The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Five


Fighting For Life


To say I was scared would make me seem weak but at this moment I don't give a flying fuck considering I can feel myself about to pee in my pants and my heart was pounding in my ears. I can feel his eyes burning a hole in my forehead as he looked at me through the mirror while he drives. After what seemed like forever he stopped the car outside a forest clearing. He got out the car and I let out a shaky breath. The back seat door opened and he unbuckled my seat belt.

"Turn around" I couldn't move, I felt as if my body went into shock. He pushed me on the seat and tyed my hands together with something. He pulled me up and dragged me out the car to the front. He pushed me to walk, I felt my heart in the middle of my stomach and stopped walking.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Instead of answering him I puked on a near by tree and he groaned

"That is disgusting" Well maybe if you had left me the fuck alone than I wouldn't have thrown up from being scared.

"Keep walking" He pushed me again and we got to a small cabin that was in the middle of the woods.

"Get inside" He opened the door and pushed me inside making me fall on the floor. He closed the door behind him and looked around.

"TOMMY" He shouted, I heard footsteps and saw black boots infront of me. I was lifted off the ground and was face to face to a guy with piercing blue eyes.

"What's your name beautiful?" I could smell the weed coming from his mouth. I just stared at him, I'm not telling them shit even if they hurt me.

"Cat got your tongue?" I turned my head and he grabbed my chin making my head to turn his.

"What is your name?" I spit in his face and felt a hand come in contact with my cheek. What is with these people and slapping me.

"Take her upstairs" I was pushed towards the stairs and walked up and was pushed into a room.

"Enjoy your stay bitch" The door slammed shut and I looked around for something to get these shitty things off my hands.

I saw the window was broken and glass was everywhere. I turned around and pushed my hands front and back to get the rope. I felt the ropes loosen and my hands were free. I looked out the window and saw that it was a high jump. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and looked back out the window.

"YES I KNOW" It was coming from outside the door. Oh fuck it, I climbed over the ledge and heard the door open


I turned back and he came running out to me but I let myself go and felt myself falling. I didn't know if I would die but at the moment I didn't really care. I wanted to go home. I landed on the inner part on a bush and looked up to see the guy with a pissed expression on his face. I got up after I knew he was gone and ran as fast as I could to find the clearing to get out of the forest. I heard footsteps and ran faster. I saw the entering and looked to see them getting closer. I got out the clearing and ran down the street trying to find someone to help me. I saw a car about to drive by when they hit the breaks. I was about to walk to the car when I was tackled to the ground.


I said struggling under the heavy Todd that was on me. I felt a heavy hand come in contact with my face and knew it was his fist. He went to hit me again when he was on the floor under a guy bigger than him. I got up and saw the car doors open but the driver one. I looked around and was in shock about who was defending me. I looked around and saw everything spinning.

"CASSIE" Was the last thing I heard before I hit the ground.

"Ms.Weston? Are you ok?" I heard someone say as my eyes were opening but blinding me by someone flashing a light in my face.

"Ugh, what the fuck happened?"

"Are you ok?" I looked around the room and saw my sisters with worried expressions on there faces but nodded

"I'm fine"

"Your lucky, you hit your head on the sidewalk and only have a few stiches" How is that lucky? The doctor or nurse I wasn't really paying attention to who she was checked my blood pressure and I was able to go home.

"What happened?" Kelsey asked

"I don't know, I remember that I was in the woods and saw people fighting. And than I woke up there" She nodded and I looked to the back to see Rebekah with tearing rolling down her cheeks

"Becky are you ok?" She shook her head and looked at me

"I thought you were gonna die. I was so scared that I would hear your annoying voice again" I laughed and took a hold of her hand from the other side of the car.

"I'm fine, no need to worry"

"I told you to be careful"

"I know and I'm sorry"

"Was it him?"


"You know, Did "Devil" take you?" I shook my head

"No, I don't know who it was" I can't tell her it was the guy she liked, she would jump into the conclusion that I was making it up and I couldn't let that happen.

"I'm happy your ok though"

"Thanks sis" She smiled and we got home. I walked into the house and let out a breath

"Are you hungry?"

"Yea actually I am"

"There's dinner in the microwave"

"Thanks Kelsey" She nodded and kissed my forehead before walking upstairs

"Night Cass"

"Night" Rebekah walked upstairs and I got my food out the microwave. I sat at the table and started eating when I heard a knock on the back door. I looked at the door with a weird look on my face but got up to answer it.

Once I opened the door my eyes widened at who was there.

"Miss me?"