The Dragon in Medieval East Christian and Islamic Art by Sara Kuehn, Sebastian Günther, et al - HTML preview

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a and b. A pair of addorsed interlaced

ings of the elevation reconstructed by Tʿoros

drinking dragons with wings and forelegs


surmounting a dragon-cross with dragon-


A pair of confronted winged dragons with

winged birds and flanked by seated dragon-

forelegs (plate 3).

tailed lions (plate 5).

Top register of an opening page of canon

Relief carving above the southern outer door,

tables, L’viv Gospel, monasteries of Mlich and

monastery of Mār Behnām/Deir al-Khiḍr,

Skevra. 1193–1198/99. Transcribed and il -

southeast of Mosul. Thirteenth century. Upper

lustrated by the priest Grigor. Tempera and

section of door: Photograph by courtesy of


list of illustrations

Joachim Gierlichs. Detail of lintel: Photograph

Islamiyyah, Kuwait National Museum, inv.

by courtesy of Yasser Tabbaa.

no. LNS 766 T.


A knotted interlace composed of six paired


A single winged quadruped dragon

dragons enclosing a total of twenty-one

(plate 50).

niches (plate 6).

Tongue-strap fitting, Avar necropolis in

Relief carving on the second southern portal

Abony, grave 292. Second half of the seventh

leading to the chapel of the baptistery, mon-

century. Silver. Length 9 cm, width 3.2 cm,

astery of Mār Behnām/Deir al-Khiḍr, south-

thickness 0.3 cm. Budapest, Hungarian

east of Mosul. Thirteenth century. After Fiey,

National Museum, inv. no. 86.1904.12–19,21.

1965, pl. E.

Drawing by courtesy of Falko Daim.


A knotted interlace composed of six paired


A winged regardant quadruped dragon

dragons enclosing a total of twelve niches

(plate 50).

(plate 6).

Fitting, greater Khurasan region. Tenth or

Relief carving on the portal leading to the ves-

eleventh century. Copper alloy, gilding.

tibule, mausoleum of Imām Bahir, Mosul.

Height 4.9 cm, width 4 cm, thickness 0.9 cm

Thirteenth century. Height 350 cm, width 200

max. Private Collection.

cm. The entire portal has been brought to


A pair of confronted winged quadruped

Baghdad in 1939; preserved at the ʿIraq

dragons on the shoulders of a horse stirrup

Museum, Baghdad. After Farès, 1953, p. 53,

(plate 8).

fig. 13.

Afghanistan. Eleventh or twelfth century.


A staff terminating in a dragon’s head

Copper alloy. Height 19.5 cm, width 13.7 cm.

(plate 7).

London, Nasser D. Khalili Collection of

Afghanistan. Eleventh to thirteenth century.

Islamic Art, inv no. MTW 803. Photograph

Copper alloy. Height 69 cm. Copenhagen, the

by courtesy of the Nasser D. Khalili Collection

David Collection, inv. no. 1/999. Photograph

of Islamic Art, London.

by courtesy of the David Collection, Copen-


a and b. A pair of confronted winged quad-


ruped dragons (plate 7).


A dragon head holding a quadruped, prob-

Mould for tooling leather. Putative origin:

ably a feline, in its maw (plate 49).

Herat. Twelfth century. Soft stone. Height

Mace head, Anatolia. Twelfth or thirteenth

11.08 cm, width 11.22 cm. Kuwait, al-Sabāh

century. Copper alloy. Height 35 cm. Vaduz,

Collection, Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah,

Furusiyya Art Collection, inv. no. R-113

Kuwait National Museum, inv. no. LNS 244

(detail). Photograph by courtesy of the

S. Photograph by courtesy of the al-Sabāh Col-

Furusiyya Art Collection.

lection, Kuwait.


a and b. A dragon head holding a human


A pair of intertwined confronted dragon

figure in its maw (plate 49).

protomes (plate 51).

Finial, Iran or the Jazīra. Twelfth or thirteenth

Appliqués at the shoulders of a finger ring,

century. Copper alloy. Height 9.7 cm. Paris,

greater Khurasan region. Twelfth century.

Musée du Louvre, département des Antiqui-

Gold, niello-inlaid, agate. Height 2.14 cm,

tés Orientales, Section Islamique, inv. no. OA

width 2 cm, thickness 1.65 cm, weight 5.7206

6697. Photograph by courtesy of the Musée

gr. Kuwait, al-Sabāh Collection, Dar al-Athar

du Louvre, Paris.

al-Islamiyyah, Kuwait National Museum, inv.


