The Dragon in Medieval East Christian and Islamic Art by Sara Kuehn, Sebastian Günther, et al - HTML preview

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Sign of the zodiac featuring the Moon in


Cancer (plate 36).


Sign of the zodiac featuring the eclipse

Detail from the so-called Wade Cup, north-

pseudo-planet (al-jawzahar) at the points

west Iran. First quarter of the thirteenth cen-

of exaltation of its head or tail in Gemini

tury. Copper alloy, silver inlay. Cleveland

(plate 35).

Museum of Art, inv. no 1944.485. After Rice,

Detail from the body of a ewer, possibly Herat.

1955, p. 18, fig. 14b (drawing).

Late twelfth or early thirteenth century.


Sol and Luna above a pair of addorsed

Copper al oy, inlay in silver, copper and prob-

winged regardant dragons (plate 36).

ably niello. Height 44.5 cm. Formerly in the

Detail from a basin of the atābeg Badr al-Dīn

Nuhad Es-Said Col ection, now in the National

Luʾluʾ, Mosul. 618/1222–657/1259. Copper

Museum of Qatar in Doha. Photograph by

alloy, silver inlay. Munich, Bayerische Staats-

courtesy of James Allan.

bibliothek. After Saxl, 1912, p. 164, fig. 10 (line


Sign of the zodiac featuring the planetary


eclipse in Sagittarius shown as dragon-tailed


A pair of fabulous creatures in circular

centaur (plate 35).

arrangement biting each other’s tails (plate

Detail from the body of a ewer, possibly Herat.


Late twelfth or early thirteenth century.

Painting in a copy of Muḥammad ibn Umayl

Copper al oy, inlay in silver, copper and prob-

al-Ṣādiq al-Tamīmī’s Kitāb al-Māʾ al-Waraqī


list of illustrations

wa ’l-Arḍ al-Najmīya. c. 287/900–287/960.

thirteenth century. Woven silk. Height 38 cm,

Opaque pigment and ink on paper. India,

width 82 cm. Vienna, Kunsthistorisches

Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow, State Museum. After

Museum, Schatzkammer. Photograph by

Stapleton and Ḥusain, 1933, pl. I A.

courtesy of the Kunsthistorisches Museum,


A crescent and stars above a lion, encircled


by an ouroboros serpent (plate 37).


a and b. A lattice formed by two pairs of

Seal, Iranian world. Sasanian period, probably

confronted dragons enclosing trees flanked

fifth century. Hematite. London, British

by addorsed birds (plate 81).

Museum, inv. no. 119804. After Azarpay,

Textile fragment. Putative origin: Dar-i Suf,

1978, fig. 6 (drawing after Bivar, 1969, p. 26,

Samangan province. C-14 date from 1154 to

pl. 11, DL2).

1282 (Institute of Particle Physics (ETH),


The world as seen by Alexander (plate 37).

Zurich, 87.7%; 29 January, 2000). Woven silk.

Medallion from the Pala d’Oro, Constanti-

Height 28 cm, width 28 cm. Kuwait, al-Sabāh

nople. Eleventh century Enamelled silver.

Collection, Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah,

Venice, Treasury of San Marco. Drawing by

Kuwait National Museum, inv. no. LNS 519

courtesy of Scott Redford.



The city of Babylon enclosed by a pair of


Dragons drinking from stemmed cups (plate

dragons (plate 38).


Illustration from the Morgan Beatus, Fron-

Detail of the “Dragon Cloth,” lining fabric of

tispiece, Daniel Commentary. Kingdom of

the coronation mantle of king Roger II of

Léon, probably Tábara (for San Miguel de

Sicily and southern Italy. Perhaps thirteenth

Escalada). c. 940–945. Illuminated by Maius.

century. Woven silk. Two sections, each

New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, Ms. M.

height 50 cm, width 42.5 cm. Vienna,

644, fol. 238v. Photograph by courtesy of the

Kunsthistorisches Museum, Schatzkammer.

Pierpont Morgan Library, New York.

Photograph by courtesy of the Kunsthistori-


A pair of confronted winged dragons with

sches Museum, Vienna.

forelegs flanking a human bust (?) and


A pair of dragons drinking from stemmed

enclosing a large medallion containing a star

cups (plate 82).

pattern (plate 78).

Detail of the relief carving above the southern

Relief carving of a wooden door (central ver-

outer door, monastery of Mār Behnām/Deir

tical section replaced in the style of the orig-

al-Khiḍr, southeast of Mosul. Thirteenth

inal), Tigris region, the Jazīra. First half of the

century. Photograph by courtesy of Yasser

thirteenth century. Height 168 cm, width 102


cm. Berlin, Museum für Islamische Kunst, inv.


