The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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The Devil (Sequel Preview)


Devil's Haunting Chapter One

 Year 1869

"Justin stop it" Hannah said with a small giggle as he chased her through the woods that they claimed as there own. Lifting her into the air and spinning in a circle she wrapped her legs around his waist.

He stood in the middle of the woods smiling at her, this was the moments he loved. She knew his secret, and yet she loved him anyway. She knew about his power and what his calling was and she wanted to be the one to stand behind him at all times.

"I love you Hannah, Devil or not" He whispered against her lips.

"You'll always have me Justin, don't forget that. Nothing can separate us" She said as his lips pressed against hers.


Present Time: 2013


"Daddy can we go in those woods and play?" Asked Penelope as she stared out the back door to the dark creepy woods. Justin felt a strange feeling coming from them, almost as if there was something wrong with them.

"I don't think so sweetie, come on go eat breakfast before your mother gets angry with me about not feeding you" She let out a little giggle and sat in what she called "the big girl chair".

"Daddy, there's a man that comes to see me everyday. He looks like you and has the same name" He looked at his 6 year old daughter confused

"Where does he visit you baby?" He said as he placed a plate in front of her. She started eatting and swallowed before answering.

"He comes to my room at night, he says that he is protecting me" A odd feeling formed in Justin's stomach.

"What else does he tell you Penelope?"

"He calls mommy Hannah and says she's a bad person. He says that she will hurt me" Justin searched his head for someone named Hannah but came up with nothing.

"If you see him tonight I want you to come into my room, I don't want you talking to him anymore. Am I understood?" He said with a cold voice that he knew Penelope would listen to

"Yes Daddy" Nodding he ate and they went to check on Cassie who was still asleep in there bedroom.


 Year 1869

Anger was all you could see in Justin's eyes as he looked at his lover. She had tears running down her face as she held onto her daughter's hand.

"How can you do this to me? To our family?" He said with a cold and dark voice

"Justin it's for your own good, this isn't you" Hannah said in a panic

"Rosaline come here" He said to his daughter who ran towards him scared to be with her mother.

"Justin just listen please, the power has come to your head, don't let it destroy us. He can help" His eyes turned black, he told Rosaline to go find her aunt and he shut the door making sure Hannah had no escape.

"He's going to kill me because of you, I trusted you Hannah, I fucking married you and you betrayed me" Fear grew in her eyes

"But, before he does that to me I'm making sure your gone too" Hannah gulped

"W-what do you mean Justin?" He took her by her hair and disappeared out the room and appeared in the woods that were known as their's.

"Your a dead man Hannah, I'm going to make sure of it" He said throwing her against a tree.


Present Time: 2013


"What's wrong?" Cassie asked as we laid on the couch watching Penelope play with her toys. My arm around her as our legs were tangled together.

"Nothing, just thinking" She turned her head and looked at me with concern

"Can I know?" She asked as she pouted making me smile and kiss her nose.

"Now who can say no to that face?" I sighed and nodded as she carefully looked at me knowing not to interuppt.

"Penelope told me that someone that looks like me and has the same name as me has been coming into her room at night while were sleeping. She said that he calls you Hannah and that your going to hurt her. I don't know what's going on but she asked me if she can play in the woods today. When I looked at them I got a strange and bad feeling and I told her no"

"Justin I think you should talk to your dad about this, maybe he knows something and can help" All of a sudden the fireplace that was in the living room went off causing Cassie and Penelope to jump and look at me. Looking closely at the fire I saw a face but it wasn't just a random face, it looked just like me and than it just vanished.

"I'll talk to him when he get back from the capital alright" She nodded and we went back to watching Penelope play.


 Year 1869

He watched as she burned, her body slowly becoming ash, the smell of burning flesh taking over and filling his nose causing him to smirk as his eyes turned black. He's as evil as they come maybe even worse, he's been alive for over 2,000 years. Life after life becoming different from the last. Some he found love, other's he murdered and killed with no remorse. This life in 1869? He does both, why? Well no one really knows that answer.

Her screams were heard through out the forest, tears running down her face but hidden behind the flames. Ash is becoming apart of her disforming body. He felt nothing, she was useless to him, kept him human when he should've been soul-less. This was her fault, she put herself here. She made him kill her, he loved her and she turned against him. She betrayed him, turned him to the capital, she was just another disgusting human in his mind. She needed to die, just like the rest of them.

Hearing footsteps coming towards the sight he didn't stop the process. He knew who it was, he knew what they wanted, but he didn't care. He was a dead man anyway, but if he was going away he wanted to make sure she was gone too. He wanted to protect his family, his siblings from being discovered. They were finally getting used to the life they were given, he wasn't about to let the capital take that away. Even if that meant he had to sacrifice himself.

"Justin" A dark voice was heard and he turned once her body was only ash and a pile of blackness.

"Father" He said nodding at him knowing what was about to come.

"I'm sorry son" Shaking his head at his father he held his hand up.

"I do not wish to hear a apology, I know why you've come"

"Why Justin? You knew it was dangerous"

"I have no answer, please just do it quickly" Walking towards his son Lord Bieber pushing his hand through Justin's chest. Taking a grip of the heart he kept inside, squeezing it in his hand without taking his eyes off his son's.

"I'll might you again father, I'll be back"

"I hope you do not make the same mistakes" A smirk grew on Justin's face

"We shall see my dear father" His body began limp, Lord Bieber pulled his hand out the dead body making it fall to the dirty ground. Standing over the body Lord Bieber felt one tear roll down his cheek. It was rare for a devil to cry, and when it happened it meant he was brave.

"Soon my son, soon" He whispered before disappearing deeper into the woods without another glance at Justin's dead body that laid next to his former lover Hannah.


Present time: 2013


Shooting up from my pillow I began breathing heavy as sweat ran down my body. Feeling a tense presense next to me I turned to see Cassie looking at me with concern in her eyes. She reached her hand up and took a hold of my hand.

"What is it?" My breaths were uneven, sweat coming down without a stop

"Justin" She said with a sad tone

This has been happening for over a few days, and I have no idea what these dreams or nightmares mean. Is my past life coming back to haunt me? I turned my head and looked at Cassie.

"I love you" She smiled and kissed the back of my hand

"I love you too, now get some sleep" Nodding I put my head on the pillow and felt her lay on my chest as my arm went around her small frame. She kissed my chest and I closed my eyes.

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