The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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 Chapter Twenty-Two




It's been a few days since I had that dream about Justin. Things are doing fine I guess you can say. Justin has been coming and going from Valdora while i've been at his house bored out my mind. Today he was going to help me train using my powers. I'm scared but another part of me is completely excited. Justin walked into the room smiling at me and I got off the bed.


"As I'll ever be" He took a hold of my hand and I closed my eyes as we shimmered to my target class. Once I opened my eyes I saw a beautiful meadow surrounding us. I looked at Justin and he made a hand motion clearing a path of dirt from where we stood to the end of the meadow.

"Get ready" I nodded and once he shimmered out people in black robes with red eyes appeared. I took a breath just like he told me and raised my left hand as one ran towards me. I closed my eyes but felt myself being pushed to the ground.

"Ouch" I mumbled

"Cass, you need to focus" Travis said in the black robe suit. I nodded and he went back to position. Lola ran at me and I went to stop her by levitating and kicking her but landed on my back again. She helped me off the ground and Brandon was next. Once again I landed on my ass. Yasmine was next and her power was temptation. I tried using my mind power to block everything out but nothing worked. I still saw images of my weaknesses.

"I can't do it" Justin appeared next to me and looked at me.

"You just need to relax your mind. Try not to think of what move to make and just let it flow through you. Breath, close your eyes and let it out"

"I'll try"

"One more time" I took a breath, closed my eyes and felt the ground move underneath my feet. My eyes shot open and I saw Travis running at me. I lifted my hand as fire shot out making him fall to the ground. Next was Lola with her kick boxing. I jumped off the ground and kicked her making her fall. Brandon had the power of body control. I closed my mind to him and flipped him on the ground. Lastly was Yasmine. She showed me a image of Justin making a small amount of Lust rush into me but I closed my eyes and opened them to show her her weakness.

After a few hours of training I got a little better than when I first started. Justin appeared next to me with a smile on his face which made me happy. I felt a pair of eyes on me and turned to see a guy in white staring at me with a sad expression on his face.

"I'll be right back"

"Where are you going?"

"I thought I saw something, I'll be back" He nodded and I walked away from them and made my way to the person that hiding. I saw a little boy standing there with a sad look on his face.

"Are you lost?"

"Your crazy for helping him" I looked at him with a confused look on my face


"You have no idea what will change if he wins this battle"

"What do you mean? Who are you?"

"My name is Potter. I'm a Angel in training" I gulped. I'm not supposed to talk to these people

"Oh, I uh gotta go" I said getting up to my size.

"Wait, c-can I show you something?" I looked to see Justin looking at me with a weird look on his face and than I looked back at the boy

"Make it quick"

"Give me your hands" I gave him my hands and he closed his eyes. I closed mine and what I saw scared the shit out of me.

Everything was black, no sunlight, no life, everything was ugly. I saw people in all black no smile on there face. Everything was scary. Than the image changed, I saw Justin sitting on a throne with my standing next to him as he held my hand. My hair was black, I had a black dress and Justin had all black on, his hair was spiked up as usual but he had black eyes. A girl was at our feet crying and we showed no emotion. Justin lifted his hand and she was dead a second later. I felt his hands let go of mine and I looked down to him.

"This is what happens if he wins. Do you want this to happen?" I shook my head

"Than tell him your not fighting, don't let him win Cassie. It will destroy everything"

"CASSIE ARE YOU COMING?" I heard Justin shout. I nodded at him and looked at the boy

"Bye" He nodded at me and I walked to Justin.

"What were you looking at?"

"Death" He looked at me with a weird look and I shrugged.

"Uh ok? Were gonna get food" I nodded and he took a hold of my hand.

We walked to the small diner that was near us and walked inside. As we walked inside everything stopped moving. We walked to a table and I kept hearing things that people were saying.

"That's Cassie, Devil's mistress"

"There the ones that will kill with no second thought" We sat down and I looked at Justin.

"Are you ok?"

"Can I ask you something?"


"If we win the fight, what will change?"

"Everything, we'll be in control of the world. All the angels will be dead"

"Can I show you something?"

"What is it?"

"Give me your hands" He gave me his hands and I closed my eyes. I let him see what Potter showed me and once the vision was done I opened my eyes to see him looking at me.

"What the fuck is that?"

"That's what the world will be if you win"

"Cassie no it won't. Who told you that?" he said laughing

"Remember how I said I saw something"


"It was a boy, he was in white and showed that to me"

"You spoke to an angel?"

"Justin I had questions on a lot and he showed me that"

"Do you want to see what will become of the world? The truth of it"

"Sure" He held my head in his hands and took a breath.

I saw myself with Justin and my sister's. We were sitting in front of a nice view of people living life. I looked around and saw Justin playing with a little girl as she laughed. He turned his head to where I was and smiled at me. I felt something touch my hand and turned to see Kelsey smiling at me.

"She's beautiful isn't she"

"Is she yours?" She looked at me and shook her head

"She's yours" Justin picked up the little girl and handed her to me. I looked down and saw her blink making a bottle of milk appear in her mouth. She's mine?

"Her name's Penelope Marie Bieber" I heard Rebekah say as she walked next to me. I blinked and saw Justin taking his hands off my head.

"That's what will happen if we win"

"It's beautiful"

"Angel's aren't the good guys Cass, we are. They want to make everything harder for us. That's why I didn't want you to listen to them"


That was it, after I saw that I knew we had to win this battle. Not for me, not for Justin's throne but for Penelope. If I wanted her i'd had to win this battle. Everything changes now. I'm doing this for her.