The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Four


Cold Stare


I hardly slept last night considering I was still scared that I would wake up and "Devil" will be standing over me with a gun in his hand ready to kill me. But, another reason is because I couldn't stop thinking about the guy in the mirror or the note that was on my window. Something tells me that I am been watched but I am too scared to find out who the fuck it is.

"Cassie were gonna be late hurry up" Becky said from outside my door.

"Be out in a second" I walked into my closet and grabbed my clothes. I got dressed and brushed my teeth, did my makeup and hair than opened the door to see her with a straight face.I walked downstairs with her and Kelsey smiled at us.

"I like your outfit Becky" She said with a smile


"Come on were gonna be late"

"Be careful at school"

"Whatever" I got in my car and drove off the school.

We finally got to the school and I looked around after exiting my car. I didn't see "Devil" or his friends so I walked into the building.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine" She nodded and walked to her class. The bell rang and I went to my locker. I opened my locker and reached in for my books when my eyes and mouth were covered.

"Say a word and I will cut your throat out" I nodded quickly and felt my legs moving. I heard a door close and was seated in a cold chair.

"Want to tell me why Todd Sanders was in your car after school?" The person asked covering my eyes with what felt like a cloth.

"I-I he knows my sister"

"Do you always give people you don't know rides? Is that what you do Cassie?" I shook my head and felt a hand collide with my cheek

"S-stop please" I heard a dark chuckle from a place in the room.

"W-what do you want from me?" At this point I wanted to go home and hide my closet never to return to the outside world.

"Tell me Cassie, are you a virgin?" I didn't answer. I'm not telling this douche anything that can be turned against me. But, that didn't work out so well because I felt a hand collide with my cheek again.


"Yes, Yes i-I'm a virgin" I didn't have to see to know this prick was smirking. I felt something go between my legs and knew it was a hand.

"P-please let me go"

"I gave you a warning Cassie, because apparently it didn't matter to you the first time" Oh my fuckers I was taken by "Devil"

"P-please don't"

"I'd be careful if I were you, I can be very...very unpredictable" I felt his hand move up my thigh after every word. Than all of a sudden he pulled his hand away and  I felt something glide down my arm and felt a tear roll down my cheek

"I'm begging you please"

"Listen to me carefully Cassie because one more slip up and I'm not going to be nice" I nodded shaking in the chair

"You are not to do stupid shit again. If I have to tell you one more time I will be your worst nightmare" I nodded to me

"Understand?" I whimpered and felt more tears roll down my cheek.


"Yes, yes I understand"

"Good. I'm going to count to three and you will be back at your locker" I nodded

"One.....Two...." I didn't hear three.

"Hello?" I pulled the blindfold off and saw I was infront of my locker. I looked down at my arms but didn't see anything.

"Cassie" I heard my name being called. I looked around and saw the bathroom door shut. I walked to the bathroom and opened the door. I walked inside and looked around

"Cassie" I started to get chills down my back. I walked to the mirror and saw him.

"W-what do you want?"

"Come closer" I felt as if he was whispering in my ear. I walked to the mirror and saw he had a mask covering his face. He had a black jacket with the letter JB on the arm. JB? What the fuck is that?

"Who are you?"

"Don't trust anyone Cassie. It's not safe for you"

"Why?" I heard the bathroom door open and turned to see a girl with a freaked out look on her face.

"Freak" I looked back at the mirror but didn't see him there anymore. I walked out and went to my class. I walked inside and sat in my seat next to one of "Devil's" guys.

"Your bleeding" I looked at him and he pointed to my arms


"You should clean yourself up" He passed me a box of tissues from the end of the table and I took a few and whipped my arm. I cleaned the blood and my eyes widened at what was on my arm.

It was the letter J

Is that what he was warning me about?

Was that why I saw that on his jacket?

I'm so confused. Who do I not trust? What about Rebekah is she alright? Does anyone else see the guy in the mirror?

Why does "Devil" hate me? What did I do to deserve to be treated this way?

Soon it was lunch and I saw Devil's table looking at me. He got up from his seat with the others and walked towards me. I gulped hoping nothing would happen but his friends walked passed me.

"Outside in 5" He said as he walked past bumping our shoulder. I felt heat on the letter J as he hit my shoulder and saw it was red as blood.

"Ready for lunch?"

"AHH Holy fucking shit Lola you scared me"

"Sorry, wanna get food?"

"No, I uh have to do something"

"Oh well ok. See you later than" I nodded and walked out the cafe. I walked into the hall and saw him with his friends by the back door.

"Come on" He opened the door and walked out, his friends walked behind me to make sure I didn't run away. He stood under a tree and pulled out a box of cigarettes. He put one in his mouth and one of the guy lit it for him.

"You have a innocent looking sister Cassie"

"Please don't hurt her"

"I don't go for innocent, however, I do go for sexy virgins" He said looking at me from top to bottom. He let out a cloud of smoke and leaned against the tree

"What do you have to offer me?" What?

"I-I don't know"

"Tell me Cassie, how innocent are you?" I've never had sex, or given pleasure but he can't know that

"Not very" He smirked and nodded to one of the guys. I felt a hand go across my cheek and I was pushed to the floor

"I'm going to ask you one more time. How innocent are you?"

"Very, I'm very innocent" He chuckled and threw the cigarette on the floor stepping on it. He picked up his foot and pushed it against me making me fall to look at him

"I'll make you a deal Cassie"

"What kind of deal?"

"If you tell me what you know about Todd Sanders I'll let you go"

"I don't know anything" I said with my eyes watering. He grabbed my neck and pulled me up to his face. I felt his breath hit me and a tear rolled down my cheek

"Than I won't let you go"

"W-what do you mean?" He came to my ear and chuckled

"I Own You Bitch" He said dropping me on the floor and walking back into the building.

I told Rebekah to get a ride with Lola and Yasmine because I wanted to be alone. I drove to the boardwalk and stared at the ocean waved crashing onto the shore. I looked down at my arm and saw the J was still red.

"Cassie?" I turned and saw that guy Todd looking at me with a confused look on his face

"Oh uh hi" I said whipping my face

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine"

"What happened to you arm?" He said with shock in his voice

"I uh was uh it's nothing. Want do you want anyway?"

"I don't know, I saw you sitting and figured you'd want some company"

"Thanks but I'm fine by myself Todd"

"Maybe it wasn't a option"

"Excuse me?"

"Get up" He said as his eyes went dark


"I said GET UP" He said grabbed my hair.

"Ouch let go of me. Your hurting me" I felt my body being dragged across the wood of the boardwalk.

"HELP SOMEONE HELP" Who am I kidding? No one is even here. I was shoved into the back seat of the car and he smirked at me.

"Seat belt" He said leaning over me to buckle up my seat belt. He walked to the front seat and started the car.