A dragon head holding a bovid in its maw

no. LNS 1777 J.

(plate 49).


a and b. A pair of upright addorsed quad-

Finial, Iran or Afghanistan, perhaps Anatolia.

ruped dragons regardant with forelegs,

Twelfth or thirteenth century. Copper alloy.

wings and entwined bodies (plate 8).

Height 14.2 cm. Copenhagen, the David Col-

Press-mould. Putative origin: Balkh. Twelfth

lection, inv. no. 47/1966. Photograph by cour-

century. Unglazed earthenware. Height 17.5

tesy of the David Collection, Copenhagen.

cm, width 4.5 max. Kuwait, al-Sabāh Collec-


A pair of upright addorsed winged regardant

tion, Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah, Kuwait

dragons with forelegs (plate 50).

National Museum, inv. no. LNS 649 C.

Chape. Putative origin: Herat. Thirteenth cen-


a and b. An emblem with a pair of addorsed

tury. Silver. Length 9.79 cm, width 2.81 cm,

regardant dragons with forelegs, wings and

thickness 1.87 cm. Kuwait, al-Sabāh Collec-

entwined bodies on a late Byzantine image

tion, Kuwait National Museum, inv. no. LNS

of an enthroned Christ (plate 51).

1095 M ab ‘b.’

Coin (reverse) of Qara Arslan (539/1144–


A pair of upright confronted dragons

562/1167), the Artuqid ruler of Ḥiṣn Kayfā

(plate 50).

and Khartpert. Copper alloy. London, British

Textile fragment. Putative origin: Dar-i Suf,

Museum. Photograph by courtesy of the

Samangan province. Twelfth or thirteenth

Trustees of the British Museum. b. Detail: after

century. Silk. Height 19 cm, width 9.5 cm.

van Berchem and Strzygowski, 1910, p. 84,

Kuwait, al-Sabāh Collection, Dar al-Athar al-

fig. 33 (drawing of a detail on the coin).

list of illustrations



A mirror with three representations of drag-


A pair of upright confronted quadruped

ons: a pair of winged dragons with forelegs

dragons with interlaced tails guarding a

and with crossed bodies at the apex, a dragon

treasure (plate 54).

trampled by a horse and a dragon-tailed

Wall painting in Temple 19, Bezeklik. Ninth

centaur (plate 52).

to eleventh century. Photograph by courtesy

Anatolia or the Jazīra. Early to mid-thirteenth

of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Preußischer

century. Steel, gold-inlaid. Height 41.3 cm,

Kulturbesitz, Museum für Islamische Kunst,

diameter 20.9 cm. Istanbul, Topkapı Sarayı


Müzesi, inv. no. 2/1792. Photograph by cour-


A dragon head at the base of a tree (plate


tesy of the Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi, Istanbul.

Bowl, Rayy. Second half of the twelfth century.


The so-called Bobrinski bucket (plate 52).

Fritware, overglaze painted (mīnaʾī). After

Possibly Herat. Muḥarram 559/December

İnal, 1970–71, fig. 17.

1163. By Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wāḥid and


A pair of dragon protomes springing from

Masʿūd ibn Aḥmad. Copper alloy, inlay in

the base of a vegetal composition topped by

silver, copper and niello. Height to rim 18.5

a double-headed eagle (plate 55).

cm, diameter 22 cm. St. Petersburg, State Her-

Relief carving on the façade of the Çifte

mitage Museum, inv. no. JR-2268 (detail).

Minare madrasa, Erzurum. Second half of the

Early 20th century photograph, property of the

thirteenth century (before 640/1242–3).



A pair of large serpents coiled around a tree


“Hand-washing machine” (plate 53).

trunk (plate 55).

Illustration from al-Jazarī, Kitāb fī maʿrifat

Marginal ornament in a Yachakhapatum,

al-ḥiyāl al-handasiyya, Anatolia. Early thir-

monastery of Skevra. 1216. Illustrated by

teenth century. Transcribed by Muḥammad

Barsegh K‘ahanay. Yerevan, Matenadaran

ibn Yūsuf ibn ʿUthmān al-Ḥaṣkafī. Tempera

Manuscript Museum, Ms. 5458, 209 fols., fol.

on paper. Height 25.5 cm, width 18 cm. Istan-

26b. After Mnatsakanyan, 1955, p. 532, fig.

bul, Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi, Ms. Ahmet III


3472, fol. 121b. Photograph by courtesy of the


A pair of confronted dragon heads at the

Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi, Istanbul.

base of a vegetal composition bearing the


Confronted pairs of winged dragon-tailed

heads of the four Evangelists topped by a

dragons with forelegs (plate 9).

cross (plate 56).

