The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Eight


Baby Penelope & Valdora War Part Two


I knew that having Cassie fight would be a risk. I should've known better than to tell her that it was ok for her to even be apart of this. She still doesn't know but she's already pregnant. Kelsey and Lola have the gift of sight and they told me before we started fighting that she was already having the baby. I was happy but I should've told Cassie not fight. She wouldn't be laying in the damn hospital bed if I had just told her.

I sat outside of the room as the doctors tested her even nothing is wrong with her. It was just because she used the powers too much but my mom being well my mom brought her here because she thought it would be best. The door opened and I got up from the chair to see the doctor smiling at me.

"Was I right?"

"Yes, there's something there alright" I smiled

"Can I see her? does she know?"

"Sure and no I figured you'd want to tell her"

"Thank you" he nodded and I closed the door as I walked inside. She turned her head to me and smiled.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Good" She waved me over to her and I sat in the chair

"Did we win?" I laughed

"Your in a hospital and your wondering if we won a stupid war?"

"It's important" I took a hold of her hand and smiled.

"Yes, yes we won" She smiled and looked at her stomach

"Does that mean?" I nodded

"She's in there" She smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek.

The door opened making us turn our heads to see the doctor.

"Can she come home?"

"Yea she's free"

"Thank you" he nodded at her and gave me a paper

"It's just a schedule for her. She has to be careful during this stage"

"Ok" He walked out and she got up from the bed. I shimmered out with her and we appeared at the castle.

"Come on, everyone's waiting" I took her inside and we walked into the living room. My family was waiting because I told them that we had news for them. Once we walked in everyone smiled at us.

"What did you need to say?" my mom asked as soon as we sat down. I looked at Cassie and placed my hand on her stomach. Jazmyn was the first to get it.

"REALLY?!" We nodded and she ran at Cassie. She hugged her making us laugh and she hugged me.

"Wait, I'm lost" My parents said

"SHE'S HAVING A BABY" Jaz said in a happy voice. My mom's face broke out into a smile and she hugged Cassie than me. Jaxon said congradulations but I wanted to know what my dad was going to say.


"You knew the rules Justin" I nodded and looked down

"But" I snapped my head up to him

"Because your my son, I'll give you my blessing" I smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you"

"Your welcome. Now Cassie"


"I would like to give you a piece of information that no one knows"

"What is it?"

"My name" Her eyes widened and nodded


We got back to the house and I took Cassie upstairs. I lifted her shirt and looked at her stomach.

"Hi Penelope, are you ok in there?" Cassie laughed but knew that I had more than one gift.

"Wanna hear her?"

"Is that allowed?"

"No but want to anyway?"

"Sure" I took a hold of her hand and placed my other one on her stomach.

"Close your eyes" I heard a pounding and I smiled. It was her heartbeat. I moved my hand higher and heard a popping sound.

"She sounds so cute"

"That's our's Justin, she's ours"

"Are you happy?"

"Very" I smiled at her and kissed her.

I sat on the bed as Cassie was in the shower. Travis shimmered in with a smile on his face and Lola appeard with the other after him.


"Well, did you tell her?" I smiled

"Yea, I told her"


"She's happy" the next thing I knew I was being tackled by them on the bed making me laugh.

"Get off me you idiots"

"Now that is something you don't see everyday" The moved to see Cassie in her pajamas and a smile on her face.

"Congrats Cass"

"Thank you, now Travis get your fat ass off of my side of the bed"

"Fine pushy" She hit his arm and laid next to me.

"Can I see her?" Lola asked

"Sure" she placed her hand on Cassie's stomach and smiled. She opened her eyes and smiled at us.


"She's healthy and looks like little peanut" We laughed and she hugged Cassie.

The other's were in the living with Cassie as I sat in my office looking around remembering how long it took to get here. I start my day of being a real Devil after Christmas. I'm excited but I'm more happy to know that Cassie will be standing by my side. I picked up the box that was on the floor of my office and took off my old Devil and replaced it will a picture of Cassie and another of Cassie and I. Soon I'll fill a space with Cass, Me and Penelope. I smiled at the thought of my daughter.

Just to know that soon enough I'll be holding her in my arms makes me smile. Ever since Cassie came along my life has changed from working on the battle to finally getting to love the one that you want to be with for your life. Some people say that love fades but when I look at Cassie I see life, happiness, love, joy, and sometimes I see a scary as girl but that's only when she gets angry.

Cassie is and always will be the one girl that I can say I changed everything for her. I never wanted to see my family unless it was war related. I hardly spoke to Jazmyn and Jaxon. The other's were my family and no matter how much of a dick I was to them they still stood by me supporting me as I waited for Cassie. Did I grow annoyed that it took so long? At times but than I remembered that once she came she'd be here forever. It sucks that Rebekah won't be able to see her niece grow up because of stupid mistakes she made but Kelsey will be around along with my sister and the girls. Plus she has Jaxon, the boys and my family. I think that we'll be fine.

Because with Cassie by my side I'm not just another Devil.

I'm The Devil