A pair of confronted serpents drinking from

no. I.1989.43. Photograph by courtesy of the

a chalice (plate 83).

Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Preußischer Kul-

Canon table in the Vani Gospels, Constanti-

turbesitz, Museum für Islamische Kunst,

nople. c. 1200. Transcribed by the scribe


Iovane for queen Tʿamar of Georgia and illu-


A pair of dragons enclosing a large medal-

minated by the chrysographer Michael

lion containing a star pattern (plate 78).

Koresis. Height 28.5 cm, width 19.5 cm. For-

Relief carving, Anatolia. First half of the thir-

merly in Georgia, Tbilisi, National Centre of

teenth century. Konya, İnce Minare Müzesi,

Manuscripts, Ms. A 1335, fol. 4r (detail); pre-

inv. no. 5817.

sented as diplomatic gift to Yerevan, now in


Intertwined dragons and epigraphic bands

the Matenadaran Manuscript Museum. Pho-

framing a seated couple (plate 79).

tograph by courtesy of the Matenadaran

Bowl, Iran. Early thirteenth century. Fritware

Manuscript Museum, Yerevan.

painted in lustre on an opaque white glaze.


A winged dragon protome (plate 39).

Height 8.2 cm, diameter 32.5 cm. The Harvey

Top of a jug handle. Provenance unknown.

B. Plotnick Collection, Chicago. Photograph

Late seventh or early eighth century. Gold.

by courtesy of the Harvey B. Plotnick Collec-

Height 30.5 cm. Moscow, Historical Museum.

tion, Chicago.


A maenad feeding a serpent from a calyx-


A pair of double-headed confronted dragons

like vessel (plate 83).

enclosing a double-headed eagle and two

Dish, Byzantium. Sixth century. Gilded silver.

dragon-tailed lions (plate 79).

Diameter 26 cm. Ex-S.G. Stroganov Collec-

Textile fragment, preserved as relic cover of

tion, St. Petersburg; acq. in 1911 from M.G.

Saint Amandus, Western Central Asia. Elev-

Shcherbatova. St. Petersburg, State Hermitage

enth or early twelfth century Woven silk.

Museum, inv. no. GE 285. Photograph by

Riggisberg, Abegg-Stiftung, inv. no. 1141.

courtesy of the State Hermitage Museum, St.

Photograph by courtesy of the Abegg-Stiftung,




A quadruped dragon drinking from a cup


a and b. The “Bird Cloth” (plate 80).

(plate 39).

Lining fabric of the coronation mantle of king

Relief carving, Gandhāra region. First or

Roger II of Sicily and southern Italy. Perhaps

second century AD. Schist. Pakistan,

list of illustrations


Peshawar Museum. Photograph by courtesy


A pair of confronted dragons with a quad-

of Isao Kurita.

ripartite knot (plate 41).


A pair of entwined quadruped dragons (plate

Detail from a talismanic bowl. Twelfth to four-


teenth century. Copper alloy. Height 3.4 cm,

Relief carving on the inscribed memorial

diameter 10.5 cm. Toronto, Royal Ontario

stele of Köl Tigin. Eastern Turkish empire.

Museum, inv. no. 976.34. After Ittig, 1982,

c. 732. Height 333 cm, width 132 cm, thick-

pls. II–VII.

ness 46 cm. Mongolia, Archangajin Province,


A pair of confronted dragons with a quad-

Chöshöö Cajdam.

ripartite knot (plate 41).


One of a pair of entwined quadruped drag-

Relief carving on the hospital (darüşşifa),

ons (plate 84).

Çankırı. 633/1235. Height 25 cm, width 100

Fragment of a relief carved monumental stele,

cm. Line drawing by courtesy of the Turkish

Qarabalghasun. Uighur empire, 744–840,

Historical Society.

probably after 761.


A personification of the Moon enclosed


A pair of upright confronted quadruped

within interlaced dragons (plate 85).

dragons with a quadripartite knot (plate 40).

Detail of the right half of the double-page

Wall painting, Shorchuk. Sixth to eighth cen-

frontispiece painting in the Kitāb al-diryāq,

tury. After Stein, 1921, vol. 1, Pl. CXXVI, Mi.

Mosul (?), the Jazīra. Rabīʿ al-awwal of the

xviii, 0014).

year 595/31 December 1198–29 January 1199.


A pair of addorsed quadruped dragons with

Opaque pigment and ink on paper. Paris,

a quadripartite knot (plate 40).

Bibliothèque Nationale, Ms. Arabe 2964; cur-

Wall painting, Bezeklik. Probably tenth cen-

rent pagination 36–37. Photograph by cour-

tury. After Grünwedel, 1912, fig. 590.

tesy of the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.


