The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows by Hussnain Ahmad - HTML preview

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The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows Chapter#1

"The Lost Soul"

In the humble village Wizardiake, nestled amongst the rolling hills and ancient forests, a young boy named Albert came into the world. Born into the house of a maid, his ancestry carried the whispers of a great wizard.

Everyone was happy on the day,

but they didn’t know what was coming next. Everything went well for a few years until Albert became 7. At the tender age of 7, Albert came to know that his father was dead, he fell off a tower, the tower that belonged to his father.

After this incident, Albert's mother Angela was broken and could not cope with the loss, so one fateful night, she tragically took her own life. This left young Albert, a vulnerable and lonely boy, with nobody to turn to. He discovered he had distant relatives, but situations were far from ideal.

These relatives, driven by greed and avarice, exploited him, subjecting him to physical and emotional abuse. In the rough, crime-ridden neighborhood where he was forced to reside, the only way to survive was to adapt to its unforgiving ways. Isolated and Hopeless, he began to learn the Mysterious art of magic from his father's estranged friend and teacher, a man named Valken. However, his isolated journey into the arcane led him to darker spells, unknown and forbidden, as he yearned for power to protect himself in a harsh world that had shown him cruelty. The harsh realities of his surroundings, combined with his relatives' wickedness, gradually transformed Albert into a formidable but deeply troubled figure, setting the stage for his eventual descent into villainy.

After three long, painful years of enduring the loss of his parents and the unyielding cruelty of the society he was forced to live in, Albert began to hear The Voices in the stillness of the night. The Voice was anything but benign, whispering sinister secrets and dark spells into his troubled mind.

Initially, he dismissed these sinister murmurings, but they refused to be 5

The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows silenced. The continuous uproar of The Voices grew louder and more insistent, driving him to the brink of madness. People around him labeled him as 'mad' and 'cursed,' casting judgment upon his parents' memory and condemning his very existence.

Even his estranged relatives joined in the chorus of condemnation, further deepening his isolation. In desperation, Albert hatched a plan to escape this torment. He believed that by acquiring power beyond imagination, he could silence The Voices and return to Wizardiake as a force to be estimated with. So, on a fateful night, he mounted his broom and took flight, leaving Wizardiake far behind, disappearing into the unknown, determined to acquire the power he sought, no matter the cost.

The cost was much bigger than his imagination, he would never know what he was going to become. Somewhere he saw a house, a single house in the forest he thought it would be good to stay there, as it was looking to be abandoned for years. So he landed there, and entered the house, as soon as He opened the door. He saw a mirror named "The Desirescape".

Albert's unexpected encounter with the Mysterious mirror known as "The Desirescape" had left him in a state of profound confusion and dread. The image of his deceased parents, who had passed away under tragic situations, continued to haunt him. Yet, something sinister lurked just beyond their spectral faces. A shadowy, black-ghost-like presence darted in and out of his parents' images, a haunting specter that seemed to be calling him.

As he strained to comprehend the nature of this apparition, the sound of footsteps drew nearer, sending a shiver down his spine. Fearing that his malicious uncle had discovered his hiding place, Albert concealed himself beneath a nearby wardrobe. However, it was not his uncle who entered the house, but a woman of immense power—a witch who owned the Mysterious mirror.

This formidable sorceress immediately sensed Albert's presence as she crossed the threshold, but she made no attempt to reveal herself. She silently advanced, aware that the best approach was to catch the intruder unawares. Albert, believing he was hidden safely beneath the wardrobe, 6

The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows held to a delicate thread of hope. Yet, his hope was shattered in an instant as he heard the witch utter a spell. The wardrobe abruptly expelled him from his hiding place, leaving him exposed and vulnerable before the powerful and Mysterious witch.

Albert, his fear intensified, stared into the eyes of the formidable witch, realizing that he had unwittingly stumbled into a world far beyond his comprehension, where the supernatural and the unknown held sway. The witch's intentions remained a mystery, and his journey into the realm of magic and the occult had taken an ominous and unexpected turn.

Albert stood in shock as the powerful witch confronted him. Her presence was both commanding and intimidating, and she had sensed his presence the moment she entered the house. The witch's eyes bore into his soul, and he realized that there was no escaping her scrutiny.

In a calm, measured tone, the witch spoke, her voice echoing with authority, "Who are you, and what are you doing in my home?"

Fear coursed through Albert's veins as he stammered out a response,

"I'm... I'm Albert. I didn't know this was your house. I was just looking for a place to stay."

The witch's expression softened slightly, though her eyes still held a hint of suspicion. "Albert, you must know that trespassing in a witch's home is not a wise choice. But you're not like the others who have ventured here. I sense a great darkness within you, something powerful and dangerous."

Albert's anxiety deepened. He had hoped to find solace and refuge in this abandoned house, but instead, he had stumbled into the path of a formidable witch who had already seen something unsettling in him.

The witch continued, "You've come into contact with 'The Desirescape,' the mirror that reveals one's innermost desires. It has shown you a glimpse of 7

The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows your past, but also the shadow that lurks within you. I can sense that you're seeking power, and you've come to the right place. However, power comes with a price. Are you prepared to pay it?"

Albert, torn between fear, curiosity, and the allure of newfound power, had a choice to make. His decision would set the course for the next chapter of his life and the darkness that lay ahead.