The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Fifteen




I sat on the living room couch waiting for Justin to get home from school. Apparently, I can't go back until my powers start to kick in and I can control them. Justin said I should be getting them soon because we have been bound. I sat on the couch watching Phineas and Ferb eating chocolate cookie dough ice cream when I heard a car pulling into the driveway. I knew it was Justin but I heard another voice coming from after he spoke and looked at the door confused. The door opened and a girl walked in with him laughing. She looked about our age, she had black hair, brown eyes and was a little taller than me. He had those brown eyes that he had charmed me with the first time he was nice to me. The same glow as if he could make you do anything. She reached over and kissed his cheek and I felt my blood start to boil. My vision started to become darker and I knew it was from my anger.

"Good to see your home" He turned to look at me and his mouth opened but quickly shut when he had nothing to say.

"Who are you?" I said with a fake smile as the plastic bitch held onto his arm trying to look cute.

"I'm Melissa, Justin's girlfriend" I looked at him with a glare.


"No, Cassie let me explain" Justin said stepping closer to me.

"Make another move and I will get my things and leave"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know Justin was expecting company when I parked outside"

"And I didn't expect him to have a slut as a girlfriend. I guess we all have something that is new to us. Don't we Justin?"

"Cassie can we talk?"

"Does she know? Have you told her about it yet?"


"Oh so she's in the hiding too, what? Have another secret that we don't know? Is a kid gonna show up at your door saying your her father? Tell me Justin, did you have a girlfriend when you first started this shit?"

"Cassie that's enough"

"No I'm just getting started" I looked at the bitch and seh had a confused look on her face.

"What's going on?"

"Justin hasn't told you about me? Well I'm Cassie Weston. Justin's Mate"


"Mistress, future wife, bound for life" She turned her head to him and he looked pissed.

"That true?"

"Yes but you don't understand"

"Were you gonna tell me? Is that why I couldn't come to the house anymore? What about our future Justin? You said we were gonna last forever" "Melissa there's a lot you don't know about me. There are a lot of things that you won't understand even if I tell you"

"Try Justin, because I'm confused as fuck"  "Let's sit in the living room" We walked to the living room and I sat across from Justin on another couch far away from Melissa.  "How'd you meet her?" Melissa asked

"Let me start from the beginning" She nodded and he sighed and started to speak. 

She had wide eyes and anger writing all over her face but I didn't know if it was towards Justin or the situation. She turned her head towards me and I felt her anger in my body.

"This is all your fault"

"Excuse me? I didn't ask to be his fucking mistress. I didn't ask for him to 'protect' me. I didn't ask for this life. It was forced on me and you know what if you weren't such a bitch than maybe he would've told you sooner. None of this is my fault, it's the fact that his family was born this way"

"If you weren't born than it would be me with Justin not you"

"Well I didn't ask for your opinion on my fate"

"Melissa, I know that this is hard for you. I've loved you for almost 3 years but we weren't gonna last. You were just there until I was able to get Cassie to town. I'm sorry but she is who I'm meant to be with. No matter what you or anyone says or does. We will always be each other's mate and you have to leave"

"You said you loved me"

"Please just go Melissa, your only hurting yourself more by being here" She nodded and got up from the couch. She grabbed her bag and looked at me

"I hope you die in hell"

"Were you not listening? Bitch were already in hell" She stomped her foot and walked out slamming the door behind her. I heard her car go down the street and looked at Justin.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was planning on breaking it off with her before you found out. I was hoping you would've been upstairs when she came"

"So I'm not allowed to know anything about you?"

"Of course you are, it's just...There's a lot that you don't know about me Cassie"

"What do we do than? Because I need to know about you since were 'together'"

"Maybe we should try to get to know each other. Because your right, we are supposed to be together forever" He said getting up from the couch walking outside. He sat on the hammick and pulled me down with him to lay next to him.

"I'd like that"

"Really?" I smiled against his lips when I leaned up and nodded.

"Positive" He chuckled as his lips pressed against mine holding me by the back of my neck kissing me sweetly.

"Well, where should we start?" He asked

"How about your childhood?" He looked down at me with a light smile and nodded.

"Ok, well do you wanna start?" I asked

"Well, I was born in the middle of a war. During that time my parents were trying to protect me by sending me to this town on my 2nd birthday. When I was 7 I started getting these weird powers I guess you can say. I started hearing people's thoughts, I could move things by looking at it. I had never seen my parents in person after they took me to this house. Every week I would get a letter from them seeing how I was doing. And one day I told them about what was happening, they finally came to see me. I showed them my powers and they told me all about my family history. On my 10th birthday I started my practice of becoming the next Devil in line. During the whole process my family had told me that I needed to find a girl. He showed me a screen of girls of who they are and what they will look like in the future. I chose you because of what you were going to do in your future. I knew everything about you even before you were born" 

We spent the next few hours talking about how he started with his first kill and his transformation. I've never felt so close to someone before. It was like I was connected to him. I could feel all his energy running through my body and felt everything he felt in me. It felt so safe and grounded. For the first time since I found out about this mistress thing I felt happy. As if I was happy to be with him, happy to have someone to hold me.