The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Three


Valdora Demons


Location: Valdora, Bieber Castle

Everyone was sitting at the long length table getting ready for dinner. Lord Bieber and his Mistress were at the head of the table along with Jazmyn and Jaxon Bieber. Next to them was Rebekah and Kelsey. Only two people know that the Weston girls are related to Cassie. Jazmyn looked at Rebekah with a glare as Calvin looked at Rebekah with hunger in his eyes. Questioning what was going on with the two she decided to read Rebekah's thoughts along with Calvin's. Hoping nothing was to suspect she looked at Kelsey that had a annoyed look on her face as Rebekah smiled goofy.

"Kelsey? May I speak with you please?" Kelsey turned her head to Jazmyn

"Yes Princess" Jazmyn and Kelsey got up from the table. They walked through the grand doors out the dining room.


"Is something going on with Rebekah and Calvin?" Jazmyn could sense that Kelsey was nervous. Knowing she was onto something she decided to continue.

"Are you going to answer me?"

"I uh Becky" Kelsey took a breath knowing she had no choice but to tell Jazmyn the truth as her duty of a protector.

"Calvin and Rebekah have been sleeping with each other for a few weeks" Jazmyn felt as if her blood had ran cold. Her eyes became darker as her face became red in anger.

"Thank you"

"Please don't hurt her" She said as Jazmyn walked away. Jazmyn turned around and was about to say something when she had a image appear in front of her. She blinked and saw Kelsey with a confused look on her face.

"Go get my brother and parents"

"What's going on?"

"Just do it" She ran to tell the guards to keep all doors locked and to stay with there weapons ready. Kelsey ran inside the dining room and across to the end of the table.

"Lord Bieber, Mistress something's happening. Jazmyn went to worn the guards" They got up along with Jaxon and followed Kelsey out closing the doors behind them. Once the doors closed Jazmyn appeared in front of them.

"Jazmyn what's going on?" Lord Bieber asked her as she had a scared and worried face on. She was breathing heavy as she prepared herself about what was about to come.

"It's the demon's. They've escaped. There coming" Lord Bieber's face became full of worry and panic.

"Get everyone to there rooms, lock all the doors and don't come out until there gone" No one moved.

"GO" Lord Bieber shouted scarying everyone to worn the others. Kelseys ran into the dining room telling everyone to get to there rooms and stay are guard. Jazmyn ran up to the north tower, and grabbed onto the phone that was by her bed. Dialing a number quickly she antisipated for the person to answer.


"We need help" She said fast and straight to the point

"Why? What's happening"

"Just get to Valdora QUICK" A loud scream was heard on the other side of the phone making the connection lost.

Location: Brooksfield, Conniticut.


I sat on the couch with Cassie watching some movie that she had been waiting for. One thing that didn't change during the transformation is her love for Christmas. She decorated the whole fucking house with lights and shit. Put a Christmas tree with Lola and Yasmine. I swear my house looks like the fucking north pole itself.

"Fa la la la" Cassie sang along with the words as the people sang there Christmas carols or what ever it was. Me? I don't celebrate anything, but if Cassie wants to celebrate Christmas than I guess I'll do it for her. We watched the movie peacefully until the phone rang. I looked at her with a confused look on my face and picked it up off the coffee table.

"Hello?" I asked playing with Cassie's hair as her head was on my lap.

"We need help" I heard Jazmyn shout in panic. I pushed Cassie off me and shot myself up from the laying down position

"Why? What's happening?"

"Just get to Valdora QUICK" I heard  a loud shatter and scream and the line went dead. I looked at Cassie who looked confused and called the others. I told them to get to the house fast, I didn't care if they had to shimmer inside they needed to hurry up. Not even 14 seconds later they were all here.

"What's going on?"

"Something's happening in Valdora" There eyes widened in fear and I looked at Cassie.

"I need you to stay here with Brandon and Yasmine"

"No I'm coming with you"

"Cassie I'm serious"

"Justin I can help. I can use my powers"

"I said no. I want you to stay here and do not leave this house am I understood?"

"Yes" She mumbled quietly with a nod. I looked up at Travis and Lola

"Let's go" I put on my jacket and pulled my hood over my head.

I shimmered out the house and before my eyes I saw my home. Welcome to Valdora. I looked around and saw everything was destoryed. At first I thought it were the Angels. We walked further to the front gate and I saw a giant swallowing a guard. I walked up to the giant and stood in front of him. He turned his head and laughed loudly.

"They sent a small boy to handle us? How cute"

"I order you to leave" He crossed his arms and looked down at me

"And who are you?"

"Justin Drew Bieber, Prince of Valdora" His eyes widened as he looked at me.

"Sir, I had no idea that you were here"

"Who has sent you to destory my home?" Ignoring his last comment

"Carter sir, Carter leader of the angels had sent us. We wanted no harm but we had no choice"


"Yes sir" He said with fear in his eyes. One thing you should know about me is that even though that guy could have ate me I'm still the most feared in any place I go to.

Devil is not to be messed with. Especially if it causes harm to his family.