The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows by Hussnain Ahmad - HTML preview

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The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows Chapter#5

"The Shadow's Awakening"

Albert was filled with shock and grief, but he knew he had no time to mourn. He had to run deeper into the dark forest with haunting memories of Jennifer, the one he loved. Now she was gone and all he wanted was revenge.

Albert was determined to avenge Jennifer's death, and Valken was confident in his victory. But no one expected the unexpected—Jennifer's last spell that would protect Albert and her love that would give Albert the strength to fight.

Albert knew that the path to revenge was filled with danger, but he was unshaken. He was no longer the young, innocent wizard who had once stepped into the Dark Forest. He had become something more, something forged in the test of loss and pain.

Albert ran as fast as his legs could carry him,

leaving everything behind. The only things he could cling to were the last memories of Jennifer and the fragments of his old life. They were the only leftovers of the world he had once known, and now, they too were slipping through his fingers.

After a seemingly endless sprint, Albert found himself somewhere beyond the Dark Forest. In front of him stood a quaint cottage, isolated from the world, surrounded by the mysteries of the unknown. Confused and wounded, he approached the entrance and collapsed, losing consciousness.

When he awoke, his wounds were miraculously healed, and confusion overwhelmed him. He wondered who had tended to his injuries. As if in 23

The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows response to his thoughts, a man emerged from outside. Fear gripped Albert, and he trembled.

The man said, “Relax, am not going to hurt you!”

Albert with a voice barely above a whisper, "How can I trust you?"

The stranger reassured him, "Relax, If I had intended to harm you, why would I have healed your wounds? Why would I have helped you?"

Introducing himself as Orion, the man extended a hand in friendship.

Albert hesitantly introduced himself in return.

Curious and seeking answers, Albert asked, "What is this place?"

Orion's reply was tinged with uncertainty, "I don't know. I arrived here just last month."

Albert was puzzled. "I'm sorry, I don't understand."

Orion explained, "I was fleeing from the Dark Forest. Some wizards were chasing me continuously. Then, out of nowhere, this cottage appeared, and I took shelter here. I believe something similar happened to you."

Albert shared his recollection, "All I remember is a wizard named Valken was chasing me, and then I saw this cottage. I collapsed by its door."

Orion's eyes widened in surprise, "Valken, you say?"

Albert nodded hesitantly, "Yes, Valken. Why?"

Orion's expression darkened, and he began to tell his own story, how Valken became the one who wanted to kill Orion.

Albert, in turn, relayed his tale, explaining how Valken had been responsible for the deaths of his parents, his godmother Witch, and his beloved Jennifer. The truth hung in the air, the weight of their shared histories and the approaching face-off with Valken building a bridge between them. The emotions were overwhelming, and the suspense thickened as they realized that they now shared a common enemy.