The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows by Hussnain Ahmad - HTML preview

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The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows After constantly Moving for 5 days, they reached their destination, Tower was standing next to them Albert stepped forward and then the invisible wall of shield became visible, and then a door appeared, as soon as Orion crossed the door following Albert, the door became invisible as there is no way to enter the tower.

Weeks turned into a lot of days and nights, and they spent a long time studying dark magic in a hidden library. They read old books filled with strange spells and secrets. These spells were like nothing anyone had ever seen before. As they read these secret texts, they uncovered hidden magic that no one could have imagined.

Their strong desire to get revenge for their loved ones pushed them to learn and practice the darkest spells. They got really good at it and became even more powerful than they thought they could be.

Every day, they got better at dark magic, and their friendship got stronger.

They were brought together by the pain of losing their loved ones and their strong determination to fight against the bad forces that had caused them so much harm. In that special tower filled with secrets and magic, Albert and Orion became a powerful team, ready to confront Valken and end the darkness that had troubled them for so long.

Here, during searching, learning, and

practicing spells, Orion found something else, which answered every question he had for his father. Orion found a diary. Diary of Albert’s Father for Albert where Thomas, Albert’s father had written some secrets for Albert.

Thomas had written that,

“Albert, As I pen these words, I can feel the weight of the shadows closing in around me. The path ahead is uncertain, and I fear I may not survive to see your face once more. But in my heart, I carry the hope that these words will reach you and offer some solace in the days to come.

You carry the legacy of the most powerful wizard the world has ever known. They seek to end me, to lay claim to the spells I have crafted, spells that hold power far beyond their wildest imaginations. You must understand, Albert, that if these spells fall into 26

The Final Confrontation: Wizard Of Shadows their hands, they will unleash chaos and destruction upon the world. You have the key to stop them, for you are the heir to my legacy. You may be wondering who 'They' are. The answer will come in due time. When you feel the icy grip of danger reaching for you, do not hesitate.

Seize the one who threatens you and extract the truth from their lips. They will know the secrets, Albert, the secrets that can save our world or plunge it into darkness. The world's fate lies in your hands, Be the villain or hero but stop them!”

Albert's heart raced as he read his father's

threatening message, a burning determination to uncover the truth and wield the formidable power ignited within him, casting a dark shadow over his path.

In the days that followed, Albert and Orion trained and practiced their spells, getting ready to take revenge. They determined to confront Valken who had caused them so much pain and then they went out together, beginning a new chapter - the chapter of revenge.