The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows by Hussnain Ahmad - HTML preview

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The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows Chapter#2

"The Truth"

Albert's inner struggle intensified as he stood at the cliff of his fate, torn between fear, curiosity, and the captivating allure of newfound power. With the witch's Mysterious words still echoing in his mind, Albert made a fateful decision: "I am willing to do whatever it takes."

The Witch, standing before the mystical mirror known as "The Desirescape," summoned Albert closer and urged him to gaze into its depths once more. Albert's reflection revealed his parents, bathed in a spooky light, with an ominous shadow lurking behind them, leaving him confused. Turning to the witch, he asked, "Please, you have to tell me.

What does this shadow signify? Why does it haunt my parents?"

With a Mysterious smile, the witch cryptically replied, "The answer you seek lies within the very question, Albert."

His confusion deepened, and he confessed, "I'm sorry, but I still don't understand."

Untroubled, the witch motioned for Albert to look into the mirror once again, her age-old eyes filled with mysteries. As he gazed into the enchanted-looking glass, the sinister truth began to unwind before him.

Albert stood there, struck by disbelief and the creeping realization that he Had unknowingly turned into a bearer of gloom. The witch disclosed the chilling truth, her voice heavy with seriousness: "That shadow is not a simple ghost, Albert. It is a malicious enchantment, one that coordinated your father's and mother's untimely death, cunningly masked as natural deaths."

Albert's world shattered as he struggled to comprehend the magnitude of this disclosure. He had always believed his parents had died from ordinary 9

The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows causes, but the truth now loomed larger and more ominous than anything he had ever imagined.

Determined to provide irrefutable evidence, the witch cast a series of spells into a special bowl of water beside the mirror. As Albert peered into the water's reflection, his eyes widened in terror. Before him lay an unimaginable truth, a malicious force that had masterminded his family's downfall.

In that crucial moment, Albert realized that his life had taken an unfixable turn. The weight of this disclosure pressed down upon him, setting him on an unwanted path toward an uncertain destiny. Armed with this newfound knowledge, he resolved to seek justice for his family and redemption for his own fractured soul.

Albert's heart grew heavy as the witch revealed the chilling reality that the voices, he had been hearing were not mere echoes. They were the trapped souls of his parents, pleading with him to break the potent spell that bound them – an enchantment born not of ordinary magic but of the dark sorcery of Wizardiake, a malicious force that had not only claimed his parents but also had its sights set on him.

Blinded by anger and grief, Albert's desire for revenge rose. The witch, recognizing the darkness encroaching upon him, began to impart lessons in spells and magic, unlocking the hidden potential within Albert. Unaware to him, his father had been a formidable and pure-blood wizard with an ancestry of extraordinary talents. The witch kept this knowledge concealed.

Albert's learning curve was nothing short of amazing. He absorbed magical knowledge at an unprecedented rate, with his proficiency growing rapidly. By the age of 15, he had mastered the arts of white magic.

However, his frequent interactions with the witch and the eternal exposure to "The Desirescape" began to corrupt his once-pure intentions, leading him down a shadowy path.