A pair of confronted double-headed dragons


A musician with a dragon-headed stringed

with a quadripartite knot (plate 85).

instrument (plate 86).

Matrix. Putative origin: Minaret of Jam, Ghūr.

Detail of an enthronement scene of a Mongol

Late eleventh century. Matrix from a set of

ruler, Tabriz (?). First quarter of the four-

77 copper alloy matrices for belt/strap fittings.

teenth century. Opaque pigment on paper.

Length 10.62 cm, width 5.98 cm, thickness

Height 38.8 cm, width 29.2 cm. Berlin, Staats-

1.74 cm. Kuwait, al-Sabāh Collection, Dar al-

bibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kultur-

Athar al-Islamiyyah, Kuwait National

besitz, Orientabteilung, Ms. Diez A fol. 70, p.

Museum, inv. no. 2559 J.

21 (detail). Photograph by courtesy of the


A pair of confronted dragons with forelegs

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kul-

with a Herakles knot (plate 40).

turbesitz, Orientabteilung.

Fragment of a relief frieze, iwan, Temple II,


a and b. A musician with a dragon-headed

Panjikent. Possibly late seventh or early eighth

stringed instrument (plate 87).

century. Clay. Height 27 cm, diameter 18 cm.

Wall painting, Panjikent. Eight century.

Excavated in 1952. Tajikistan, Panjikent

Dushanbe National Museum.

Museum. After Belenizkii, 1980, fig. 92.


Two pairs of interlaced confronted dragons


A pair of confronted dragons with a quad-

(plate 87).

ripartite knot (plate 85).

Relief carving around the wall arch above the

Sphero-conical vessel, Golden Horde (Juchi

altar in the funerary chapel of Surb Grigor,

Ulus). Probably late twelfth or early thirteenth

monastic complex of Noravankʿ, Vayots Dzor.

century. Unglazed earthenware. Moscow,


State Historical Museum.


“The Perils of Life” (plate 42).


Pairs of confronted dragons with quadri-

Illustration from the Kalīla wa Dimna, Bagh-

partite knots (plate 41).

dad (?). 663/1265–679/1280. Opaque pigment

Jug with filter, northern Syria. Twelfth or thir-

on paper. Fol.: height 29.9 cm, width 26.9 cm;

teenth century. Unglazed earthenware. Height

painting: height 19.7 cm, width 12.7 cm.

13.5 cm. Damascus, National Museum, inv.

Rabat, Bibliothèque Royale, Ms. 3655, fol. 17

no. 1462 A. After À l’ombre d’Avicenne, 1996,

B. After O’Kane, 2003, fig. 8.

p. 204, cat. no. 128.


The angel Abi ’l-Ḥanaf as crowned lion rider


A pair of addorsed dragons with a quadri-

holding a dragon-sceptre (plate 42).

partite knot (plate 41).

Painting in a copy of Nāṣir al-Dīn Muḥammad

Bowl, Raqqa. Late twelfth or thirteenth cen-

ibn Ibrāhīm ibn ʿAbdallāh al-Rummal al-

tury. Earthenware, underglaze painted in blue

Muʿaẓẓam al-Saʿatī al-Haykalī, Daqāʾiq

and black. Diameter 12.7 cm. New York, Met-

al-Ḥaqāʾiq, Aksaray. Mid- to late thirteenth

ropolitan Museum of Art, acc. no. 20.52.3.

century (variously dated 10 Ramaḍān 670/10

Photograph by courtesy of the Metropolitan

April 1272 and mid-Shawwāl 671/early May

Museum of Art, New York.

1273); illustrations of various dates. Paris,


list of illustrations

Bibliothèque Nationale, Ms. Persan 174, fol.


Four dragon heads issuing from a vegetal

86r. After Barrucand, 1990–91, p. 141, fig. 36.

interlace (plate 44).


A dragon-handled cup (plate 88).

Marginal ornament from a collection of ser-

Thirteenth century. Gold. Height 4.68 cm,

mons, monastery of Surb Karapet, Baghesh.

diameter 13 cm. Siberian Collection of Peter

Thirteenth century. Illustrated by the scribe

the Great, assembled in the Kunstkammer

John (Yovhannes). MS 1522, 570 folios, fol.

(Cabinet of Curios) in 1716 and later given

161b. After Mnatsakanyan, 1955, fig. 1030.

to the State Hermitage Museum, St. Peters-


A dragon head in a rinceau of animal heads

(plate 44).

burg. St. Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum,

Side panel flanking the portal of the Sunqur

inv. no. GE Sar 1625. Photograph by courtesy

Beg Mosque, Niğde. Restored in 736/1335 by

of the State Hermitage Museum, St. Peters-

the Ilkhanid governor Sayf al-Dīn Sunqur Ağa.