Detail from a candlestick base, the Jazīra. Thir-

Marginal ornament in a copy of the Gospel

teenth century. Copper al oy, silver inlay. New

of Luke, monastery of Gladzor, Vayots Dzor

York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, inv. no.

province. 1323. Painting by T‘oros Taronatsi.

91.1.561. Photograph by courtesy of the Met-

Yerevan, Matenadaran Manuscript Museum,

ropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Ms. 6289, fol. 141r. Photograph by courtesy


A protome of a winged dragon holding in

of the Matenadaran Manuscript Museum,

its jaws a stylised human being whose hands


grip the dragon’s forelegs (plate 53).


A pair of stylised dragon protomes spring-

Waterspout on the façade to the right of the

ing from the base of a cross, their open

main portal, Karatay Han, east of Kayseri, vil-

mouths issuing small crosses (plate 11).

lage of Karadayi. c. 638/1240–1.

Vishap-type khatchk‘ar, Makravankʿ, Ararat


A pair of addorsed dragon protomes emerg-

province. Probably twelfth or thirteenth cen-

ing from a vegetal composition that springs

tury. No. 12 khatchk‘ar. Photograph by cour-

from a mask-like head (plate 9).

tesy of Jean-Michel Thierry.

Fork-shaped harness pendant ornament,


A cross springing from a vegetal interlace

Kebinai, southern Siberia. Sixth to eighth cen-

transforming in a pair of confronted dragon

tury. After Kisilev, 1951, pl. 59/9.

heads (plate 56).


A pair of confronted winged dragon pro-

Marginal ornament in a copy of the Gospel

tomes springing from a vegetal composition

of Mark, Edessa. 1171. Transcribed and illu-

(plate 9).

minated by the priest Hohannes, son of the

Belt fitting, Novocherkassk, Lower Don

priest Manuk. Yerevan, Matenadaran Manu-

region. Second half of the eighth century.

script Museum, Ms. 313, fol. 81. Photograph

Museum of the History of the Don Cossacks,

by courtesy of the Matenadaran Manuscript

Novocherkassk. Drawing by courtesy of Falko

Museum, Yerevan.



A double-headed dragon (plate 12).


a and b. A pair of confronted dragon pro-

Relief carving on a funerary stele, Akhlāṭ

tomes springing from a vegetal composition

cemetery. Mid-thirteenth to mid-fourteenth

(plate 10).


Ancestral fire altar (chirāgh khāna), Samar-


A double-headed dragon (plate 12).

qand. Early Islamic period. After Rempel’,

Relief carving on a funerary stele, Akhlāṭ

1987b, pl. LI, fig. 11, drawing to the left side.

cemetery. Mid-thirteenth to mid-fourteenth

Detail: after Rempel’, 1983, p. 127, fig. 47.5.



list of illustrations


A cross with an arched cartouche at its base

of Çengelli, southwest of Kars, near Kağizman

enclosing a pair of stylised regardant quad-

(ancient Ayrarat). Eleventh century. Photo-

ruped dragons with crossed bodies (plate 11).

graph by courtesy of Nicole Thierry.

Relief carving above the southern outer door,


A winged quadruped dragon and a feline in

monastery of Mār Behnām/Deir al-Khiḍr,

combat (plate 14).

southeast of Mosul. Thirteenth century. Pho-

Openwork decoration from a brazier (?), Iran

tograph by courtesy of Yasser Tabbaa.

or Anatolia. Twelfth or thirteenth century.


Scene of God expelling Adam and Eve from

Copper alloy. Berlin, Museum für Islamische

Paradise framed by a pair of dragons (plate

Kunst, inv. no. I. 4111. Photograph by courtesy


of Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Preußischer

Khatchk‘ar, church of Surb Astvatsatsin,

Kulturbesitz, Museum für Islamische Kunst,




A pair of addorsed dragon heads springing


A winged dragon with forelegs and with a

from a vegetal composition (plate 57).

dragon-tail snapping at its own coils (plate

Textile fragment, greater Khurasan. C-14


dating, Institute of Particle Physics (ETH),

Relief carving, Konya. Konya, İnce Minare

Zurich, Switzerland: 1291–1402 (95%). Silk

Müzesi, inv. no. 890. c. 618/1221.

embroidered cotton. Private Collection.


