The First by Rebekah - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

The Girl and the Book

 When he had finished showing Anna around both Orland and Griffin, Ryan took her to the best restaurant in Orland Ma Edmee's Southern Best. When they had finished their food they headed back to the house, arriving there at about eight thirty. Pulling into the garage Ryan parked. Getting out of the car he went around and opened the door for Anna, something that he had told her gentlemen did. Having showed her how to unlock the door, he handed her the keys, while he went to the truck bed grabbing Anna's hall from their afternoon shopping trip.

 Following her up the stairs he went till they got to her room. Placing the bags down on the inside of Anna's room near her closet he exited, making his way to his own bedroom.

 Tossing his keys, which Anna had returned to him, on his night stand he paused. Scattered on the floor was the things that had once been in his drawer, which was also sitting on the floor.

 Bending down he began picking up the mess, as he was about to dump them back into the drawer he stopped. Something was wrong. Dropping what he was holding he picked up the drawer, looking inside. Reaching in he lifted the false bottom, which was unlocked, and was greeted with the sight of nothing.

 “No, no, no.” Letting fall both the drawer and the false bottom Ryan began searching his room. Even though all evidence pointed in one direction he did not want to believe it true. There was no way that it could be gone. Walking to his bookshelf he hoped that he had simply misplaced it, on one of the shelves. As he moved closer a flash on the other side of the room caught his attention, changing direction he went to his desk. Snagged on an open drawer was a silver bracelet, with the initials AJ engraved on the flat of it. Grabbing hold of it he stared at the initials. A memory surfacing, he had seen this bracelet earlier that morning. Irritation mixed with anger surged through him, tamping down on his rising emotion Ryan maintained a level head. With renewed effort he made his way to the bookshelf, desperate to find what he was now sure had been stolen.

 The longer he looked the more sure he became that it had not just been one person in his house. He could figure out who the two other people had been. Moving down to the left end of his bookcase, he smelt something unexpected. He took in a deeper breath. Knowing came to him fast, it was cologne, there had been four persons in his room, and he had no knowledge of who the fourth had been. Taking his phone out of his pocket he went to his contacts, calling up a friend; he put the phone to his ear, “Hey David, yeah, I need you to do something for me, nah, I just need you to get me a certain address and cell number. You remember Amori, yes that one, yes, no nothing like that, I just need the information. Thanks bye.” Hanging up the phone he pocketed it. Sighing he began cleaning while he waited for David to call him back. Minutes later he heard his cell ringing, sitting down on the edge of his bed he answered, “Were you able to get the number? Alright good, hold on let me get something to write with.” Grabbing pad and paper he sat again, “Ok, phone number first, yeah, now the address.” Writing them both down he repeated it back to make sure he had it right, “Thanks again man, alright bye.” Hanging up he looked at the number that he had just written down, breathing in he then dialed it.

 Sitting on her bed Amori held the book in her hand. Something about it seemed to call to her, just as she was about to open it her phone began ringing. She jumped, startled. Bending down she hid the book under her bed. Picking up her phone from where it was on her desk she looked at the caller ID, it wasn't familiar. “Hello, who's this?”

 Ryan stood when he hear her voice, and started pacing, “Amori is that you?”

 “Yes who is this?” She was getting ready to hang up when the person on the other end said, “It's me, Ryan, and I know you were here.” He said getting straight to the point.

 “I don't know what you're talking about.”

 He stopped his pacing, “Do not play games with me Amori.” His voice was low and dangerous, “I know that you have the book and I want it back.”

 Her heart began to pound at the strength and danger that laced through Ryan's words; at the same time she heard the voice whisper in her ear,

 “Tell him nothing, you do not have the book, and you know not of what he is talking about!”

 “I don't know what you're talking about Ryan.”

 “Amori, you're lying, I can hear it in your voice. Where is it, do you have it with you?” His tolerance was running thin.

 Amori was silent she could hear his anger through the phone in her right ear, and the voice silent but firm in her left one.

 “Tell him nothing, he must not have it, you shall tell him nothing.”

 “I don't have it!” With that she hung up. Throwing the phone she sank to the floor, this was beginning to become more than she had wanted.