Spandrels of the headpiece filled with a


A winged dragon with forelegs (plate 88).

dragon and phoenix motif (plate 89).

Buckle of a belt, Mongol empire (Ulus

Lectionary, Cilician Armenia. Copied and

Juchids), Gorodishche Krasnojarsk, Astra-

illustrated in 1286. Illustrated by the scribe

khan region. Probably early thirteenth cen-

John (Yovhannes). Yerevan, Matenadaran Ms.

tury. Silver, gilding, inlay in a black substance.

979, fol. 334. Photograph by courtesy of the

Length 6.3 cm, width 3.1 cm. St. Petersburg,

Matenadaran Manuscript Museum, Yerevan.

State Hermitage, inv. no. SO-762. Photograph


A faqīr on a dragon-throne (plate 90).

by courtesy of the State Hermitage Museum,

Painting in the reconstructed manuscript of

St. Petersburg.

the section of the Jāmiʿ al-tawārīkh, fol. 268b


A “Master of Dragons” (plate 88).

(detail), Tabriz. 714/1314–5. Opaque pigment

Strap-end fitting of a belt, Mongol empire

and ink on paper. Height 20.5 cm, width 10.5

(Ulus Juchids), Gorodishche Krasnojarsk,

cm. Formerly in the collection of the Royal

Astrakhan region. Probably early thirteenth

Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland.

century. Silver, gilding, inlay in a black sub-

London, Nasser D. Khalili Collection of

stance. Length 8 cm, width 2.9 cm. St. Peters-

Islamic Art, MSS727. Photograph by courtesy

burg, State Hermitage, inv. no. SO-762.

of the Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic

Photograph by courtesy of the State Hermit-

Art, London.

age Museum, St. Petersburg.


A ruler on a dragon-throne (plate 91).


A winged quadruped dragon (plate 42).

Painting from a dispersed manuscript known

Rock relief, village of Dashkasan, south of the

as the “Saray album paintings.” c. 1300.

city Zanjan, district of Viār. Probably second

Opaque pigment and ink on paper. Height 37

half of the thirteenth century. Photograph by

cm, width 26.2 cm. Istanbul, Topkapı Sarayı

courtesy of Stefano Carboni.

Müzesi, H. 2152, fol. 60b. Photograph by cour-

tesy of the Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi, Istanbul.


a and b. A regardant quadruped dragon


Inward-facing dragon heads (plate 91).

(plate 89).

Stirrup crossbar fragment, Qaraqorum. Thir-

Two tile fragments, Takht-i Sulaimān. 1270s.

teenth century. Iron. Height 2.8 cm, width

Fritware, overglaze painted (lājvardina). Pho-

11.5 cm, thickness 1.7 cm. Mongolian Acad-

tograph by courtesy of the Staatliche Museen

emy of Sciences, Ulan Batar, find. no. Kar

zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Museum

1–00/01. After Dschingis Khan und seine

für Islamische Kunst, Berlin.

Erben, 2005, pp. 166–167, cat. no. 151.


a and b. A winged quadruped dragon (plate


Farīdūn in the guise of a dragon testing his


three sons (plate 92).

Relief carving around the torus of the round

Painting in a copy of the so-called “Small

capitals, Takht-i Sulaimān. 1270s. Red sand-

Shāh-nāma group of manuscripts. c. 1300.

stone. After Naumann, 1977, pp. 89–90, figs.

Opaque pigment and ink on paper. Washing-

69 and 70.

ton, DC, Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gal-


A dragon protome (plate 43).

lery of Art, F1929.28, f. 007r. Photograph by

Relief carving, Kondui palace, Transbaikal

courtesy of the Freer Gallery of Art, Wash-

region. Thirteenth or fourteenth century.

ington, DC.

Granite. After Kiselev, 1965, p. 336, fig. 177.


A pair of confronted horsemen killing a


A dragon protome (plate 43).

dragon and an anthropomorphic figure rep-

Relief carving, Kondui palace, Transbaikal

resenting Satan (plate 92).

region. Thirteenth or fourteenth century.

Relief carving on the lintel above the royal

Gr anite. After Kiselev, 1965, p. 337, fig. 178.

door leading to the burial chamber of Saint


A dragon head projecting from amidst a

Behnām, monastery of Mār Behnām/Deir

cluster of animal heads (plate 44).

al-Khiḍr, southeast of Mosul. Thirteenth cen-

Relief sculpture at the portal façade of the Gök

tury. Photograph by courtesy of Alfred