Headpiece with a foliate interlace issuing


A dragon head rinceau (plate 57).

pairs of winged dragon protomes with fore-

Relief carving on an archivolt fragment,

legs and goat heads that are locked in combat

Daghistan. Probably twelfth or thirteenth cen-

with each other (plate 60).

tury. After Baltrushaitis, 1929, p. 55, fig. 88

Painting in the Mush Homiliary, monastery


of Avagvankʿ, Erznga(n). 1200–1202. Height


A headpiece filled with an all-over foliate

70.5 cm, width 55.5. Yerevan, Matenadaran

interlace bearing animal, in particular

Manuscript Museum, Ms. 7729. fol. 546. Pho-

dragon, and human heads (plate 13).

Gospel of Luke, sponsored by Marshal Oshin,

tograph by courtesy of the Matenadaran Man-

Sis. 1274. New York, Pierpont Morgan Library,

uscript Museum, Yerevan.

Ms. 740, fol. 148 (detail). Photograph by cour-


A bird in combat with a dragon (plate 14).

tesy of the Pierpont Morgan Library, New

Relief carving over a window edge on the


southern façade, smal chapel behind the main


A rider on a recumbent quadruped dragon

church of Surp Astvatsatsin, Makaravankʿ

issuing vegetation (plate 57).

monastic complex, Tavush province. Twelfth

Bowl, Tashkent. c. tenth century. Earthen-

or thirteenth century. After Khalʿpakhʿchian,

ware, polychrome painted under a translucent

1980, p. 422, fig. 6.

glaze. Private Collection.


A winged dragon with forelegs in combat


Leaping lions and dragon protomes, the

with a cervid (plate 14).

gaping mouths issuing benedictory inscrip-

Relief carving on an archivolt fragment,

tions (plate 58).

Daghistan. Probably twelfth or thirteenth cen-

Arched faceted handle of the so-cal ed Bobrin-

tury. After Bashkirov, 1931, pl. 72.

ski bucket, possibly Herat. Muḥarram 559/


A dragon-tailed unicorn (plate 59).

December 1163. Made by Muḥammad ibn

Relief carving, Konya. Konya, İnce Minare

ʿAbd al-Wāḥid and Masʿūd ibn Aḥmad.

Müzesi, inv. no. 888. Thirteenth century.

Copper al oy, inlay in silver, copper and niel o.


A dragon-tailed regardant sphinx (plate 15).

Height to rim 18.5 cm, diameter 22 cm. St.

Star tile fragment, smal palace in Kubadabad.

Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, inv. no.

Konya, Karatay Müzesi. c. 623/1226–634/1237.

JR-2268 (detail). Photograph by courtesy of

After Arik and Arik, 2008, p. 313, fig. 299.

the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg.


A pair of confronted harpies with dragon-


Lion heads and dragons with gaping mouths

headed wing tips (plate 61).

issuing vegetal scrolls (plate 58).

Relief carving on the türbe of Hüdavend

Arched faceted handle of the so-called Fould

Hatun, Niğde. 712/1312.

bucket, possibly Anatolia. Late twelfth or early


A dragon-tailed sphinx (plate 61).

thirteenth century. Made by Muḥammad ibn

Relief carving on the left side of the portal of

Nāṣir ibn Muḥammad al-Harawī. Copper

al oy, gilding, inlay in silver, copper and niel o.

the Selim caravanserai, Vayots Dzor province.

Height to rim 18.8 cm, diameter 21.5 cm. St.

727/1326–7 (date in Pers. inscription); 1332

Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, inv. no.

(date in Armen. inscription).

IR-1668 (detail). Photograph by courtesy of


Pairs of confronted roosters with dragon-

the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg.

headed tails (plate 62).


A recumbent serpent reaching towards a

Detail of a textile fragment. Putative origin:

bunch of grapes suspended above its mouth

Samangan province. Silk samite with metal

(plate 13).

thread (?), ochre and green on a brown

Relief carving on the northern capital, church

ground. Height 52 cm, width 11 cm.

list of illustrations


Ku wait, al-Sabāh Collection, Dar al-Athar


A seated dragon-tailed lion (one of a pair)

al- Islamiyyah, Kuwait National Museum,

(plate 17).

inv. no. LNS 617 T. Photograph by courtesy

Relief carving above the southern outer door,

of the al-Sabāh Collection, Kuwait.

monastery of Mār Behnām/Deir al-Khiḍr,


a (plate 16) and b (plate 62). Double-headed

southeast of Mosul. Thirteenth century. After

eagles with outspread dragon-headed wings.

Fiey, 1959, fig. 12.

Detail of a textile fragment, probably Anato-


A seated dragon-tailed lion (one of a pair)

lia. c. 1250. Silk. Len