The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Eighteen




The light struck my eyes and I knew it was morning. I turned over and laid my head on Justin's chest trying to block out the sun even though it wasn't really working that well. He put his hand on my back and played with my hair with his other hand. I felt him move my hair out my face and I looked up sleepy.


"I feel like shit" He laughed and I pressed my hand against his chest. His eyes widened and he pushed me off him. Rude much? Dick face

"What the fuck was that Cassie? Your hand was hot as fuck" I looked at him with a confused look and turned to look at my hand. I had a fire red hand that looked like it was on burning. I looked at him and he held his chest where I touched him.

"Cassie what is that?"

"I-I have no idea"

"What do you mean you don't know? That's your hand. How would you not know?"

"I remember sleeping and having some guy in my dream than waking up and rolling on your chest" He stood pacing and looked at me.

"What guy? What did he look like?"

"Black robe, brownish hair, gold brown eyes, he had some sort of staff thing that he placed on my stomach before I woke up" He looked shocked at first but than smiled like i've never seen him smile before.

"Cassie that means your getting your gifts" I swear he looks more excited than I am.

"But I can't use them" Justin's father said that when I get my powers I am not allowed to use them unless it's training or the battle. Apparently, if we have sex my inner animal will come out and I can't let that happen. Oh yeah another reason to stay a virgin. I laughed to myself while Justin stared at me with a smile on his face. I felt myself being lifted off the ground and spun around. I saw Justin smiling wide and I put my arms around his neck to support myself.

We walked into the kitchen and breakfast was already on the table waiting for us. I said hi to his workers and started eating when I felt something melt in my hands. I looked down and didn't see my fork anymore. I looked at Justin who was eating and on his computer.

"Justin" No answer

"Justin" I said louder but still not getting any reaspone

"JUSTIN" He jumped and looked at me

"What? Why aren't you eating?"

"My fork melted" He looked at me wide eyed and I nodded showing him my hand where the melted fork was.

"Holy shit, it's your heat. You need to drink a lot of water to keep your temp down"

"Ok" He asked one of the workers to get me water and I laid my head on the table.

"This fucking sucks" He rubbed my back and a glass of water was infront of me soon enough. I drank it and felt a little calmer. I touched Justin's face and he flinched a little

"Still hot but your cooling down"

"I'm sorry for buring you"

"It's alright, come on let's go see the book for what other powers you have" I nodded and we walked back into the room to get the Shadow book.

We opened the book and saw all these different names. I saw Justin's, his parents, his siblings, his grandparents, Lola, Yasmine, and even the boys. It's like everyone I talk to is here on the list. He turned more pages and I saw the power chapter. We looked through it and apparently I have Heat, power to move things with my mind, Projection and that's about it. Justin's father appaeared after we closed the book and he had a light smirk on his face and a gift in his hands. I looked at him confused but he said to open it and when I did I saw a blacelet with a letter J on it.

"What is this?"

"It's to keep your power down, each person get's once. Just happens that I have given you our family's braclet.

"Thank you" He nodded and disappeared. I turned back to Justin and he helped me put it on. it didn't melt just I guess meant it was working. 

Justin was in his office working on some plan with one of his best shadows. I sat on the couch with hot chocolate in my hands. It's coming closer to Decemeber and getting colder outside. Apparently the battle will take place soon. Which means i'd had to start my training in Valdora soon. There are good things to that but one bad thing. What if we lose? I mean Justin won't get his throne, and my family line won't continue which means I won't had kids, and i'd die. I heard the door close from upstairs and turned to see Justin walking downstairs with Blake his lead shadow for this task. Justin said were gonna need an army to win this battle. Which means he is sending his shadows around the world turning Mortals.

"Hello Mistress" Blake said bowing

"Hi Blake, Are you two finished?"

"Yea, there leaving tomorrow for a week. But I'm not sending all of them"

"Who are you sending?"

"Blake, Charlie, Mario, Tabitha, Emily and Whitney" I nodded and Blake shimmered out. Justin walked to the couch and sat down next to me. I laid my head on his chest and looked at him

"What's wrong?"

"What if we lose? You won't your throne"

"Cass, you need to not think about that and think about if we win you get to have your sister's back. Once we get the throne this place is legally ours and not my parents. We'd own Valdora and good will finally end"

"Growing up everyone said Good will always beat Evil though"

"Well we won't let them win. Cassie, the only way we don't win is if I don't fight. And unless something happens to you I'm standing by you fighting for our throne" I looked at him with a smile and shuffled onto his lap

"What are you doing?"

"You said Our throne" He smiled and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear

"I did didn't I?"

"You really want me to be there?"

"Of course I do Cass, I-" we were interuppted by the door bell and I groaned

"That's probably the guys"

"Leave it, they can shimmer in"

I moved my head lower and placed my lips on his. He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me closer. My right hand moved to play with his hair as the other slid under his shirt. His left hand moved to my hip making a cold sensation flow through out my body. I've never realized how cold he really was. His hand moved higher under my shirt as my right hand tightened in his hair. He smirked and moved higher giving me a shiver. I pulled away and he smiled at me.

"Why are you so cold? I never felt you that cold"

"I've always been this cold. I have ice in my blood. Your gift is heat and mine is cold"

"Kind of like fire and ice?"

"Exactly" I heard a cough and saw Travis standing with his arms crossed and the others shimmered in at the same time.

"Oh uh hi"

"Are you finished? We need to talk"

"I guess" I rolled my eyes and he pushed me off Justin.

"Dick" He flipped me off and I felt my eyes fire up.

"Cassie breath" I heard Justin's voice . I looked at Travis and got up from the couch. Justin reached for me but when he touched my hand he got burned.

"What the hell Cassie?" Justin yelled. I ignored him and touched Travis's neck. His loud screams could be heard in every ear. His skin was disappearing as I pressed harder.

"Cassie your gonna kill him" Justin shouted at me but I pressed harder.

"Cassie s-stop it" Travis said still in pain. I pulled my hand back and saw he had a huge burn mark on his neck.

"What the fuck Cassie?"

I blinked and felt myself go back to normal. I looked around the room and saw everyone with shocked faces. Justin's face read disappointment and I ran. I ran out the front door and down the street. I just wanted to run, I wanted to get out of the house. I can't hurt anyone else. I found the woods clearing and ran inside. I sat on the leaves that had fell last month and picked one up. It burned in my hand right away. I wanted to cry, I had no idea what I was doing. What if this is who I become because of this 'gift'.

"If this is what happens because of it, you can have it back. I don't want it" A tear rolled down my cheek and I laid on the ground. I felt something hit my head and looked at up to see it was raining. I didn't move, it started to pour and I pulled up my hood that I grabbed before I let since it was on the couch. I heard my name being called in the distance but I thought I was imagining things. My eyes started to close and my breathing started to slow down everything felt weird.

"CASSIE" Was the last thing I heard before my head dropped into a pile of leafs