 Ryan stood there staring at the phone he still held in his hand; he decided that it would be best if he didn't make a house call, at least till the next day. He knew that there was strong possibility that it would not end pleasantly, but he would have to go through with it anyway. The Book was too important. Ryan paced his room, finally he sighed there was nothing he could do as of now. So leaving his room he closed the door behind himself, deciding to watch TV. First thing tomorrow he would go to Amori's house and get the book from her, he had too.


 The following day Ryan woke early, leaving through his window. With the sun barely up.

 Amori dreamed she saw a figure walking towards her. Something about it demanded respect. Its' voice was somehow calming and trust worthy, refreshing in the oddest sense of the word. The closer it got to her she could tell that it was a man, but yet still more wonderful than a man someone more of myth than reality. He stood before her stroking her hair with his golden hand. “You know not how long I have waited for you, my flower.” He said, emphasizing that single word.

 He took in a deep lingering breath, “I have a task for you and you alone something that you mustn't tell even to your closest of friends.” He gazed down at her cupping her face between his hands. His eyes were like twin embers aglow with a fire, and yet something still deeper. That one could not discern so easily.

 “I promise.” She heard herself say.

 “I knew I could trust you. To the Percival forest you must go, up and into the cave mouth I shall meet you, tonight.” He looked up; his smile fell from his face, “Leave us, for you do not belong here.” He looked back at her. The smile graced his beautiful face again, “I shall wait for you.” As he walked away the dream faded into darkness.

 Throwing the covers back Amori got up, going to the bathroom. Once she had rinsed her face she stared at her reflection in the mirror. As she studied herself she could see that her countenance seemed off. She knew that it was her own reflection to which she was gazing at, but it was like another person was staring her in the eyes. With a berating sigh, Amori shook off the odd thought. Opening the bathroom door she reentered her room, to see Ryan standing there before her his arms crossed over his chest.

 Before she could let out a surprised scream he moved across the room, fast, covering her mouth with his hand. He pushed her back against the wall. Eyes locking she noticed that there was something different about his gaze; it pierced her with its intensity. His voice was low almost calm as he spoke, “Do not scream. I am simply here for the book.” He kept his position for a moment longer. With a tilt of his head he asked her, “If I let you go will you scream?”

 Unable to speak because of his hand that was still covering her mouth, she did the only thing she could. She shook her head no.

 Amori could see the gears turning in his head him gauging to see if she told the truth. Obviously finding his answer he finally released her, taking a step back, he gave her room to breathe.

 “What are you doing in my house?”

 “What were you doing in mine?” She had no answer for that. He turned from her taking in his surroundings. She watched as he went to her bedside stand, and picked up a picture of her and Cody. It had been taken while they were in middle school, during a science fair.

 “I'm only here for the book,” he replaced the framed photo. “Unless, you wish to explain why you broke into my house in the first place.” He faced her. Remaining silent she held his gaze.

 “Where is it Amori? You have my word that once I am in possession of the book again, I will leave.” Still she said nothing. Walking to where she stood, her back still resting against the wall he bent down, whispering in her ear, “Amori you must tell me where it is. For both of our sakes, it will be better if you gave it back to me.” He straightened to his full height her gaze stayed on him. “Who are you really?”

 Ryan let out a frustrated sound. He mumbled something under his breath.

 “Amori that's not important right now, you have to tell me where the book is.” He took a distancing step back so that he wouldn't do something he would later regret. “I'm trying to do this the easy way.”

 Amori heard the voice.

 “Ask him what he truly is.”

 “I want the truth, I know you're not human, so what are you?” He looked at her hard.

 “If I tell you, will you tell me what I want to know?”

  “I will never let him have it, say yes. Ask him what he truly is, then who the girl is as well. See if he shall tell you.”

 “If you answer two questions of mine then I'll tell you.”

 “What are they?”

 “First what are you really, and then who is she?”

 Ryan rubbed his hand over his face, something he did when he was trying to get a hold of himself.

 'Patience Dryan, patience.'

 He thought to himself, with a calming breath he spoke, “I'm what you call a... well in my tongue we are called Nashar. To you here in Loam, we would be considered form shifters.”

