The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows by Hussnain Ahmad - HTML preview

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The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows Orion had healed Albert’s wound but the battle had left scars that ran far deeper. Albert needed time to recover, to heal the internal injuries that remained beneath the surface. As the night passed, he rested in the cottage, his mind tormented with thoughts of revenge against the evil Valken.

So, the next day, Albert and Orion awoke with a renewed sense of determination, their focus solely on unraveling the enigma of Valken and finding a way to bring him to justice. After discussing their options, they decided that the best course of action would be to travel to Albert's father's tower, where he assured Orion that he had access to some powerful spells that could help them in their mission.

But they didn’t where they were, so Orion knew a

spell he told it to Albert, and then Albert cast the spell

“Locatium Visus (spell grants the caster the ability to see the current location of a specific person.) and pointed wand to the sky and wished for father’s tower then a light came out and started moving in one direction, Albert and Orion had no choice except to follow the light hopping that it will lead them to the Tower.

The two set out on their journey, the tone of which was one of seriousness and determination. They had to be prepared for anything, and so they practiced each other's spells as they traveled, sharpening their skills and growing used to the feeling of casting powerful magic.

As they went, they encountered all manner of creatures, some friendly, some hostile. Through it all, Albert and Orion kept their focus and eventually arrived at the tower. With trepidation, they entered and began searching for the books of spells that could help them in their mission.

Little did they know, this was just the beginning of their quest to bring Valken to justice. But with determination and courage, Albert and Orion were confident that they could do whatever it took to succeed.