The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Nineteen


Don't You Remember Me?


When Cassie ran out the house I instantly got worried. She has people after her and now that she has power's she is even more danger since she doesn't know how to use them. Once I made sure Travis was alright I grabbed my jacket from the couch and ran out to my car. If something happens to Cassie than someone will be killed. I saw her running down the street and lowered my window. I shouted her name but she ran faster, I followed her until she ran into the woods entering. I got out my car and the cold air hit my face but at the moment I didn't care. I looked around making sure no one was around and ran inside the woods. I looked around and saw something move. I ran towards it and saw Cassie on the ground face first into a pile of leaves with a person standing over her. My eyes widened when I saw who it was and ran to tackle them.

"STOP" I pushed him on the ground and took Cassie's body in my lap. She looked so pale, her lips were blue. It was almost 30 degress out here but for her it's probably colder considering her body heat is running low because she hasn't mastered her power of heat yet. I picked up her body and took her to my car. I looked around to see the person shimmer out. I looked at where he once stood confused. How'd he do that? He wasn't one of mine.

I pulled into the driveway of the house and took Cassie out the car and inside. Everyone was still here and looked at Cassie with a shocked face.

"I'm taking her upstairs, no one interupt understood?"

"Yes sir" I walked upstairs with Cassie in my arms and laid her on our bed. I covered her with the blanket and took her hand in mine. I flinched from the coldness on her hand and looked at her face. I moved her hair out her face and sighed.

"What were you thinking?" She didn't move and I kissed her lips softly before getting off the bed. I walked downstairs to get her something warm to eat when I saw the others still in the living room.

"We just wanted to know if she was alright" Lola said with concern written all over her face.

"I don't know, she's asleep" They nodded and shimmered out after that. I heard a crash from upstairs and ran to see if Cassie was alright. She was on the floor holding her head with confusion writen on her face.

"Cass, you alright?" She looked at me with a confused look and looked around the room.

"Cassie?" She got up and pointed to herself.


"Your the only Cassie in the house"

"I-I'm sorry. Who are you?"

"You don't know me?" I said with shock in my voice

"No, are we friends?" I coughed and shook my head

"No were uh....were sort of together" Her head tilted to the side and she bit her lip.

"You don't look familar. Are you sure that I'm the girl?"

"I'm positive, maybe you should lay down" I walked towards her but she backed away

"What's wrong?"

"I can do it myself thank you" I nodded and she got in the bed. She covered herself with the blanket and I sat next to her.

"What do you remember last?"

"Depends, am I still in Washington?" I looked at her shocked

"Cassie you haven't lived in Washington for almost 3 years. Your in Conneticut, Brooksfield to be exact"

"When did I get here?"

"Almost a month ago" I got up from the bed and looked at her

"I'll be right back don't move" She nodded and I walked to my office. I closed my eyes and called for my father and waited for him to shimmer in. He smiled at me but his face went straight when he saw my face.

"What is it?"

"Someone whipped Cassie's memory"

"What?" He said in anger

"She doesn't remember where she is, who I am or who she is. Dad, this will fuck up the who battle. If Carter finds out he will make her change sides"

"Ok just take a breath, let me think" I nodded and sat in my chair behind my desk.

"Do you still have contact with Jessica and Gina?" I nodded and he sat down

"Call them and tell them to bring the blue dust. It's a memory dust that will undo anything" I nodded again and he shimmered out. Gina and Jessica are Windago's. They protect the earth kind of like mother earth but more fun to have around. I picked up the phone and dailed the number.

"Hello?" I heard the familar voice speak

"Gina, it's Justin"

"What's up Devil? How can I help you?" I can tell that she was doing something but this is important to me so she will have to suck it up in the end.

"I need you or Jessica to bring me the blue dust"

"Vixen Memory? Justin that's dangerous"

"I know but it's important"

"What is it?" She said concerned

"It's Cassie, something put a hex on her and made her forget everything"

"The ruler or your mistress?"


"Jessica will bring it now" And with that she hung up. I walked back to the room and sat next to Cassie.

"Are you alright?" She nodded and looked at me

"How did we meet?"

"That's a long story" But I was interuppted before I could talk.

The doorbell went off and I saw Cassie jump. I told her to stay in the room and I went to see Jessica. I opened the front door and let her in.

"Did you bring it?"

"Yes, now remember Justin only a sprinkle"

"I know, thanks Jess"

"No problem" She walked out the house and I let out a breath before walking upstairs. I sat back on the bed and she smiled at me.

"What's that?"

"Powder?" I said it more as a question

"Can I have some?"

"Sure just uh let me open it" I 'accidently' sprinkled a little in her face when I opened it and she coughed. She blinked a few times and her eyes were still filled with confusion.

"Can I have some now?"

"W-what? It didn't work" I threw my head back in fustration and closed the bottle

"I thought you were sharing"

"Just go to bed. You can use it tomorrow" She nodded and laid down. I covered her in the blanket and turned off the light as I walked out. I looked at the bottle and went into my office. I called Jessica and waited for her to answer


"What the fuck Jessica? You said a sprinkle would work"

"Didn't you read the damn bottle Justin?"

"No why?"

"It takes a few hours to kick in you idiot" I coughed and hung up. I walked back to the room and saw her sleeping peacefully. I laid next to her and sleep asleep myself hoping the dust worked and she'd be my Cassie again tomorrow.