The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Fourteen



She looked around trying to find an escape. The walls were caving in, the floor slowly disappearing beneath her feet. No windows, No Doors, Nothing can help her get out of the room. She was trapped, the lights were out, no candles. Cold air rushing through the room making her shiver in fear and get goosebumps from lack of warmth. She had no where to run, no way out. Her breathing started to become heavy, her eyes slowly closing as the walls became closer to her making it too much to bare. Than everything faded, and went black.


"CASSIE, CASSIE WAKE UP" I felt my body being shaken and I quickly opened my eyes jumping up only to be comforted by two warm arms making there way around my shaking body.

"Are you alright?" The sound in his voice was so gentle, loving, concerned.

"I-It felt so r-real"

"What happened?"

"I-I couldn't breath, I-It's like I w-was actually there"

"Cassie, what happened? Breath and tell me" I nodded and took a breath.

"I was in a room, there were no windows or doors. No light or warmth. I could feel my feet become frozen to the wooden floors and it disappeared. The walls started caving in slowly and they got so c-close I couldn't breath. I-I thought I was gonna die"

"Cassie it's ok" I shook my head quickly

"It felt so real Justin. It's like I was really there, trapped with no help" I felt tears running down my face and he rubbed my back as I cried in his chest.

"Why don't you lay down for a while?" I slowly nodded and he laid down bringing me with him to lay on him. I rested my head on his chest and entangled our legs. He held me closer and I felt safe compared to what I had dreamt about. My eyes started to slowly close as I felt back asleep.


Cassie scared the fuck out of me when she woke me up shouting and kicking. Her body was shaking rapidly I thought she had having a panic attack but her eyes were closed. When she finally got up I couldn't do anything or want to anything but hold her. I just wanted her to feel safe and to know that it was a nightmare. She shouldn't be getting them because her shadow left her body when we were approved. Than I remembered that we didn't have sex on her birthday. My father knows it all, this much be her punishment for not completing the test. But, I understand her point, she doesn't want to lose her virginity to someone that she just met. When her breathing went back to normal I knew she was asleep. I moved her head to the pillow and covered her with the blanket. I ran hand back up and down her back as small snores left her mouth. I wanted her to feel safe, comfortable and in order to make that happen i'd need to speak with my father.

I got up from the bed after an hour of her sleeping with not waking up. I walked into my office and summinded my father for a talk. I felt the heat hit my body and knew he was here. He appeared in the chair in front of my desk and crossed his legs.

"What can I help you with son?"

"What did you do to Cassie?"

"I haven't done anything she didn't deserve. She didn't complete the test, therefore she must live with the after effect of her actions"

"That is not your call to make, when you approved of her you gave up your power to punish and destroy. She wants to make sure that she is ready and I'm not forcing her into doing anything that will make her hate me for the rest of her life"

"I will always be the first devil Justin"

"If you do something to Cassie again I will make sure that all my shadows take over you and watch you die. This is my mate not some toy you can play with and let her roam free. She is apart of my life and when she hurts I hurt"

"Very well son, I will cause no more harm to Cassie Weston"

"That is all I ask"

"Is that all?"

"Yes, thank you father" He nodded once and disappeared.


I rolled over and didn't feel Justin next to me. I opened my eyes and saw his side of the bed empty and made nicely. I heard footsteps and a knock on the door.

"Come in" The door opened and Justin walked in slowly with a cup in his hand. He put the cup on my nightstand and sat by me taking a hold of my hand.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm ok, thank you for letting me sleep"

"You won't have to worry about the nightmares anymore"

"I thought that they were caused by shadows, you said after we were approved the shadow will leave me alone. Why did I have a night mare?"

"It's a long story. the point is that your safe. I've bought you some tea, I know you like it"

"What kind?"

"Jasmine tea, your favorite" I smiled and thanked him. I drank the tea and put the cup back down.

"I'm gonna shower and changed"

"I'll be here if you need me" I nodded and got up from the bed. I walked into the bathroom, turned on the shower and undressed than stepped in.

I got out the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I walked out the bathroom and saw Justin looking at me with a smile.

"Sexy lady over there"

"Your such a corn ball" He laughed and I walked into the closet to get dressed. I walked out the closet and sat with Justin on the bed.

"How was your nap?"

"Peaceful, where'd you go?"

"I spoke with my father while you were asleep. I told him that if this was his doing it wasn't right" I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder. We stayed there for a few minutes when the doorbell rang. We got up and walked downstairs to see the others walking in one by one to the living room.

"Does they ever go home?" he laughed took my hand and we walked inside to the living room.