 Amori was curious, “What do you change into?”

 “If you were to see me, my continence would be that of a giant eagle.” He watched the shift in her expression; though it was slight it was still there, a mixture of surprise, shock, and a sprinkling of fear.

 Amori listened to the voice,

 “There is nothing to fear, for I will not allow him to do you harm, my flower.” She could almost feel a hand resting on her shoulder, “Ask him the next question.”

 Trying to school her features she restated the next question, “So who was she?”

 “Who was who?”

 Amori crossed her arms, taking up the stance Ryan had had moments ago, “You know who I'm talking about, or do I have to remind you?” She glared at him when he said naught, “I'm referring to the woman who it is quite obviously living with you.”

 “Yeah, I had a feeling you were talking about her.” Stated Ryan, he had no desire to tell this girl before him who Chay was, but if it would get her to return the book... he would have to. “She's my fiancée, I'm engaged to her.”

 Amori tapped her foot on the floor, only stopping when her mother called out from the first floor. Uncrossing her arms she turned her gaze to her white carpet floor. She was having a hard time piecing this mystery together. “If you were engaged why in the world did you invite me to your party?” She looked up at him, confusion and a little bit of anger flashing through her brown irises, “Then to your 'private' indoor pool? Why in the world were you even holding a party like that? Are you seriously that unfaithful?” The last part sounded more like a statement than question.

 Shaking her head Amori headed for the door, “You know what I don't care. Find the book on your own,” she looked over her shoulder, “if it’s even here.” Turning she left the room.

 Ryan stood in his place for a moment simply staring at the closed door. Giving himself a mental shake he went about what he had to do. Starting his search for the book he went over the whole room once, then again, then one more time just to make sure. Searching through the inside everything he saw, till he was convinced that it was nowhere in the room.

 Still he knew it had to be somewhere, he sat on the bed. Looking up as the door knob twist, Amori stepped in closing the door behind herself. “So, did you find it?” Her sarcasm was grating on his nerves, but still he did not react.

 “No, you were right you don't have it, in your room... but I know that you still do know where it is.” He stood, “Listen to me; it is vitally important that you tell me where you have hidden it. He took a step closer, though slowly not trying to scare her, “Please, you must tell me.”

 “I've already told you, I do not have it, and I didn't place it anywhere.”

 “If you do not have it, then does Alexis or Anise, or whoever else you had with you, snooping through my house?”

 She shook her head, “I told you I don't know where it is!”

 Amori heard herself speak, but she was not the one talking. It was more so that she was a puppet or a chess piece in a part of a bigger game. She looked down at the item in her hand; in it she held the book. She wondered why Ryan could not see it then she heard the voice say, “I have hidden it between our worlds, for the book is not his but ours.”


 As he watched Amori Ryan came to see that there was something different about her, something that he couldn't put his finger on. Upon returning home he went once again to his bookshelf. Picking up all those that were out of place, he ended up going through most of them. Sighing he turned away, other than the Book that Amori had taken, they had really not touched anything of great importance.

 He was about to leave the room, then pausing, he turned facing the bookshelf. There was something out of place about it. Retracing his steps Ryan stood in front of it and looked up, and noticed a book that was not supposed to be there, in his room. Reaching out he grabbed it. There were no writings. Slipping out of his shock frozen fingers the thing fell to the ground, “No, no!” He didn't reach to pick it up, but simply stared at the blank cover. Though the book had fallen to the floor it had not even opened, staying tightly shut through the entire fall.

 He spoke his thoughts out loud, “This is impossible, how is it here? How was she allowed to open the book?” He now wished more than anything he had not invited her to the party. He knew that with what was to come next he would have no control over it, “I am a fool, now I have given the Dweller an opportunity to use her to open the Gate.” His breath came deep and heavy. Weighted with knowledge of what might be to come.

 Looking up at the ceiling he spoke in the tongues of his fore fathers, “Amadis, hagios, cithrah thelus.” Sighing deeply he rested his head back against the shelf, yet another piece to this strange puzzle that he would have to figure where it aligned in the big picture.