three more days to try and win Katelynn. But what if he did? How could he tell her who he really was? Maybe he could get her to see how wronged he had been by the people.

“Charles, Is everything alright?” asked Richard.

Charles was surprised he had not heard the Richard approaching. He must remember he needed to stay aware of everything. Especially now with these men going about the countryside asking if any strangers had been seen in these lands.

“Yes,” replied Charles. “Everything is fine. My men had heard that there was another merchant in the area. And thought it would be a good idea if we went to see him. He is coming from the north. I would be interested in hearing if it would be worth my time if I were to go any further. We will be riding out tomorrow to see him.”

“Oh, maybe I could go along I would be interested in news from the north,” said Richard.

“ I am sorry but us merchants have a code and we could not discuss business with someone who is not of the trade about. You do understand. But I will try and find out as much news as I can for you,” said Charles.

“Then you do plan on coming back through our village?” asked Richard.

“It should take no more than a day or two,” replied Charles. “ Then we should be coming back through this way. I will not keep the news from the north away from you for long I promise.”

Both men walked back into the house. When they sat down at the table Richard looked across at Christine and said. “Charles will be leaving tomorrow he is going to meet another merchant. I have asked him to bring back news from the north and he has promised he would be back in a couple of days.”

“I must say to you now many thanks for lodging me. I hope my payment was enough to cover everything. Do I owe anyone else for the care of our horses?” asked Charles; “You must have hired someone to take care of them for you,”

“No,” said Richard, “ I took care of them they are very easy to take care of. Just water and fresh straw to lay on a little grain to feed on.”

Charles reached out and gave Richard a gold coin. Richard refused to take it but Charles insisted.

“Please take it,” said Charles. “It will help replace the grain you took from your own storage. It will be quite some time before the grain is ready for harvest.” Richard had to agree. It had taken a lot of their grain to feed the horses. But he could not think of anyone in the village to buy it from. And he said this to Charles.

“Well, I could see if anyone on the road or any other merchant I happened upon would have any grain for sale,” suggested Charles.

“If you would be so kind,” replied Richard.

And so with that settled Charles rose and said, “ I must prepare for our leaving now. I shall return later to gather my things. For myself and my companions should stay together tonight for we will be rising early.”

Katelynn had not said a word since the men had come back in. He would be coming back also about the same time Bryon was to be back. Then she would have her answers of this she was sure. Katelynn was not the only one thinking this so was her father.

Katelynn found herself looking for Charles the later the day got. She was not sure where they had decided to make camp, but she knew it had to be close to the stream.

It was late afternoon when he came back to get his belongings he had left there that morning. They were alone in the house mother was at a neighbors and father was out doing his daily things as chief of their village.

Katelynn had to be sure she walked over to the hearth where Charles was sitting. She picked up his hand and rubbed his palm against her cheek. She felt a fire rush through her, torching every inch of her body. He was looking deep into her eyes, and he lost himself there. They both reached out to the other he kissed her fully on the lips. She felt the fire raging through her again.

He touched her so softly she was unaware of where he was touching her until she felt the pain and desire as he nibbled and bit her erect nipple.

She stopped him and said, “ Please we must not go any further. Mother or father could walk in at anytime.”

It was hard for him to stop. The fire she had started ached to be quenched. His member was hard and ready. But he knew that it could be relieved in other ways. He wanted her to give herself to him completely and then he would ravage her beauty and her juices would flow just for him. When she was ready he would take her full force for she had that kind of fire in her as well.

That night as she lay on her cot she touched her body the way she wanted him to touch her.

She felt the fire begin again and she quenched the thirst. Was it that this man just awoke that part of her? For she could say she did not have the same feelings for him. When Bryon had kissed her she felt light headed and funny inside. When Charles kissed her it felt as if someone had set her on fire. She thought on this for a while it must be only lust she feels for Charles. And lust would fade. Love would not.

Katelynn got up early the next morning she made her way to the stream where she was sure Charles and his companions were camped. It took her some time but she did find them.

They were just getting on their horses when she called out to them. Charles was not surprised to see her. He knew she would be there but he thought she would come in the night. He had been wrong but she would come to him sooner or later and beg for him. And this he was sure of.

“I had to say goodbye,” Katelynn said

“This is not goodbye,” said Charles. “ I will be back in a few days.”

“Yes it is,” said Katelynn and she walked away