The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty


Change In Eyes


I heard a moan coming from Cassie who was still asleep. Her head on my chest and her arm around my stomach tightly holding onto me. She was burning hot and I was starting to get worried. She was covered in sweat and her nose was blazing red. I didn't know what to do so I shook her a little and moving her hair out her face. She opened her eyes and blinked a few times.

"Justin?" I sighed in relief that the dust from last night worked and kissed her forehead only to feel the hot sensation from her body heat on my lips. I pulled back and she smiled into my chest.

"Look at me" I said quietly yet smoothly. She slowly looked up at me and my eyes widened. Oh my fucker

"What's wrong?"

"Your eyes...There red" She looked at me confused and blinked and when her eyes opened they went back to the creamy brown I loved.

"What happened last night?"

"You collapsed in the woods, I bought you back here" She nodded and I leaned down a little to kiss her.

"No I need to brush my teeth" I chuckled and picked her up from the bed. I walked into the bathroom with her and she brushed her teeth while I turned on the shower.

"We leave to Valdora December 15" She nodded and I walked behind her putting my arms around her waist and my head on her shoulder. I moved her hair to one side and kissed her neck.

She turned around and I let go of her since I knew she was going in the shower. She pulled off her shirt and I gulped. She didn't have a bra on, she pulled off her pants and underwear and I could sense that I was getting excited.

"Nice boner Justin" I looked down and covered my boxers and felt my heart race. She always knew how to make me feel embarrassed. I walked out the bathroom wondering what I should do for the next few minutes. Once I was relaxed I laid on the bed with my computer on my lap. I made sure Cassie still had the water running before clicking video call.

I heard shouting from the other side of the camera and saw the familiar face come on the screen.

"Hey Kelsey" She smiled and waved at the camera

"How's the training?"

"Going well, Rebekah was having problems with aiming her fireball but she's doing well. Your parents are worried though"


"Cassie is supposed to start training December 15 and your parents' don't think she will be ready for battle"

"She'll be fine. She has a good teach" I said smirking to myself

"Don't get cocky over there Mr.Bieber" I laughed and heard the shower turn off

"Yea, bye" She hung up and I closed the computer waiting for Cassie to come out the bathroom. She walked out in a towel and smiled at me.

"Fuck, Cassie's done showering. I'll see you in a week or so"

"Everything alright?" I nodded my head and she kissed me before walking into the closet. I let out a breath and realized I was sweating out of nerves. I got up from the bed and told Cassie I was going to shower. She said alright and I walked into the bathroom with my clothes and towel. I turned the water on and stepped in. I started to think about what Kelsey said about Cassie. I mean she is kind of right about everyone training now and Cassie won't be training until a week or so before Christmas. If we even make it to Christmas... The battle is supposed to be on December 20th. Which doesn't give Cassie a lot of time to train. I knew what I had to do. I got out the shower, got dressed and walked out to see Cassie on the bed.

"We need to talk about something"


"How would you like to train for battle now?"

"As in today?"

"Well no, I mean like tomorrow. The battle is on December 20 and we leave to Valdora on December 15 which doesn't give you that much time to practice and understand your powers" She nodded and I smiled at her.

"Now, we need to get to school so come on" I took her hand as I shimmered out the house with her by my side. The only reason I ever took my car was because I needed her to see the town as 'normal' once I knew she was the girl and she started to uncover the truth I started to use my powers more often. We got to the school and I stood with her by the lockers. The doors opened and I turned to see the others.

"I should apologize to Travis" I heard Cassie mumbled from next to me. I squeezed her hand tight and they approached us.

Travis looked at Cassie and I saw him gulp.

"Good Morning Mistress" I looked at Cassie and she smiled at him before pulling him in for a hug. He seemed shocked at first but hugged her back.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, I am just getting used to having these shitty powers" He laughed and shook his head

"I understand" The bell rang and Travis took a hold of Cassie's hand. I looked at him and he laughed.

"We have the same class" I nodded and looked at her. She smiled at me before they shimmered out.


"I heard that" I laughed and went to first period. I sat with Lola in the back of the room. I noticed she had a red mark on her neck and it sure as hell wasn't a hickey. It looked like a person's hand print. I moved her hair to one side and she had wide eyes. As she went to put her hand around her neck I hit her hand and looked at it.

"Did he do this?" She looked down and I heard a sniffle

"Lola, talk to me" I was close to her out of everyone in the group minus Cassie of course. Lola was the first person that I actually opened up to about my child hood and stuff like that. We told each other everything. We trusted each other with our lives.

"Please don't tell Cassie" Was the first thing that came out her mouth.

"Lola, you know the rules"

"Justin please, I'm begging you. She will kill him please" Lola really did love Travis, he may put his hands on her and sometimes cheats but she really loves him.

"Ok, I won't tell her but you have to promise me that you will tell me if that happens again" She nodded and I took a hold of her chin, I pulled her head towards me and stared at her

"Promise me Lola"

"I Promise" She hugged me and as always we go in trouble from Mr.Beck I rolled my eyes at him and he started teaching again.

Soon enough it was lunch and I saw Lola covering her neck, Cassie was staring at her but every time she would try to glance at Lola's neck i'd kiss her or poke her. Lola owes me so much for this. I hate lying to Cassie, hell I hate not telling her anything that happens but Lola is like a sister to me and i'd protect her from anything. Even if it's my girlfriend's over protectiveness of a friend who is getting pushed around by her boyfriend. As long as she isn't really hurt I can't and won't get involved or unless I see him put his hands on her.