The Best Scandal Ever Series by Ina Disguise - HTML preview

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For the benefit of new markets, and readers who would not otherwise download such small publications, I have compiled the series into one volume. Ina Disguise represents my sandbox, so both this and Short Misadventures, my other compilation title, represent my emergence as a cultural experimenter, both in the form of researching new information and in expressing the results. A merely academic approach would not have been sufficient to cover the material I learned from David Wolfe, and still isn't. I am still working on computer games, further artwork and am moving into film and performance art before returning to the raw academic material that underpins much of the work.


In the course of my lifelong adventures in the raw food and alternative health movement, I could not help but notice a very restricted field, so I made efforts to use my strange and yet apparently long-lasting affection for David Wolfe to create a new medium for pushing the boundaries a little. I really wasn't expecting the love of my life to be quite such a fulfilling challenge. Hence, you will find some of the work quite thought-provoking, as it is designed to throw a gauntlet rather than relax the reader.


True love is not a pleasant thing, either for the person who experiences it, the unwilling or unaware recipient, or for people fortunate enough to be in actual long-term relationships. Sometimes it is charming, sometimes an adventure, sometimes terrifying, sometimes horrific, and the intention was with the Best Scandal Ever, to reflect that as best I could using the materials I had to hand, which were mostly Wolfe and I. It has often been very painful, and extremely lonely. Wolfe has a life of his own, so is relatively unaffected. He has been very tolerant, however, and as a result is now the proud owner of Honey I made you an icon, the artwork on the cover.


The work for Wolfe is far from finished, however I think we are through this introductory slapstick phase. He was most perturbed by my interest when we first met, but hopefully has a handle on what I am doing now, so it is time to move on to phase 2, both from a timeframe and evolutionary perspective.


It is important to understand and accept what you are in order to do something with it, and even when you are made aware, sometimes it takes time for you to know what to do with it. I even have a different walk than I used to, never mind the wish to live.


What I would most like from the reader, is a spirit of self-acceptance and personal growth that I have been keener to promote than even I was aware of. What I would like Wolfe to accept from it, is that there is no shame in NEEDING TO HAVE YOUR ASS KICKED now and again.


Best Adventure Ever is a computer game, and is still not finished due to Ina's current horror of nurses after the death of her mother, and so this part of the series will be released later. It takes a different slant at much the same topic, and players will be able to decide if they wish to be Kira or Sam in the course of a learning experience. I will be encouraging some input from Wolfe at a later stage in development, however I do not think he will be unhappy at what I have done with it.


Not offering a hug or so much as a glance as I don't want to be friend-zoned.



