The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Seventeen




Justin had left the house after a few minutes of talking on the phone to Brandon and Travis. I told him that I was going to meet the girls at Starbucks and he gave me his Range Rover while he took the Frisker Karma. I started the car and made sure that he didn't have the tracking device on and I pulled out the driveway. I drove down the street and looked around until I saw the place I was searching for. I parked infront of the place and got out the car. I locked the doors and looked around before walking inside. I really hope that Justin won't come here.

"Hi, may I help you?"

"I'm looking for Melanie Weston" The woman typed a few things on her computer and nodded

"She's staying in room 321, it's on the second floor"

"Thank you" She nodded and I swear that I saw a familar person standing by the door but when I looked back no one was there. I shrugged and walked into the elevator. I got to the second floor and looked for room 321. Once I found it knocked on the door and looked around until it opened.

"Cassandra?" Melanie said with a shocked voice.

"C-can I come in?" She nodded and I walked in as she opened the door wider.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"No, I uh just...I just want to know the truth, I think I at least deserve that" She nodded and we sat on the couch.

"When you were born, there was something wrong with you. You had darker eyes when you would cry and light eyes when you were calm. There was always a shadow standing over you as if it was watching. On your 8th birthday your father and I were on our way to get you a cake when the car started to let out smoke. It quickly became a fire and it went from the hood of the car through the AC ducks. After a while it became too much, the bottom of the car was melting slowly underneath our feet as the door started to melt making it cave into the seat. It started to become too much for us to breath, and after that I blacked out. Next thing I knew I was standing next to a guy in white. He said his name was Carter and that he would help me find you. I spent the last few years in hiding. And a few weeks ago a red glow was shown from things house, and than a few days after a green one was shown. And I-I knew it was you, i'd finally found you"

I stared at her looking any signs of the truth and found nothing.

"You know, your the biggest liar in the world. Justin was so right, your nothing but a pawn in Carter's fucked up game. Well you tell him I said that if he wants me than he can get me himself and we'll see how far he gets" I got up and walked out the door slamming it shut. I walked out the hotel and got in the car. I saw a silver Frisker Karma drive past me as fast speed and knew it was Justin. I got home and saw the car in the driveway.

"I'm in so much trouble" I walked inside the house and saw the lights were off. I closed the door behind me and I turned on the light. Justin wasn't around so I walked upstairs to his office. His door was shut and there was no light inside. I opened the door and turned on the light, walked inside when the door shut.

"You completely disobeyed me Cassie" I jumped and turned to see  Justin said with dark eyes.

"I had to find out the truth, Justin you don't understand"

"I understand that you don't care what I say. I'm trying to protect you and all you do is forget it" He looked pissed, hurt and dissapointed. I felt my heart starting to break as he shook his head disapproving with me. I was about to speak when he put his hand up and spoke again

"Are you that interested in trying to get yourself killed? Do you not understand how dangerous they are? Cassie, you have to think before you do that shit" I looked down and felt a tear roll down my cheek

"I'm sorry"

"Sorry won't cut it" He stepped closer to me and put a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I'm trying to keep you safe but you took a big not to mention stupid risk today"

"I just wanted to talk to her, find out the truth of what happened to them on that day"

"And did you find out the truth? Did you get what you wanted?" I didn't say anything because I knew that he knew I didn't find out anything. Everything was a big lie, my whole life was a huge lie.

"I'm so sorry" He sighed and pulled me into his embrace.

"You should've just asked me if you wanted to know what happened that day, I would've told you everything about that day. Cassie, I know you have a lot of questions that I can't answer but I will answer the ones I can"

"What happened the day they died?"

"We should sit down" We walked outside to the hammick and I laid beside him.

"I'm listening"

"The day you were born was the most powerful day because you were born on a full moon, I got a letter from my parents saying that you were born and I had to send my most powerful shadow to keep you protected from the Angels. I didn't trust just any shadow so I gave you mine. I told him to keep you out of harms way but let you feel certain pain. On your 8th birthday your parents came in contact with the most powerful Angel of them all. His name was David, he was around our age at the time. I'd say 19? He told your parents about my shadow and they wanted to rush home to get to you when I felt a rush of cold air run through my house. Which is strange considering there is not to be any cold air in this place. I knew something was wrong, I tried to get in contact with my shadow but he wouldn't answer. So I used one of my powers to get to your house. I saw your parents pouring a Liquid around the house and over heard there conversation about setting the place on fire. My shadow was hovering over you trying to keep you safe when a fire broke out downstairs. I told him to get you out of the house and take you to my house, I ran into your sister's rooms and got them taking them with me. Kelsey was the only one that really knew what was going on"

"So you saved me?"

"I did what I felt was right and what I had to do was keep you safe"

"What happened after?"

"When we got you here we figured the only way to keep you safe was to wait for Kelsey to get older. We took you and Rebekah to my parent's castle in Vildora"

"What about Kelsey?"

"She stayed here, she needed training to keep you safe"

"Is that why I never could remember what happened after 8th birthday? Why I can't remember anything until I turned 11?"

"Yes, my parent's castle was protected by a spell that the guardians made. You call them witches but they are actually guardians. The castle was protected with a spell to keep the rememberance of mortals that were taken there from knowing what happened during there time there. After Kelsey's trainging was done, and she was legal we sent her to the castle to get you both she was supposed to bring you back here a few weeks before you turned 18"

"So she knew about this?"


"But why did she leave when we got here?"

"Because it's her job to keep the Angels from finding you"

"And what about Rebecca?"

"Rebekah is in Vildora, training for the battle along side with Kelsey"

"Battle? What battle?"

"The battle for the throne, the battle of good and evil"

We laid down on the bed and he smiled at me.

"Tired?" He asked as I yawned and tiredly smiled back


"Get some sleep" He kissed my forehead and I laid my head on the pillow as he covered me with the blanket. My eyes slowly closed and I drifted into a sleep like no other. Literally

There one stood with a black robe over his body and a hood covering his head. He told me to stay calm and try not to move as he uncovered me with my blanket. He stood over me with his left hand on my forehead and the other on my stomach. His eyes were focused on mine. He removed his right hand from my stomach and took out something from his pocket. It looked like a stick.

"What is that?"

"Don't speak" His voice sounded raspy with a gentle touch to it. I nodded and he placed the stick looking thing on my stomach.

"Cassandra Joy Weston you now have full power"